Marxist teachers

Sup Forums , ,as an Ontario leaf I fear nothing more than sending my future children to the Marxist indoctrination camps that are our public schools.

How will you protect your children from coming home with heads full of the 6 different genders and white guilt?,,

>pic related

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Leave the country for Christ sake. Western countries are no place to rise children.

I want to man... I speak Russian but it's hella hard to move there as a Canadian

Considering Ukraine..

Teach them to be rebels within the school system. Whenever the teacher say something remotely leftist, teach your children to be rude as fuck against the teacher. Teach them to have no respect towards the teacher, deprive them of their right as an authoritarian figure. Now it is still important thatvyhe kid is doing good in school and the only subjects that really matter are math and basic writing/reading skills.

Enjoy your right to the children being taken. Also kids want friends and if all other kids are lefty ideologs...
Just choose the country where they teach patriotism in schools, i am sure there are some. Kids can overcome language barrier faster than adults.

Children do get taken away here if you don't give them gender reassignment surgery

You're welcome.

I'm familiar with what happens after they move to Chicago but I nevr heard of any of the shit that happened before that

There is nothing wrong with Marxism

anyon have any success stories about leaving th West?

I have golden handcuffs here. Money and pension and chit.

In what industry are you working in?

Enjoy your genocide studies class

I do financial software stuff with SAP

You should find work rather easily in our banking sector. If you are interested in poland that is.

There is nothing wrong with you being at the bottom of an ocean, commie scum

Kids leave school barely able to read or write.
But they can empathise strongly with opressed rainforest indians and all that shite.
Lol, good grounding there.

I thought Poland didn't like foreigners.

Could a white canadian get in?

>Considering Ukraine..
You should rather consider suicide

>I thought Poland didn't like foreigners.
Poland do like foreigners, we do not like mass immigration from countries with hostile ideology to our own though.

Этo лeгчe пoлyчить визy, бpaть
Я yшe пытaлcя Poccии.. He вoзмoжнo (
As long as I can get a long term visa. Hell, I'd teach English and live like a peasant if I could just get a long term visa