If Christians scrapped the "hating polytheists" thing and saw the bible as slightly less authoritative and pagans...

If Christians scrapped the "hating polytheists" thing and saw the bible as slightly less authoritative and pagans stopped getting mad over things that happened a millennium ago and acting like witch burners there would be little conflict between pagans and Christians and we could move forward recognizing all of white historical religion as legitimate and important.

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Stop posting porn.

Christianity is not a white religion. Not even a western religion.

Absolutely degenerate

>If Christians scrapped the "hating polytheists" thing

No can do. If the parents and grandparents of these degenerate larpers could be Christian, then so can they. There is absolutely no excuse for being a larper.

Don't post porn on a Christian board.

>If Christians scrapped the "hating polytheists" thing and saw the bible as slightly less authoritative

The Bible isn't authoritative for the most part though - that's been proven over and over again.

"Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to Kek what is Kek's"


Besudes paganism is a lie and sends you to the lake of fire

God doesn't care. You don't seem to have learned the first time, disobey him and you will be crushed.

I believe in God. A God. The only god. Creator of all. Creator of the Aryan Race. He bestowed Justice to the Aryans, and it is the duty of the Aryans to subjugate the Earth and wipe out all of the other races.

Do you realise that Christianity is mostly a non-white religion right?

Except for the fact that tons of Christian sects developed in Europe and not in the middle east. Roman catholicism, Anglicanism, etc. are European. Just like Mormonism is American.

christian and nordic myths have a bunch of things in common

We assimilated all of you and the result was the most coherent anti-islam front there could be without Europe being ruled by one empire.

Battle of Vienna, Crusades, Holy League? None of it would have happened if you'd been filthy pagans.

Christianity is the true religion
Polytheism/pagans worship the "fallen angels" of the book of Enoch.

Pagan Europe was nothing but barbarism, cannibalism, forced abortions, polyamous bullshit.

Could you get behind a KEK praising Deist?

Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.

Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.

Modern paganism is cringeworthy. Stop larping as your ancestors because you have a newfound connection through skyrim.

And christians aren't budging on polytheism. If you knew anything about the abrahamic faiths you would realize that isn't happneing. Polytheism is virtually dead across the entire planet.

Funny how the boundaries of Europe are identical to Christendom.
Also funny how the Western civilizations only ever existed in Christian nations.

Everything except the bible is white, and throughout much of Christian history the bible was only in Latin. The (folk) culture of Christian Europe was not based on an intimate understanding of the Jewish(and Roman)-oriented philosophy and mythology of the bible.
If Christians saw the bible how pagans see our texts, it would be healthier.
I don't believe that everyone was sent to hell until Christianity was concocted.
And you call pagans LARPers.
Why did he wait so long to tell the Aryans that he created them?
The bible is mostly nonwhite, definitely, but the culture that came from Christianity is more white than Jewish. There are plenty of times whites did "heathen" things throughout Christian history that showed that they were not turned into spiritual Jews by Christianity's influence.
I agree, but pro-white Christians must also honestly reckon with the religion's Semitic roots.
Baldur and Jesus, despite each having other characteristics that set them apart, are both sun gods. Odin's hanging on Yggdrasil has been compared to the crucifixion. What else do you know?
Pagans aren't incapable of confederating. I know they did it in Gaul against the Roman empire (when Rome was pagan). They lost, but you can't really blame anyone for being defeated by Rome. Arminius only secured part of modern day Germany by deception.

Christians got attacked way more by Muslims than vice-versa anyway though. Bill Warner likes to point this out because it increases Christian victim status. While Iberia was under Saracen control they sent people off to "retake the holy land" so I don't think it was quite the brotherhood you think of it as, not that there isn't good reason to idealize the Crusaders.
Most religions say a lot of the same stuff, so I don't think only one is true.
Wew lad
We can assimilate Kek like the Romans did with Mithra.

Kek is the Holy Spirit is Jesus.

Both his parents were Jews because they were observing the Torah.
Luke 2:39 – So when they had done everything according to the Torah of the Lord, they returned to the Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth

His parents observed the Passover :
Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.

