How does the alt right plan on furthering the white race when their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are...

How does the alt right plan on furthering the white race when their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned

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>pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned
I agree. They aren't Islamic enough.

>Implying women have political positions and don't just do what they're told

We do have way too many betas though.

How re their Politics disgusting regarding women?




You try telling some random white woman who doesn't know you that you are entitled sexual rights to her because you too are also white and see how far it gets you


It's not "disgusting", it's just super sexist.
>9. Women and Sex
>Women, as mothers and caregivers, are key to the future of our race and civilization. We oppose feminism, deviancy, the futile denial of biological reality, and everything destructive to healthy relations between men and women. We must overcome today’s debased and lonely “porn culture” and return to a sexuality that is fruitful and erotic in the truest sense of the word.
Eh it's kind of sweet desu.
But you've gotta know your fucking place in the altright utopia.

Fucking neck urself m8.

Provide sauce on that claim, you're just making shit up aren't you?

Women can die alone in the ethnostate

Go to any of the "racemixing" or "blacked" threads

Who the fuck put this idea in your head?
The Alt-right dosent say they are entitled to White bob and vagine because of the fact that they and said women are white you libtard!

>calls Alt-Right disgusting
>is a democrat

Artificial wombs


>Left promotes the end of the white race (including women), abortion and race mixing
>Right promotes traditional lifestyle for women, aka stay-at-home mother

How are you this retarded?

>rights for me not for thee

And you wonder why the alt right will never get anywhere

Your just some stupid Nibber whos upset at the fact that all the good White women are Taken and have been thoroughly Dixied.

Why are you stealing clips from a shitty TV series

Gibs Betty GF plz!

No one said that and you know no one said that

Explain to me why women are so extremely supportive of migrants and refugees that actually behave in ways that all women consider disgusting?

>their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned
Women are not meant to be in politics

>Right promotes traditional lifestyle for women, aka stay-at-home mother
Eh while that is the view of the right, OP is prob talking about the massive amount of edgy faggots that go on about how women are nothing but holes to produce children and constantly talk shit about them instead of promoting a womans traditional role as being something to admire and respect. The latter seems prevalent on Sup Forums

Tfw you live in the Pennsreich and wont get hot Dixie women.

>implying those two are mutually exclusive
Shit man don't you think we wish women were actually good at something other than to produce children?

I've got the feeling that before you can buy/rent an artificial womb for personal use, someone well funded will use them to create a secret army of super humans with unheard of strength and wits. Why bother with eugenics when you can cut straight to the chase with gene splicing?
Come on, Sup Forums. You know this is the only proper way to use this level of technology. Why blow out just the roasties when you can blow them all out?


>Having a say in politics
Fuck off

But they do, a few extremists aren't going to sway 50% of the vote nor will they convince the other 90%^ of men who see a bunch of weak chinned neo nazis begging for reproductive privileges as someone to associate with

Explain What this is?
Ps I also live in Georgia

>Shit man don't you think we wish women were actually good at something other than to produce children?
Thanks for proving my point. Women see shit like that and think the right thinks they aren't even capable for what they say is their role in society. Theres a big difference in saying women are only good at PRODUCING children nothing else and saying they are good at producing AND raising children also taking care of the homelife of their children and husband who happily provides her the opportunity to do so not seeing her as a leech or "ball and chain" but instead respecting her in that role. One scares women off the other does not.

No one cares in 2 different threads, now, fag

>larping this hard

>Irrelevant clips from the CW
What the fuck is your malfunction donkey flag?

Speaking of Female empowerment ....user's does this woman make you wanna invade Poland? If she does Change your flag to a Nazi one.


try pragmatic

just hit his arm. what a dumbass

Are these not the same things

>lel defend my alt-right strawman
Delete your Lili folder. You are not worthy.

I'm 100% sure you are a white pride shill just doing these threads as a psyop

>their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned

The (((MGTOW))) virgins that post here occasionally do not represent Sup Forums.

>potato nose
>fridge body

But the Indians do now...

>How does the alt right plan on furthering the white race when their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned
FTFY And I honestly don't know

>How does the alt right plan on furthering the white race when women are pretty disgusting as far as their politics are concerned
FTFY And I honestly don't know

women should be ignored and banned from voting.

I purposely omitted raising them, because women aren't great at raising children either.

>How does the alt right plan on furthering the white race when their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned
Women are sheep. They need a shepherd.

Also caring what women think is so 1994. Alphas lead. Women will follow. It has always been this way and always will.

Sexbots and artificial wombs. White women are too addicted to non-whites and being whores to form white families. Artificial wombs allows white men to have an endless amount of white kids and a sexbot/robot mother allows a family to have a real mother and a man to have a real woman.

