ITT: Anime characters that you would go gay for

ITT: Anime characters that you would go gay for


>inb4 Gilgamesh, Itachi and Levi

if you would go gay for any character, you should face the fact that you are actually gay


False, there are characters I'd go straight for but I'm a giant irredeemable faggot.

Who wouldnt?


then you're bi

Is it gay when they genderbend?


I'd become a girl for him


fuck you

This qt.

Finally someone who likes Haruichi.


Would baptize myself in lily soaked waters and renounce the pipe for this.

Not Johnny. Fucking scrub

You can always count on user for colorful imagery.


I'd go gay for Araragi in a heartbeat desu
I mean GOD DAMN those abs are something else


Manga/Japanese webcomics count, right?



>all those stupid tasteless cunts posting traps
>only a few educated men posting bishounen


This counts, right?