Joker Game

Tsuda Kenjiro 'Jiro Gamo' is our spy for the next two weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Double Joker -

What? This guy gets two episodes?


Joker Game OVA Synopsis

>Adventure of Black Cat Yoru Part One

Whenever curious stray cat “Yoru” is hungry, he meets up with D Agency Fukumoto, who’s running errands at the fish store. Caught on by his scent, Yoru follows after him. Blinded by the hunger for fish, Yoru wanders into the Greater East Asia Cultural Society, there the training spies…

>Adventure of Black Cat Yoru Part Two

Succeeding in getting the fish from Fukumoto, he is then found out by cat-hater Miyoshi and is chased out of the Greater East Asia Cultural Society. However he learns of a conspiring plot that is sent out to entrap the D Agency and…

Is this the guy with the broken glass scene in the OP?

Joker Game Cast Comment: Iizuka Shouzou

>–Please tell us your impressions of this work–

It’s a genre really drawn out in anime, so in a way it feels like it’s a work that’s up in the forefront. The relationship of the characters are very complicatedly meshed together so the art and lines are very interesting so it might be able to let other similar works like this get a green light.

>–Please tell us something about your character–

Graham isn’t particularly superior in anything, though he is ambitious to some extent; he’s kinda a tanuki old man.

However, I believe an overly colorful character isn’t suited for this series, so in a way I made sure to act in a secretive, negative way.

>–Please give a message to everyone who is waiting for the broadcast–

It’s like a story of a far off unrelated world, but in actuality it exists closer than you imagine. I would be happy if you also think about their lifestyle and thoughts and discover something along the way while watching this. And I would like to also also glare at all the spies acting secretly behind the scenes in this world today.

I always thought this would be a lot better if it had an overarching plot so a 2 episode arc is going to be great.








I always feel suspicious towards the first poster on JG airing thread.

My question is kinda silly, but are you working in I.G, user?


Is this your first live watch thread? Although there isn't a stream



So did the show get any worse than episode 4?









End card

>Is this your first live watch thread?
Please, I'm following JG thread since its first episode, user. I'm just too lazy to ask til now.
>Although there isn't a stream

>1 1/2hrs till subs

I spy you

Sounds cute. Where was this announced?
Release date?

July 27 and September 27

>cat-hater Miyoshi

Worst spy

Thanks Chuusa.
Cant believe I have to wait until Sept to see Miyoshi. It hurts.

He'll probably appear again in the last episodes.

>[HorribleSubs] Joker Game - 08 [720p].mkv

Is Ayy Lmao-sama coming back?

These threads always confuse the shit out of me, because I feel like joker game would be a huge thread for speculation and discussion, and it's always just pictures. So what is everyones bets on blue suit spy? Double agent for D- Agency right?
I hope so user, I hope so.

No you don't, I'm behind you spying you faggot.

I like it a lot, but it's been to episotic to generate speculation

Sakuma x British Spymaster when?

so which ones die at the end?

does the one who adopted the kid and dog live?

.. ... .--. -.-- -.-- --- ..- ..-. .- --. --. --- -

01001001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01111001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101, 01100110 01100001 01100111 01100111 01101111 01110100.

I Iove his voice.

----- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- ----- .----, ---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- .---- ----- -----

>Iizuka Shouzou

it's pretty cool that even at the age of 83, he's still very active in the industry.

... . . 00110100 01110101

Screenshots are almost never taken from the shitty streams, they're from futakuro and stuff.

Stop using names that help news find things. They're supposed to find out on their own without outside help.

>These threads always confuse the shit out of me, because I feel like joker game would be a huge thread for speculation and discussion, and it's always just pictures.
You drew the joker.

Is someone here who read novels? Just interesting if this show follows the original source (I mean, did they cut a lot of scenes or not and so on).

Meh, this thread is dead

The woman on the left is a sleeper spy, the middle is a spy for Germany and the man is an american spy.

I feel so conflicted now. How can I love a man who hates cats?

Cats are awful. Miyoshi is in the right.

Like almost every JG thread, a shame.

At least it's better than having it filled with shitposters, I guess?

Suddenly war crimes.

>Actually decent episode
Well fuck, it's about time.

Never happened, this is a work of fiction as it says at the beginning of every episode!

I always post something but I wanted to watch some other anime first this time so I haven't seen the episode yet.

Yeah I'm glad the show is actually picking up instead of going all Gangsta on us.

It's getting really tense now. I'm getting excited.

Same, I'm afraid I must dislike him now.

>Tsuda Kenjiro

Picked up.

This is literally deader than Endride and Seisen Cerberus.

Did englishwomen even carry parasols back in the 40s? I know they still did at the beginning of the 19th century, but the 40s? That's weird.


Does that even still have threads?

It depends on the woman I guess. There are always people who prefer to dress themselves oldstylish or use accessoires that aren't common among the younger generations anymore in order to stand aloof from the mass or for other reasons.

Yeah, but I don't recall any of them ever having reached the triple digits. Joker game threads are pretty lively in comparison.

Well you're right, I suppose it wouldn't be weird for an englishwoman in her mid fifties to carry something out of fashion around.
Still can't help but think the writer wrote this thinking westerners are just as much white skin fetishists as the japanese are.

>Still can't help but think the writer wrote this thinking westerners are just as much white skin fetishists as the japanese are.

I know that this will get dangerously close to Sup Forums territory, but I've gotten the impression they pretty much are, outside of the tanning salon crowd.

He likes loyal japanese dogs

I feel like this show is kind of underrated. It's going under many people's radar, although I guess that's what spies do



I am not a fan of tanning and hate how the sun burns but I am pretty much alone with that. Most others in my country use holidays and every free minute in summer to lay around outside and get tanned. Most people look even kinda stupid with it. There are different forms of tan depending on the skin type and many people are just getting pink like cooked lobsters when they do it.

So who's the best spy? Miyoshi is still my favorite, even if he does hate cats. Nobody's perfect, after all.

Pic related

Miyoshi is best boy but I would have to say Fukumoto

I need to sit down and watch this ep. Is Gamo interesting enough for a two-parter?


Fukumoto so far although the last guy was pretty good too. Have yet to watch today's episode.

I absolutely cannot distinguish or remember the faces of all the D-Agency spies, but this is one of them right? So he's either betraying them or infiltrating the Wind Agency?

Does he have a horn? What's with that new duel disk?

JG thread tend to last a few days though, even if it's just "which Joker would you Game" over a certain point.

Getting the feeling we're getting our first dead spy next week.

So user, which Joker would you Game?

yeah, they have been quite a bit too efective for their own good. On the other hand, they are working under peacetime.

Yeah, I think so.

I do the same sometimes.

>not endthisride

In some EP they said that's the only time they can work, once a war starts is over for them or some shit like that.
Yeah yeah, I know.
>trusting a spy

All of them.

That and this spy has the broken glass thing in the op, seems like a signal for his death.

Is he going to betray both of the Japanese spy agencies and instead go to the Chinese/German/Britbong?

Wonder if we'll ever get a Germany episode. That could be interesting. Or Russia.


So D-Agency is outspying the other agency?

People get afraid of giving sausage parties a go. I'm glad I picked it up, it's one of my favorite shows this season.