Take back the red pill Sup Forums

I can't stop seeing it anymore Sup Forums. Everytime I walk outside, I see everything that I was never meant to see.

>Checking out groceries at kroger, Madonna is on the cover of People magazine, with all her niglets, one wearing a shirt "the future is female". mad.jpg

>working my job, co-worker comes up to me. What do you really think about black people user? I want your opinion as a white dude. wtf.jpg. Is this an inquisition?

>Go on the interwebs. ACLU makes a tweet featuring a white toddler with the caption "the future we want". Virulent backlash ensues. Realize these people are literally triggered by the very existence of a white baby.

>More letters are added to LGBTQUERTY every month and nobody is saying shit about it. They just appear and everyone gormlessly acts like they've always been there. Just like the people in 1984 who have always been at war with Eastasia.

I can't stop seeing it anymore. And its getting increasingly more difficult to keep my awareness hidden. I live in Richmond and before all the bullshit this weekend, people were talking about the confederate war statues. About how they hoped they could get torn down. And I piped up "I hope they stay up". The looks of fucking shock. It was like I had just told people the earth was flat.

What do Sup Forums? I've voted left wing for every election since John Kerry. I still believe in liberal tenets but I cannot deny what I see anymore.

Who cares about madonna. According to the bible she shouldn't be alive, don't worry she will burn in the Lake of Fire.

>black people
They don't exist, niggers are a beast of the field cursed with their blackness because their eyes are full of adultery

Yes some animals don't like humans, alligators will eat your babies. Keep your children away from animals and keep a leash on your nigger or spic

The bible says to kill fags and that they're an abomination, they will burn in the Lake of Fire

>I still believe in liberal tenets
You mean conservative values now. There's nothing "liberating" about "liberals" today who use it as a mask for white genocide. The way you deal with being redpilled is bettering yourself and seeking even more information. Don't fall to the Liquid Jew and other bullshit keeping you down. Expand your mind by going further.

Dude. The elites want to create a Soviet Union 2.0 only with better technology and polluting water so that you become harmless. Why do you think governments are so big nowadays. Because the elites since Lessing and freemasonry want to fucking change human nature

>(((Communist Russia 2.0)))

remember that if you are going to snap, take care of some kikes and niggers on your way out


Snapping is for retards. Never snap. Be fruitful then multiply.

I know that feel bro

Used to be a Leftist. Used to assume I had the moral authority. Used to think Conservatives and religion were stupid. Amazed people could be that stupid.

Laughed off the browning of Europe and America as inevitable... but that never sat well with me. The European cultures gave the world so much... why should they be permanently discarded in the name of corporate profits and appeasing minorities who have benefited so much from being allowed to permanently move to those countries? Then I started thinking about what's happening in Europe, the "new normal" of desert barbarians murdering and acid-attacking people in the street. They scream about their religion as they do it... but don't blame the religion...

I can't remember which attack, gang rape or mass-groping it was, but after one of them I decided that I'm against the Muslim invasion of Europe and I don't care if that makes people call me a racist. So that's when I woke up.

And when you wake up you start to see all of it. The media are propagandists and liars, with an absurd over-representation of Jews for some reason. Muslims want to kill us, Chinks want to steal everything we have as revenge for the opium wars, Mexicans and blacks have been brainwashed to feel what we have is theirs and they should "steal it back". And in the face of a world where EVERYONE has jealous hatred of white people, we're being taught to be as accommodating as possible and just hand out endless gibs to these grasping parasites as they insult and scold us. NO.

There's a reason the world's rich want their kids to grow up in our societies. We are better. What we have is very, very special. And we're going to ruin it if we dilute it with too many resentful people who come from shit cultures that are unable to build a decent society for themselves and are personally ruled by inferiority complexes, emotion and greed alone.

tl;dr lift & read the Bible

Honestly, I think this is right. I was an ardent Bernie supporter in the last election cycle, and the way he was treated. It was intensely racial. I think that was my redpill moment, when I literally watched on CNN as "democratic party activists" claimed Bernie had no path foreword because only white people were supporting him.

