Anime /tg/ likes
Green = Enjoyed
Yellow = Indifferent
Red = Bad.
Strictly anime, ignoring the source material.
The only change if you consider the manga is Jojo becomes Green.
>OVA & Movies as their own genre/category.
>Moe shit on left
>Decent seinens in the middle
>Good series on the right
M has the best taste
Is this the dubs thread?
No this is /l/ thread.
Why is Sup Forums taste so good?
Yeah, pretty nice, but why don't you check my 5?
>all that shit taste
Saddly i watched everything
/m/ hates stardust memories though.
No one cares about your shit taste
Real men don't watch anime
t.real men
Based /m/
It's not that we don't give a fuck abour you opinion but
Haven't you heard? Only a small amount of people on Sup Forums actually like anime still. Everyone else just shit posts about it.
It's beginning to look an awful lot like one.
>Sup Forums likes gayshit
>Sup Forums likes anime for adults
Why are there so many KyoAnus shows for Sup Forums?
Sup Forums loves highschool boys though.
Because OP is a faggot who should speak for himself
>someone will actually fall for this
>Sup Forums has better anime taste than Sup Forums
>Sup Forums has better game taste than Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't like anime.
What ? Do you think Berserk is a shoujo ?
Obsessing too much about one subject = acquiring shit taste in that domain.
You should replace Stardust Memory with Turn a, everyone knows /m/ is Turn a territory.
What the fuck is kill la kill doing there kill la kill yourself.
What does Sup Forums like?
>Anime Sup Forums likes
Dragon Ball.
They have daily Dragon Ball threads on Sup Forums, and the Dragon Ball threads here are full of them.
All the anime on OP's list together aren't discussed as much as DB.
samurai flamenco is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Major and Slam dunk
girl Sup Forums likes
Maki a cute
/m/ hates mecha.
Sup Forums hates anime.
What about all the Dragonball shit on Sup Forums?
or maybe you could enjoy stuff from all three boxes and not be a fucking faggot
get some original opinions christ
stop this forced meme kk
All three are good