Redpill me on Veganism

Redpill me on Veganism.......

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you are a land animal.
your body requires land animals.

even in 2017? when technology can override circumstances presented to us?

Diet wise, Paleo is much more effective and healthier than Veganism/Vegetarianism. Flour is the ultimate culprit in creating Type 2 Diabetes.

But animals have feelings they scream...

Everything in moderation.

Why are you saying this when Jihadi have no qualms with eating dogs?

keto for the gains mang.

It's a cult

>But animals have feelings they scream...
So do niggers, but that doesn't make me feel bad when they get shot but cops

It's the internet, better yet Sup Forums, are you retarded?

all extreme diets are stupid


Moderation is a good argument against. I find that the more reasonable response to these cult seems like they lack lives so they compensate by caring for animals. They forget we are apex predators.

Only the balanced organism is a well organism.

german intelligence master race

and because humans are omnivorous I think it's not possible to get all the required things for the body to function properly only from vegetables.

Even the smartest vegan I know takes B12 substitutes, that alone should tell something.
Just because you can survive on something doesn't mean it's ideal, because nothing is.

Do it fagot. I hope you die of hunger in the process.

The most annoying threads ever to me, aren't bait or slide threads. They're the idiotic "hurr hurr """"RedPill Me"""" on (insert leftist/liberal idiotic idea here) There's nothing socially taboo and hidden because of controversy about veganism. It's a bunch of softy moralizing faggot hippies that won't come to terms with us being an omnivorous species that kills animals and eats them up. Not to mention we use them for all sorts of other things, like milk, and we use their body parts to make clothes, glue, and all sorts of other things.
Animals eat the hell out of each other, and they have since single cell amoebas. They aren't under any rule to be very humane about it either. Pack of predators will torture a prey animal just to have it dart around amusingly to them, then it alive from the ass to head with it's guts hanging out, then throw around the rest of the dead body as a form of play. They'll even kill and play torture for kicks and not eat the bodies if they find an overabundance of prey in one area and get full. That's just one example of nature, outside of human behavior. Your morals one way or any other don't mean shit to them, and they don't really mean shit to nature itself in general. Veganism is stupidity for self-important wanna be moral fags that's only somewhat viable in the modern world where the meat eating members of society keep things propped up for said moral fags to moral fag.

Fad much like anything else. Vegans spread lots of lies and disinformation about eating meat (see What the Health for example, which is pure propaganda comparing eggs to cigarettes for example, or claiming red meat increases chances of cancer despite being entirely misleading in its content).

Pretty much the key to almost any diet is to just eat a balanced diet, meaning you don't need to eat red meat / cold cuts every single day of your life, nor should you be drinking too much milk all the time or eating bread with every single meal. Of course so many health problems are food related, but it's less to do with what people are eating and far more to do with how often they are eating those things and not eating a balanced diet.

All of these health food diet fads have little to no basis in scientific evidence, and that's because the science of nutrition is constantly evolving and it's pretty damn immature, and testing nutritional claims is very difficult to do because of all the multitudes of factors that go into health problems in relation to diet. There's far too much misinformation that vegans and other fad diet followers capitalize on in order to "convert" people to their movements.

Have you been watching vegan propaganda? Try reading something sensible. Link related.

No I was recently shouted at by a few moronic cult members on campus and was wondering what were some of the opinions regarding Veganism on Sup Forums

Honestly I think in 100 years we'll find it barbarous to eat formally live animals. Technology will probably make raising animals for food obsolete and expensive as they figure out ways to replicate or grow tissue in labs. In like 50 years meat from animals will be a luxury item, as it will still taste better but be more expensive.

took the green pill 7 years ago and never looked back
go vegan OP. you can do it.

I support this message.

You will be the first to go when the purge happens. Cucks.

If everyone on the northern hemisphere jumped, would that cause Australians to finally fall of the face of the earth? Or do they have gecko feet to help hold them in place?

You'll be the first to be forgotten when the purge happens you irrelevant abbo subhuman

It's a waste of moral virtue. People only have so many scruples, and caring about the suffering and death of a creature becomes diminishingly reasonable the more different it is from you.

Cegansim is dumb. Vegetarianism is based. Even Hitler was a vegetarian
Be like hitler.

Just because you can't fathom giving a shit about anyone or anything outside of your immediate family and friend group doesn't mean the rest of aren't capable of it.

Compassion is strength.

