I am back.
I finally managed a fast way to download the mango and transform it to png.
Continuing yesterdays dump where we left.
Starting chapter 2
I am back.
I finally managed a fast way to download the mango and transform it to png.
Continuing yesterdays dump where we left.
Starting chapter 2
>perfect foot on the cover
>it's not a foot fetish manga
This manga covers are highly unrelated with the actual content.
Read Houkago play first volume if you want some good feet.
Sadly the translation was dropped for some reason, 2 volumes still left raw.
It is already as Png in the MF folder
Meh fuck it i already did it myself.
Might start learning moonruines and start translating shit, the bunch of fags who leave shit raw pisses me off
Is this a foot fetish manga?
fuck forgot 19
Well, that was all for today
Thanks, OP. I should probably check to see if there's any new chapters since where I left off.
so can she really stretch her head like that or is it just part of the comedic value or something
It's a legit thing she can do.