All of his disciples were Jews, he was a Jew, they even called him a Rabbi:
John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”

John 3:1-2 – This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”

John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…

He didn’t come to destroy the Law (Torah) or End it :
Matthew 5:17 – Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

He went to synagogues :
Luke 4:16 – So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Luke 21:37 – And in the daytime He was teaching in the Temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

He wore the Jewish tassle (The Hebrew noun tzitzit is the name for specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans) :
Matthew 14:36 – (They) begged Him that they might only touch the tassle of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

He observed the Passover (The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses) :
John 2:13 – Now the Jewish Passover was at hand, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) went up to Jerusalem.

He observed the Succot (in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering) and taught in the temple again :

John 7:2,10,14 – Now the Jewish Feast of Succot (“Tabernacles”) was at hand. But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the Feast… Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

He observed the Hanukah (a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication) :

John 10:22,23 – Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) walked in the temple…

you want whites to actually follow a jew?

This guy gets it. We're going to have to work together and the divisors don't have their eyes on the prize.

spear stabbing
freya and mary

It's been a while since I read the eddas, but I remember finding some other parallels

>While Iberia was under Saracen control they sent people off to "retake the holy land"
Crusading began in Iberia where knights and their retinues/retainers/etc went off to fight the caliphates; long before the First Crusade. Christians were winning in Spain by the time crusader armies started heading to the Levant.

Much of what we know about Norse paganism comes from an Icelandic politician from the early Christian period of the country who wrote down a lot of religious poems, as a "guide for how to write Norse poetry" (I think he was really a crypto-heathen though). There probably wasn't a single Jew in Iceland at the time.

I don't know why India turned out the way it did, but I bet there are plenty of factors other than their religion.
I agree about the LARPing, although imitation of the ancestors is what tradition is.
Kek is more like a god of Ginnungagap.
I don't think there's any hope for whites who love Jesus to just turn pagan, and I think they will be significantly spiritually weakened if they do. I would rather acknowledge Jesus as a legitimate god someone can worship, especially if they come from a Christian family. Jesus and Baldur share a bit of the same nature in that they are both manifestations of the sun and the seasons, as well as the "ideal" sons of a fatherly god. I would like Christians to take those quotes less seriously, which is why I say that the bible is mostly Jewish and European/American Christianity is mostly white.
I'm sounding like Barbara Spectre here, but I don't think white spirituality is going to survive without Christianity being a part of it, especially because of it's historical significance considering the spirituality we need will also need to affirm who we are. We were pagans for longer than we were Christians, but Christians wrote a hell of a lot more records.
How do you think Freya compares to Mary?
I'll give you that and concede that my historical knowledge is not what it should be for me to be discussing the topic, but it is weird from a pagan perspective that their holy land would be in the Levant rather than in their homelands.

their archetypal nature of being the merciful, ideal housewives can associate them to a certain degree.

I don't know that much about Mary, although I thought Frigg was more of the wife-goddess - although it's not clear to me yet whether Freya and Frigg are distinct and they might be separations of the same goddess for mainly dramatic reasons.

Kind of like Mary and Mary Magdalene

Freya was also considered a whore because she slept with the 4 dwarves.

I'm by no means declaring they're the same, just mentioning a few things they might have in common.

I've seen it theorized that the four dwarves she slept with were the same dwarves representing North, South, East, and West from the creation myth, although I'm not sure what the significance of that would be if that was the case.
I know. I wasn't saying Jesus and Baldur were the same either.

Kek is the wrath of Christ.

I like the idea of a pagan-christian alliance. We can settle any religious disputes we have after we defeat Islam and Jewry.

I think alliance is possible right now, but I think a more profound reconciliation of both religions could become possible in the future and that's what I'm hoping for.

If they again take "no gods before me" to mean "kill polytheists" though, there will be no intra-racial peace after we've secured the existence of our people and a future for white children.

There is absolutely no reason why we can't be friends


Simple solution:
When we conquer the world, split it into Catholic, Protestant, and Pagan. We can discuss who gets what when we get to that point.

Pagans don't exist anymore retard. On the internet it's just atheists LARPing as pagans because they care about muh heritage rather than actually having faith. They're retards who think it will magically have a resurgence and save them from Islam and dwindling white birth rates.