Most of the people who are B12 deficient are meat eating people. B12 is created by bacteria and the only reason meat eaters get it is because the animals are injected with it. Our food production is too sanitary now. We would have got it from soil on our VEGETABLES and from our stream water.

Most people start doing it for the health benefits.

at this point I'd argue animal products are pretty unsanitary (except pasteurized dairy) and your risk of e.coli or some other foodborne illness almost makes it not worth even eating meat. Dairy should be fine unless you are lactose intolerant (most of the world is) and in most people causes inflammation but nothing so bad as to eliminate it 100%. Veganism is kinda bullshit cause you could eat whatever you want just ADD green veggies and make sure you have enough fiber then there should be no problem. I mean everything you eat has risk, getting a soy latte and eating french fries everyday is vegan but good luck on that. Fucking 'food movements' are to be as ignored as 'religious movements' just common-sense eat and that should get you like best of all worlds. Honestly after seeing footage of factory farms, butcherhouses, reading from food inspectors about e.coli risks, salmonella, I try to avoid animal products but no reason to go MILITANT VEGAN. unless you ... oh fuck this I'm typing too much I know nothing just do what you feel like doing, don't be part of some dumb herd that thinks for you.

>I know nothing
best part of your post.

Who gives a shit, you can eat cardboard bro, it's your life... Land of the free eeeeeee!!!!

Militant vegans are a poor example of vegans. There's next to no difference between reducing your consumption of animals products by 99%, which anyone in a developed country can so overnight without issue, and reducing your consumption of animals products by 99.99%, which will make you go mental and lose friends. 100% is literally impossible.
The 99% reduction is worth striving for.

>b-b-but lions kill animals
>muh canines
>plants have feelings too!
>what about protein?

are all examples of non-arguments by certified brainlets.

Don't you think you thousands of critters, let alone tens of thousands of bugs get killed to make your veggies? Esp for soy farmed in brazil

What are health benefits of sniffing your own farts?

It's only worth debating ethics. Nutritional reasons can only possibly justify a vegan DIET, but even then, 90% of the West eats like shit and wouldn't convince them. A lot of the nutritional arguments for it are also subjective or double-edged.
As for ethics, vegans try to argue against killing predatory animals for no reason. Reason's like "they lack a moral conscious" defy the definition of veganism, which is minimizing sentient animal suffering, and could be used to justify preserving invasive species. Placing value only on sentience is retarded because any rational human being wouldn't save a hypothetical hyper-sentient insect with 20,000 senses over a human whose a CEO at an aerospace engineering company. My justification for killing subhuman animals is that they can't reciprocate significant social contracts, nor do they have the potential to. They also don't have any loved ones whose social contract that you must respect forbids killing said animal.

Not thousands of critters, no. Over my lifetime? Maybe pushing a thousand, at a stretch. Combine harvesters don't munch up thousands of mice, contrary to meat industry propaganda. They do reduce cover, leaving the critters as easy prey for passing birds. Regardless, what do you think we feed stock on? Even "grass-fed" meat is fed on combine harvested straw in the winter.
The soy I consume comes from Australia, but deforestation is a big problem, I agree. Again though, most of the crops being grown in brazil are feed crops.

Vegans are tearing apart the fabric of society.

Their beleifs are ignorant and not tolerate.

Support your local butcher.

You have a strange notion of sentience. I don't believe insects are more sentient than CEO's and don't know any vegan who does.
We also don't tend to ONLY value sentience, we merely give more value to sentience than most omnivores.

>Their beleifs are ignorant and not tolerate

this is what meat consumption does to the brain.
say no to meat

I said hypothetical insect. If there was an insect who had supernatural perception, would you save it over a human? It shows that the "name the trait" argument's misleading, because if multiple factors give life value, then it's not "the (singular)" trait.

I'm just not sure we need to consider hypothetical supernatural insects in deciding how to best live our lives.

Enjoy your heart attack Wendell.

>you are a land animal.
>your body requires land animals.
this fucking level of autism, it's beyond comprehension.Btw how is your morbid obesity amerifat ?

I think that anybody who only places value on sentience absolutely does need to consider my hypothesis.

>Militant vegans are a poor example of vegans
>go mental and lose friends
>100% unbearable
so fucking true

A person is more sentient than a chimpanzee which is more sentient that a pig which is more sentient than a chicken. Plants are non-sentient. Hypothetical supernatural insects don't exist. I can form the same ethical conclusions with or without my previous sentence.

