Would you trigger Human Instrumentality?
Would you trigger Human Instrumentality?
No, Sup Forums is a safe-space.
We aren't trigger-happy assholes around here.
I'm still not sure how it works so I will pass.
Why not, i don't see how it would hurt anyone
No, but I'd sure as hell trigger Reverse Instrumentality, where everybody gets an entire world to themselves.
Nope. Don't want to end up like these assholes in a thousand years
No. Anyone who says they would is a NEET loser. I like the world how it is.
Basically, everyone becomes a giant collective and there is no individuality.
I wouldn't do it.
Life would lose all meaning, it would be extremely boring
Yes, we all destined back to TANG
I'd just as soon not. I can connect well enough with other people without completely dissolving the barriers between us. Instrumentality is a dream for cowards who refuse to reach out and communicate with others.
No, To get in the robot I would have to get out of my room first.
Yes, in accordance with Yui's plan as depicted.
World without pain? Sounds nice actually
Legitimately, I don't understand why the heroes are supposed to oppose grand unification plots like this.
Is the illusion of free will and ego really so important as to deny eternal bliss?
>illusion of free will
I'm sorry what?
Dissolution of the self is effectively death.
Fuck yeah
This world should be thankful for the opportunity to die for a greater cause
Inb4 edgelord you know im right
free will is spook my lad
>illusion of free will
Holy shit, you realize no one with a brain even cares anymore, right?
No, not going to be the trigger man for some shady organization that wants to become one with an alien.
No. The reason individuals exist is because you guys are assholes.
Sure if it meant I can come back.
Only with Asuka
Human instrumentality = no more 2d feet
Nope. Strong minded people will eventually start coming out of the tang and it will be bad times.
No! I'm willing to wait for humanity to evolve on their own terms!
Asuka and Shinji are not strong minded
If it means that I will be immortal, then i would do it without hesitation. Although I am religious, and I believe in heaven and hell, i still don't want to die. I have committed so many horrific sins in my life, that I just can't confess, so if I die, I go straight to the deepest parts of hell. That's why it would be better to live as an immortal counciousnes than to die and suffer for eternity.
No, it would be boring as ship, I pass for the broken world
Would it get my mom to stop nagging me about getting my life together?
No. Fuck Gendo and fuck SEELE nolifers. Being man means fighting.
You would be your mom. You would personally feel her disappointment in you.
If nobody cares why is it such a recurring point in fiction and extolled as a virtuous protagonist who upholds it?
Then you die every time you fall asleep. Sure hope you got enough caffeine to last the rest of your life.
But I resurrect every morning, so what's the problem?
Then shouldn't Shinji's partial instrumentality be the best for everyone?
Anyone who wants to resurrect can do so. They clearly retain enough of an identity within the chamber of Guf to decide that.
No. Attaining pleasure requires functional senses, which in turn require individuality. Hedonism is the raison d'ĂȘtre for most people in the modern world. Instrumentality would be more akin to a state of stasis.
Just youre too weak or lazy enough to get up and do something doesnt mean you dont have the freedom to do it
Nobody is disagreeing.
>he actually thinks the universe is nondeterministic
Im all ears for the reasons why universe wouldnt be
Can't you experience all the possible feet you want once in the tang? Since you become one with humanity? Wouldn't you be able to "access" all the feet stuff and fantasies, ideas that ever existed and will exist?
I guess it's a matter of method of thought but I find the nondemolition principle to be very convincing.
Yes but only if the human instrumentality project went like pic related.
>illusion of free will and ego really so important as to deny eternal bliss?
That's a good point. I'm sold then, I don't really care about anything else anymore anyway
Did she see Jamal's big black manflesh?
If instrumentality happened I could finally understand what Anno thinks
Depends. If I have to live on the shithole earth becomes afterwards I think I would rather become tang.
He thinks you should stop caring about a show from 20 years ago.
note that in instrumentality you would be with your respective waifus, no matter how shit they are
I mean, all the artists who drew all the pics you ever fapped to and all the footfags are also in the tang. It sounds like a good deal to me. Maybe you could even lick 2d feet for all eternity in there.
In any case I'm pretty sure getting tang'd is the superior choice.
Tang has no senses to admit new information and no ego to have ideas. Everything that will ever be in there is already there.
Shut up Stirner. You're a disgusting rodent. I hope there is a hell because if there is, you're in it.
This user knows. Came to post this.
This too.
Gun yourself down Pearse, human sludge.