Your First Waifu

Post the first character you've seen that you could ever call your "waifu". First Husbando also allowed.

>No shame in posting from a bad anime here; everyone was a newfag once.

For me it's Mako from KLK, since she was the first real moe girl I'd ever seen.

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female anime or manga character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.

Thanks for reading!

My first waifu is a drawing

Kari from digmon, what sort of faggot takes this long to get a waifu, I had mine since I was 4.

Waifu for a character you liked existed before the tulpa definition.

You ought to probably lurk more too.

>First Waifu
>Implying others
Die. Or leave.

From the context of your post, indicates that you don't belong here.

Waifu existed literally to mean wife.
Not 'my favourite wife of this month'
This shit aint' las vegas


>Mako from KLK, since she was the first real moe girl
Goddamn, wiafufags are fucking cancer.

Who do you think you are, punk? Do you want the bancho of fight club slap your shit?


Are you not allowed to divorce your waifu?

> divorcing waifu
Why would anyone do that?

Think about the daughterus and animony.

My first waifu is the same as my current waifu. We have been together for 15 years now.

> antimony

>mein waifu
Is there anybody more based than Kimura sensei

Your first waifu is your last waifu.
Kill yourself, divorcefag.

>your first waifu
You mean the one that is still my current waifu?


Who cares about first waifus, only your latest waifu counts.

Not without a papal dispensation.

Kill yourself, newfag.

I have switched waifus so many times I don't even remember who was first. Maybe erza or sakura

Kill yourself

>erza or sakura
Did you just turn 18 man?


Mako? that's weird, I mean I've seen people like her for her guts but not waifu her, I mean, she's not even attractive.

In 6 years my waifu has only been revealed within the last week.
Maki a best

Not even kidding, it was like my first harem, or at least I felt that way, like "oh dis ade a lot of cude ladies, I wanna marry all!!".
D-don't laugh.
Anyone with a similar experience?

>How you make your previous " waifu "s feel.

This turns me on.

Love at first sight.

My first anime fap, so I guess she's my waifu.

Ghost is literally best girl there is no alternative

Tbh the vampire and the ghost give me a boner. /tg/ did sexy stories for all of them being in college. Wish i saved them.

I'm taking it to mean the OP is sufficently new that Mako is literally his waifu, because he has not been around anime long enough to have developed one before the series aired.

My first crush ever.

Thats not what waifu means, newfag.

This little guy here. I was six years old when I fell in love with my first 2D husbando.
He's the purest.

First one has to also be the only one.

Yomiko Readman from R.O.D
Smart, homely but still charming. And around at the time I was just getting into an I'm but heavy into reading books. My only waifu too now that I think about it.

First? She still is to this day

And still has yet to be dethroned

Not exactly very good is it.

Can you have more than one waifu?

If you're a filthy peasant or Muslim.


Not even the best girl in the show

Marlene from Blue Gender was my first semblance of waifu ever.
By the way, is this anime considered any good around here?