The white women of today are garbage trash and deserve to get burned. They are obsolete.

Rape and submission of women. It's what they want, but they deny it because it makes them seem even more similar to Mudslimes

We have to ask ourselves why is it that women find this so offensive. The answer is simply because put message goes against the cultural status quo. So all we have to do to attract women is to change the culture.

See this? Digusting

Fucking oppression of women

White birthrates declined exactly when feminism happened, it is why it happened. It has given people with a high IQ less incentive to have kids, but people with low IQ more incentive to have kids.

And the low IQ people have kids generally more at expense of people with high IQ

This is why white people are dying off and shitskins are breeding out of control

Undo feminism, birthrates rise

But OP asserts it's the complete opposite, for no reason other than being "disgusting"

Must be a fuckin roastie

>Undo feminism, birthrates rise

Oh except niggers wouldn't if we keep abortion, it would drop I think

You mean women like Brittany Venti, Lauren Southern, and Brittany Pettibone?

Honestly, you just have to understand female evolutionary psychology. Women are evolved to be hypersocial because humans are such K selected animals. A woman who is pregnant and then caring for a small child is not as capable of gathering resources for herself, so she must depend on the social order for her survival. Women therefore are highly evolved to be attuned to social opinions, and be influenced by them. They'll essentially go along with whatever ideas are popular. As of now, the electric jew tells women that those ideas are anti-alt-right. If you saw any tv news following Charlottesburg you were bombarded with "muh ebul nazis" constantly. Therefore that is what women believe. Communism has been made cool.

But the great news is that, as they say, you only draw flak when you're over the target. The jew is so terrified of the alt-right that they have to slander it in this way. It's showing that (((they))) are losing, and they know it. Social movements like this tend to undergo a fairly long period of ridicule because they are upsetting of the extant social order. But when the social order flips, it flips fast and hard. And what happens then?

Well, getting back to our evolutionary psychology, women are also evolved for at least tens of thousands of years to be sensitive to war. Specifically, to the victors. Women are programmed to not be loyal to their husbands, brothers, and fathers. Instead, they will adopt the values of whatever group is most successful. In the past that often meant that if there was a war and your side was conquered, the victors took the women. Consequently they had to submit to survive. Today, our conflicts are mostly social rather than martial. When the alt right defeats the jew, the women will immediately join our side as though they were there the entire time.

Oh is that all

Force women into submission with diapers. All of them will be trained to call their boyfriends "daddy" and poop when aroused.

Obviously by artificial means using sex dolls and new biotech. There's no way I'm putting my wiener anywhere near an infested vagina.

So I dont understand, by saying "undo feminism" are you saying take away womens rights? Treat women as sub human? Force women to stay at home and not allow them to work or experience life? I mean are you serious? In the greatest nation on Earth, you want to treat women like baby making machines, nothing more? Do you see how fucking barbaric and backward this is? All life has equal value. This is a fact. The sooner you get used to it, the sooner humanity can evolve to the next level.

Not just feminism, but also hormonal birth control. It's part of a much larger system that not only provides the physical methods, but also conditions women to have averse emotional reactions to motherhood, while providing a philosophical framework that makes them think the things that are bad for them are actually good for them and the reason they suffer is not their own poor choices, but an invisible patriarchy.

you mean woman

>when their politics are pretty disgusting as far as women are concerned

Compared to what exactly?

By Kek, is this some form of troll? What does any of your hysteria have to do with feminism?

How is that possible? Does that man have a transvestite husband? Or does his wife larp as a man?

I dont know why dont you explain to me what "undoing feminism" means exactly? Because from what Ive seen all females want is to be treated equally.

That request is a bottomless pit. People are not equal

Because women take actions based on feelings instead of logic, and that is a big no no on politics. If you are not happy, you can enjoy Tyrone and his BBC
Nice trips m8

If you want to raise white birthrates, and promote a healthy society, you need to incentivize childrearing for intelligent, self respecting women. None of those aforementioned women want to return to coverture, where they would be legally beholden to some socially maladjusted misanthrope. By the way, misogyny IS misanthropy in its essential form; women are the bearers of children, they are responsible for the emotional labor of raising future generations of well adjusted humans.

Your post illustrates my point perfectly.

Cutesy 50's propaganda is not an argument.

Sigh, I guess I'll bite. Nobody truly believes all lives are equal. Thomas Sowell has a good treatment of the concept. Not even do people believe their *own* lives are equally valuable. That's why men will do incredibly dangerous things as occupations, like high wire linemen who work on electric transmission cables hundreds of feet above the ground. Those people are basically saying, "the value of my life multiplied by the chance I will die doing this is equal to what I am being paid."