It wasn't until recently that I seriously took in what it meant to "Find the Aryan Gods".

It has been rattling my mind for a few weeks now and my mind has been transfixed on blood and Hyperborea ever since I found my ancestry. It's worrisome, but sometimes I feel as though signs are given, even if they're small and may be irrelevant.


Fuck christcucks, the worst trick the jew ever pulled on us. So great was this trick that we are now forever divided. It was the ultimate d/c

Yeah, that would be ideal. There's some things I like about paganism, so it's definitely not something I want to see go away. I'd rather see it come back.

Of course. And the same would happen if pagans decide to pillage cities again.

It's definitely a small number of people who are still pagans, but I'm assuming pagans will grow in number in the years to come.

>but I'm assuming pagans will grow in number in the years to come.

Nobody will care about Odin, Zeus or Perun in years to come because there is jack shit reason for brown and asian people to care about this stuff.

And why should we care what other races believe?

>implying that crusaders weren't European and these countries didn't fight amongst themselves

>there is jack shit reason for brown and asian people to care about this stuff.
True, but the white people who are increasingly despised by the rest of society will begin to look towards religions/ideologies that will actually favor their heritage.

I'm not a pagan though, so I might not know what I'm talking about.

My point was there is already like 7% white people in the world, in 100 years there will be none. All mongrelized and nobody will care about anything other than their current affairs.

Not surprising. All ancaps are weak cucks.

Crusaders were, but like half of crusades were against other europeans.

As for the fighting among themselves, they did, but for rational reasons such as expansion and control. There was literally not a single example of a religious war before christianity. It didn't exist.

Ok so you are already resigned to defeat. Your opinion is meaningless especially when tiny populations have become massive in the past. All it takes is a change of circumstances. There used to be one blue eyed person, now look.

>There used to be one blue eyed person

The only difference is the helmets, so lets just wear these ones.
There are about 1,000 years between those civilizations.
We'll just fight each other for religious dominance if that happens and you know it.
Stop being buttmad.
What do you mean?
I like Varg and this meme. I am truly le enlightened Buddha.
Well, it happened, so what are you gonna do. No LARPing about killing vast swaths of people allowed.
I'm glad you want to see it come back, especially if you consider yourself a monotheist Christian.
Touche on the pillaging part. The raiding aspect of Paganism is really contingent on the "us and them" morality. I'm skeptical about the possibility of long-term unity of "the white race" without a perpetual other enemy though.
>Brown and Asian people
We're talking about white religions here.
"Pagans were united Europeans" is a pretty dumb fantasy
You're right on about it.
Top kike.
Well I mean, he's not wrong. That person wuz probably a neanderthal and sheeiiiit though.

Christians need to accept the fractal nature of this fallen realm and they will find the polytheistic pantheon extremely supplemental.... we need to use analytical psychology to understand the nature of these characters to know their affiliations..
saturn nox and lilith can gtfo with ares and gabriel


A pagan Europe wouldnt have survived the Muslim invasions, that is a fact. All the Robert E. Howard LARPing about hairy men in animal skins wouldnt have mattered without the unifying power that Christianity brought to Europe.

That is a timecube-tier name you're posting with.
>Something that never happened is a fact
I know his post was kinda retarded, but you don't need to be too.

Jesus Christ is the life, the truth, and the way. Sorry nerds

>"Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to Kek what is Kek's"


Do you have trouble telling left from right or are you saying /yourguys/ got their asses fucked?


ok cuckboy

Isnt written?
We will not have fellowship with darkness.



>Muslims never attempted an invasion of Europe sparking a whole shitload of Crusades that still get brought up anytime someone mentions Islamic violence

You dont get to call people retarded buddy


We'll definitely try to convert them like the early Christians tried to convert the Roman pagans. But paganism is infinitely better than nihilistic atheism.


The former

While it is better to have a god than no god. You should read what is written on the tombstones of Romans and Greeks. It is very nihilistic and blackpilled. Catholic catecomes? Not so, only joy.





This. I've no love for Christianity, but there are larger enemies to deal with. We can sort out each other after the kikes and other shitskins are gone.