I saw identity politics in all its ugly power in that moment, and I can't stop seeing it anymore. I can't. It's cliche to say that it physically hurts, but it really does. I honestly believed in an America that could look past race and ideology. But not as the expense of who I am as a person. I cannot be anything less then a white man, and I cannot accept that I should be ashamed of being that.

enjoy friend :) you will lose your friends and your career

Just wait until you learn from who the pathology of anti-white race subversion comes from if you haven't. And just as important is the why. If you aren't redpilled into the origins of the Illuminati 300 years ago and how it achieved the NWO-Zionist branch in the past 200 years, and how it is subsequently funding every major global war since, you need to understand it. All paths intersect there. The result is the leftist-communist anti-white (((Talmudic-rooted pathology))) you see today. The New World Order (one world government under Zionist central planning) funds it and tribalism carries it into a natural hierarchy where underlings are clueless.

I'm not accusing Bernie of being part of that because to his credit he was a populist. However you can't have "socialism" without the strong "nationalism" part, along with major racial homogeneity to minimize behavioral clashes. Many socialistic principles that are open to free internal markets require high input (strong voluntary productivity) to keep the cycle of high output.

Notice how retarded leftists always point to Denmark and such as examples of socialist ideas working. Yet they're too brainwashed by communism to make the connection that those areas are almost 100% racially-culturally unified.

I feel the same way, but I started seeing the light ever since the Affleck Maher incident happened. It does not help that Unite the Right types keep the leftist narratives afloat.

Can there ever be a return to rationality and a discussion of the weighting of factors whenever issues are brought up? I doubt it honestly - too much money to be made simplifying things into a cartoon.

Honestly, I believe most Jews are just as clueless as the rest. Look at the Ultra-Orthodox. Those dudes hate Israel and the Zionists look at them like they are some sort of black sheeps in the family. Sanders is a Jew too, and the media establishment went all out to sink him.

Why do newfags never listen?

Pull up a chair, user. You're one of us now.

Why stay hidden? Who cares what retards think. If someone is saying something autistic you call them out for it.

Read these replies, the culture is changing.


>I do so love that post

Averages vs. individuals. Averages apply to groups. Groups matter.

That's what I mean by:
>tribalism carries it into a natural hierarchy where underlings are clueless
The pathology is nevertheless there. It abundantly translating into subconscious and conscious anti-white subversion. That's why under 2% of the population who are part of a cult/Judaic-rooted ethnic identity literally govern over 95% of all media conglomerates, finance, and non-STEM humanities academics of "higher" learning. All it takes is one CEO and they begin to hire from within. It has nothing to do with merit or intelligence. It's simple tribalism. This is mere reporting on facts. Understanding it exists is the only way to push back and stop the white genocide plotting and hatred.

I've been right wing since the 90's, so... I've been waiting for this for a while.



>And I piped up "I hope they stay up". The looks of fucking shock. It was like I had just told people the earth was flat.
>I still believe in liberal tenets but I cannot deny what I see anymore.

it doesn't matter if your beliefs were liberal 10 years ago, you're one of us now

nice job mentioning 1984 last otherwise nobody would have read your post.
This guy knows how to post

Very well put.

It's hell isn't it?

Yep. Its hell. Just look at the Bradley Manning scenario. The former head of the CIA had to virtue signal about how the traitor not being a tranny had nothing to do with his opposition to him being granted a fellowship at harvard.

Set aside the gender pronoun. A senior government official had to play lip service to the feels of a traitor just because he had chopped his dick off and started identifying as an oppressed identity group.

What does that say about the state of things, when we have to add qualifyers to our opposition to giving convicted felons a pass?

And this is in Trumps America. I am terrified to think about what it is like in Europe.

Also ex-libtard here. I'm still pretty much a libertarian/minarchist but with a hint of race realism now.