Will we ever see another drastic change in anime culture...

Will we ever see another drastic change in anime culture, similar to the transition we got from the early 2000s to modern anime?

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don't know



nah, art never changes


Just fuck off back to already

Does 3D count?

Why does she have a beard?

No, moeshit is too heavily engraved in the industry now. The fat mouthbreathing audience will never go away, and creativity will never come back.

More excessive use of 3D maybe.

Fucking CG

Anime is dead

How can you manage to fuck this up?

>draw a fuccboi
>fuck bitches all day everyday
Why is this allowed?

Why wouldn't it be? It's great.

user... SOURCE

Artist is makoto skip or makoto daikichi one of these 2 names.

It's Makoto Daikichi.

His PokeDoujins are amazing.

You just made my morning.

This. Computer generated effects will eventually get good enough that people will stop complaining about them being used, and it'll become a novelty to see a fully hand-drawn animated series.

>it'll become a novelty to see a fully hand-drawn animated series.
It already is

this has to be the gayest straight doujin of all time

He could've at least made it futa on male

Probably, Japan itself is kinda due for some drastic changes what with their economy being shit for 2 decades now and their people not reproducing at all.


No, never. If the industry switches to complete cg, people will just go back to disney cartoons and shit.


Sauce boss?

>ah, after all the straight sex, here comes the gay
>they just hit him and go on their way
My dick was rused.

Is it bad that i thought this was an official mango afaption?

Can you repeat the question?

The industry is always changing. It changes in a large part due to the pool of previous works that become inspiration for later ones, but also due to the economic situation of the industry.

The big economic downturn of the 2000's hit anime hard because it's never been a very profitable industry with a wide margin for error. To cope, the focus of the industry shifted hard-right towards partnering with publishing companies. Light Novel adaptations are the big zeitgeist in the industry right now, because they mean that the studio has an easy and direct source of funding, and the product is all but guaranteed to succeed thanks to the pre-existing fanbase. Character design is easy because you're just adapting existing designs, you don't need a scenario writer or anything of the sort. It's cheap and easy for the studio and usually makes good returns. Unfortunately, LN popularity tends to be very boom and bust since their release schedules aren't as tight or consistent as manga. The result is flavour of the month popularity that dikes almost as quickly as it comes about, and so there's very rarely, if ever, reason for more than 1 cours adaptations. Publishing companies don't seem to really support their franchises very well unless it turns into a cash cow, and so it's just and endless procession of samey introductions

In the past, manga adaptations had a big position like that, but for whatever reason those have been usurped by LNs and you tend to see fewer major manga adaptations relative to LN ones.

New streaming services like netflix and whatnot are still nascent in Japan and haven't really caught on yet to the same extent they have in the west, but they represent the potential for a distribution platform comparable to the big VHS boom of the 80's and could turn the face of the industry upside down. The west is also in one of those "Japan is cool" phases again that makes them a more attractive market than they were through most of the 2000's

Will we ever see another drastic change in anime culture, similar to the transition we got from the early 2000s to modern anime?

>New streaming services like netflix and whatnot are still nascent in Japan and haven't really caught on yet to the same extent they have in the west
This reminds me of something I heard about how the Japanese, despite the image we Westerners have of them as technologically advanced, are actually slow to integrate new technology into their personal lives.

I wonder if that means the media evolution the West is seeing now will take a few more years to hit Japan as you implied.

Yes. Everything will be rotoscoped in the future.

Even manga?

Traced manga already exist.

Punpun was such garbage

>are actually slow to integrate new technology into their personal lives.
Its new
Its cool
Its hip for 3 months
Its a Japanese thing. They understand that a new cool product needs to be "New". You need to rotate your commercials for new ones, for new products, a lot.

Once more please. This time with a little more flare.

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