Sunshine will save anime
Sunshine will save anime
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No it will be even more generic money milking manufactured idolshit niwaka bait than the original Love Live.
I can already imagine the doujins of the diver girl. Glorious.
Nah, Macross saved it already
Nice bait.
Also best girl pic related.
It's a derivative of the original.
Yohane best girl. And possibly the only reason I'll watch is for her.
They all look like shit. This will be a flop and you know it
Looking forward to the next season.
Macross v Sunshine.
This. They suffer from awful sameface and samebody.
I don't know in nipland but for me it will pretty much be Mikumo vs Dia & Mari.
None of them will beat Maki though.
>Trusting a sunrise sequel to be good.
It will save anime by flopping and forcing Sunrise to make something good again.
Proof that yuri subtext is better romance than avarage het
Only yuri because otherside is awfudlly stupid, blerght
>something good again
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
There goes the threads.
>Tony Start
Mugino finally realises people were catching onto his shit?
Jesus christ what the fuck
Remember kids to avoid threads if you want to enjoy the show
Riko will save anime.
It's Mugino.
no nico, no life
>Chika is Honk 2.0
>Maru got ruined by being a Rubyfag
No they fucking won't.
Yuri subtext is not yuri.
>Chika is Honoka 2.0
I like her already.
39 more days
Reminder that this shit is going to air together with 8 fujocraps. Do not forget to laugh hearty at the fujos and idolhaters who would go full buthurt at how Love Live symphon all the sales.
Pin point on the fujos, though. It's not everyday that the market released far more than what they can afford to support
Who the fuck cares
Shitposters such as I
I don't care much about the franchise. All I seek is all the magic that will happen in the threads.
The collective anal clench and devastated sides that will litter every post shall be a banquet worthy of a royal audience
Took me a long to figure out it was Kanan.
compared to the first love live cast, these girls look like they have no souls/personality.
Why is Dia such a fucking shit?
>save anime
Reminder who is best sunshine.
She sounds like a seagull with those "whats".
This looks familiar
>Sunshine will save anime
Praise anime?
Cannot unhear.
Anything and everything can save anime when it's just a meaningless meme phrase
It never had a chance now that enough people are aware it's a popular franchise for the 3rd TV series and post movie.
No, don't reply to him
Threads will consist entirely of people arguing if it's a flop or not using flimsy arguments and evidence. Also somebody complaining profusely about sameface every 10-20 post.
You stupid mother fucker.
It's too early for me to fap.
And about a fraction of it will be even remotely genuine sentiment.
>Threads will consist entirely of people arguing if it's a flop or not using flimsy arguments and evidence
I can already feel myself getting wet just by the thought of how badly the threads are going to be.
I am soooo gonna shitpost to orgasm and beyond. And I will spread this to cancerous levels
Don't forget all the shitposting we will have when, everyone find out that sunshine is outselling everything.
...ikuuu ~
You mean a new Mai Hime series user
This series is literally only good for porn.
If Sunshine does flop will Sunrise continue to make a true sequel for LoveLive despite the whole cast disbanded.
you have a month to pick your idolfu
It won't flop.
It would take inhumane skills to push a giant franchise off the cliff
So a "Nozomi/Eli merge into one" and an Umi clone will save LL?
>"Nozomi/Eli merge into one"
Silly, that's their daughter
Sunrise has the potential to do it
They were close to end Gundam, but Unicorn saved their asses. It's going to be interesting how Sunshine fares up and I expect this will be hit show.
>saving anime
>not killing it
Hoping for 60-70k sales and manimefag tears
You is love
You is live
I love You
Over a thousand people went just to visit some event of the cast talking. It's going to be a huge success.
This was released today and it's on nyaa.
How is it?
A bit better than CYaRon's maybe but very similar.
Just waiting for the Guilty Kiss release. The preview song is so good
Two weeks to go for that. I'm even looking forward to the legit preview to hear the second track. Probably in a week.
Instrumental is good but not the vocals. Hopefully they'll improve.
Picked mine months ago best girl in my opinion
Garbage designs/ same face
That describes both generations though
Those thighs will save my dick.
I was about to post that
I did that a few months ago.
You've got to step up your game user.
Why are shortstacks so great, Sup Forums?
They should have made this one be just the three first years.