I ain't reading all that shit.
Human sacrifices were performed, but they were basically sacred framings of executions.
Everyone knows this was written by some postmodern kike promoting homosexuality. Fuck off.
>Coming from a Roman
Gonna ignore these so I don't get mad.
A pagan Europe wouldnt have survived the Muslim invasions, that is a fact
Same about Christianity except for the evangelism part. The Worship of Jesus has only been at odds with the worship of other gods because of parts of the bible read widely only by the elite that didn't influence "folk christianity" nearly as much.
Kek. My mom does too. You're not as nice as my mom though.

That was supposed to be a meme arrow quote. I'm getting tired. I'm gonna go to bed soon.

Pagancucks were the plague of Europa pillaging,invading and raping the weak.Thank God they got crushed by true White Europeans

>sacred framings
yOU don't know Greek or latin don't you?

AS shown here, the word in Greek for a human victim of sacrifice is NOT the same as a ritual execution. The word is Offscouring, as the Scholia shows and Chilades, A sacrifices is when the sins of a man are transferred to another and then he is killed by a priest for the remission of sins.

As same in LATIN. The word for victim of a sacrifice is precise and not the same as the word for a man that is to be executed. YOU WILLFULLY IGNORANT MAN. YOU ARE WITOUT EXCUSE. WHO AREYOU TO ACT LIKE AN INTELLECTUAL. HAVE YOU SEEN MY HOUSE. ITS A FUCKING LIBRARY OF PAGAN SOURCES YOU NEVER EVEN HEARD OF

Eh, 4/10 larp, would've been better without the sperg at the end

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

>Claims to be pro-white
>Flagrantly disrespects the majority of his ancestors
Ironically posting a reddit image doesn't make your post any less reddit. He's been doing nothing but sperging since he started.

Sure showed me. BTFO

Don't accept their satanic paganism that will send them to hell. Instead, work to help them realize the truth of Jesus Christ.

I'm not surprised, any thread calling for an alliance between pagans and Christians draws the stupidest and most autistic from both sides.




No. Christianity is Judaism for the good Goys. Its entire purpose is to enslave us and to kill any resistance to the Jewish rule.
Christianity is an even bigger enemy to us than Islam. Christians are traitors. Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jim-jam.


Fucking Greeks.


Having an "alliance" with larping atheist is literally the dumbest thing I can think of, so of course not. Accept Christ or join the muzzies and kikes.

>We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His [future] manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father to gather all things in one, and to raise up anew all flesh of the whole man race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Saviour, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess to Him, and that He should execute just judgment towards all; that He may send spiritual wickednesses, and the angels who transgressed and became apostates, together with the ungodly, and unrighteous, and wicked, and profane among men, into everlasting fire; but may, in the exercise of His grace, confer immortality on the righteous, and holy, and those who have kept His commandments, and have persevered in His love, some from the beginning, and others from [the date of] their repentance, and may surround them with everlasting glory.

-Saint Irenaeus who was taught by Saint Polykarp who was taught by the Apostle John
Forever and ever amen

>16 posts by this ID and counting
>I'm the only one acknowledging you now, and it's practically entirely out of pity.
Can't people just follow Jesus and Thor if they want?
As it is with pretty much any controversial topic, but that's Sup Forums for you.
These two posts one after the other (leaving out the autist) are the incarnation of what I just said.




The autism is strong with him, eh? It really is a damned shame we can't civilly discuss things on Sup Forums, but the board is mostly underage so I suppose it's something to be expected.

I'm going to bed. Good night religious people who might be mad at each other and might not be.


>stopped getting mad over things that happened a millennium ago
Literally EXCUTHE ME tier.

Nah, complete bullshit. There is no pagan-Christian war, it's pagans hating on Christians, exactly like Jews hate Christianity. Paganism is also like satanism, it requires Christianity to define itself. The reality on pol is there is no real paganism on pol, it's just LARPing gaytheists and secularists who are fond of alternatives to Christianity but have no actual religion. They're nearly always nasty cunts who define themselves by how much they shit on what other people think are good. No matter what you believe, there's no current year reason to be antichristian unless you are some kind of human reject. It's one of the main reasons people still hate Christianity, besides the church of the fedora of course