Consequently, since equality does not exist, it necessarily follows that any movement attempting to force equality is doomed to failure. In the meantime it can only attempt to succeed by hampering others. The old metaphor is that if you have a concert pianist and someone who can't play the piano at all, the only way to make them equal is to break the pianist's fingers. Now no one can play, but at least they're all not playing equally.

As for feminism itself, while a complicated a multifaceted subject (for instance the feminism of Andrea Dworkin is nothing like the feminism of Christina Hoff-Summers), what we can rest assured of is that it is NOT some benign notion of equality. Feminism is a political ideology that is replete with dozens of tenets that followers must obey. It's not so very different from, say, liberalism or progressivism in that respect, except that the branding that feminists chose to use is something targeted at associating it with 50% of the population. Since it is an ideology, it is not in and of itself intrinsically good as you seem to believe.

Worse, it's part of the cultural Marxist ideological tree. It shares much in common with, for instance, critical race theory. Those ideologies were never designed to be straightforward for their own sake. Rather, they exist to drive a wedge into the population of the United States with the ultimate goal of collapsing civilization itself. Consider, what does "undo the Patriarchy" mean, exactly?

>Equality? Why would you ever want to be equal to a man? We have it way better than they do!
My grams gets it.

It's true. Old women look at feminism as absurd. Young women accept it as dogma. I think Milo has the right of it, though. He and Gavin, and a few others. Feminism poisons the minds of women when they are at the peak of their attractiveness and dooms them to unfulfilling lives with mediocre to crappy jobs and empty apartments reeking of cat piss.

Who fucking cares? Their job is to lay down, get fucked, pop out some babies, keep an eye on them til they're 18, and that's it. They are far too stupid for any sort of power or responsibility.

From an evolutionary point of view, you're not wrong. There's an old joke that goes why did God make women more intelligent than cows? So they don't shit themselves while you play with their tits.

alt light was a marketing meme
you still using that?

Women are irrelevant. They're sheep, so they'll follow whatever ideology is fashionable.

You're speaking like a feminist. Obviously misogyny and misanthropy are distinctly different things. Furthermore, women raising children is not emotionally laborious. They are literally evolved to enjoy it.

Nice try but your preposition is wrong.Now go and take some breath of HCN Moshe !

Thanks for the response user. I really wish we could all discuss issues this way instead of insulting each other and calling each other shills. I genuinely learned something tonight, and for once, I wasnt called a "libtard" and instead had something explained to me. Even if I may not agree with it all, I still learned something and saw your point of view. You made this democrat voting leftist think tonight, and I appreciate it.

>women raising children is not emotionally laborious.
That's when everyone knew you didn't know shit.

Ah, the "entitled" meme appears as if by (((magic))).

Most of the people here began as libtards. Soon your remaking will be complete. Don't forget you're here forever.

Well, for starters we can say that emotions are not labor. But beyond that, there is nothing a woman finds more rewarding than interacting with her child. They literally enjoy it.

Our goal is to redpill normies so that they'll save themselves and the white race by extension

We know we are unfit to be true revolutionaries or leaders

Would be more accurate to say a counter revolutionary fighting the foreign horde revolution that has been going on in White America for hundreds of years.

Also, as IQ rises, maternalism decreases in females, and aggression decreases in males. So increases in intelligence trend towards decreased behavioral dimorphism. Which makes sense because a surplus of these traits is at best redundant in modernized societies with low infant mortality. Anyways, the ethos of the Alt-Right involves glorifying archaic modes of living in the hopes of matching the birthrates of lesser mud races. The White Sharia meme is the best example of this. In this form of patriarchy the Alpha male is at the center of social life and lays claim to most of the wealth and status. In it's most extreme form the Alphas practice polygamy and rape lower status women with impunity. This strain of traditionalism cannot possibly gain widespread popularity in first world countries. So naturally it's proponents want to instate it through violent revolution and the radical subjugation of western women; ie. bringing the first world down to a lower energy state. ie. Savagery.

Faced with this, it's obvious that a person with a low risk taking profile (a woman) would probably choose gradual demographic replacement.

>Disgusting as far as women are concerned
Women are a lot more racist than they let on to be.

That's nonsense. There isn't some kind of rational choice being made where women reason out, "hmm, the white men want to have a revolution to create a society where rape is totally okay, but the brown men just want to destroy civilization outright. I'll choose brown."

In fact, there isn't even a god damn vote. Nobody is getting a say in whether or not we allow the fucking foreigners in except a handful of uberpowerful elites in 1965. For fuck's sake, we elected President Trump in large part to build the damn wall and ship the mexicans back! And now he's reneging on DACA.

Your analysis presumes something that doesn't exist: that all women in the country have the ability to accept or reject mexican migration.

I'm guessing Pennsylvania

FUCK I want this so bad


Leaf doesn't know shit about female psychology.