It's an eating disorder, there is a reason why they make absurd arguments for veganism and are not swayed by facts.

>carnism is an eating disorder, there is a reason why they make absurd justifications for eating meat and are not swayed by facts.

Soy is the only good plant based source of leucine and soy is horrendous for your health as it contains estrogen analogues and antinutrients. A vegan diet is a good way to atrophy away and put yourself at greater risk of death, especially in old age.

waste of dub , enjoy your heart attack faggot

If you can't address a hypothetical scenario, please stay away from philosophy.
Sentience is only subjectively important, and only as a survival mechanism. Was Hitler's life worth preserving, even if in captivity, just because he was sentient?

All legumes contain leucine, nice try though Trev

digits agree, me too

If you dont eat any meat at all, some of your enzymes that are breaking up meat will make your body weak and sick so what i recommend is to eat less saturated fats for your own health. eat vegan/vegetarian if you like that, but eat meat and fish at least 2 times a weak for your own sake

pretentious douches trying to guilt trip others over what they eat, so they can feel special. what else?

NWO tools.

WHO tells you that only the "chosen few" should be allowed to eat meat, it's "unhealthy and bad for the planet" when plebs eat it. That should tell you all you need to know about them.

Almost all food sources contain, hence why I said good source and the eating disorder thing. Eating 10kg of lentils a day is not something same people do.

There is no valid argument against veganism...meat eaters constantly get intelectually raped....i mean look at the state of the arguments here..

hurr durr ur a land animul...hurr durr its natural...hurr durr ansenstors!!!111

vegans are against eating dogs...

no it isnt, to get to veganism requires logical consistence and morals...opposite of a cult

veganism is not a diet, its a logical position that extends to anti cannibalism

but it is, made evident by the fact 0 deaths attributed to veganism

whats the problem? if you want to go natural then eat your own shit and eat dirt on your veg...the animals you stab are fortified with b12...

you need to post evidence, you cant just go "hurr durr what the health is propaganda" and then leave it there....and the comparison is fine.
You have nothing, so you just go "fad"

>posts a random link without actually showing understanding of the information

>i dont have an argument so il call him a cuck

you sound like a genuine psychopath

the number is much lower, but yeah thats fine...i need to seem to not be able to tell the difference between justified killing and a needless holocaust...

The exact opposite is true...

insects do not have supernatural perception need to provide evidence...if they did obviossly that would increase the moral value, meaning name the trait is strong....seriously people need to stop trying to find holes in it...its tight can be used to debunk most of the holocaust deniers posts

>they should just shut up about the needless holocaust going on or they are idiots

what facts?

Jeez the low IQ meatards gets annoying....all of you provided 0 justification to needless kill/commit animal cruelty/rape animals

Honestly, I think going vegan is the best way to make the smallest changes and see the biggest results.
Animal agriculture touches virtually everything and damages everything it touches. It causes unnecessary suffering to the sentient life it directly harms, damages the environment (pollution and waste runoff, clear-cutting, wildlife "management", overfishing, inefficient farming - even with factory farming, when you eat an animal product, you're adding a middleman), encourages government corruption (see animal agriculture and ag-gag, lobbyists, etc), harms workers (all large scale agriculture is hell to work in, but animal agriculture is particularly hazardous, physically and mentally), encourages illegal immigration (who puts up with hazardous and illegal conditions? illegals you can blackmail - Tyson is particularly notorious for this), damages public health not only through consumption of animal products but through waste runoff and CAFOs creating the perfect breeding ground for disease, steals money from the public (those subsidies don't appear out of nowhere), ruins property values every time a slaughterhouse or processing plant moves in, and contaminates everything it touches.
The cost to strike down this monstrosity? Eating a goddamn bean.

ZOG monitoring tool arrived.

I didn't say that insects have supernatural perception. Reread my post.

ffs, obviously the name the trait is being said all else held constant...obviously hitler, or a serial child rapist has less moral value than an innocent dog...philosophyfags like you shit everything up trying to sound super questioning, but its just mind wankery

>posts no evidence

>pointing out my unethical choices is just people trying to guiltrip ME its all about ME its all an attack on ME...grow up.

pure delusion

>you are insane if you eat a certain plant food
ya not an argument....also nobody eats 10kg of lentils a day

was a hypothetical right?

nice numbers

You need fat from meat, nuts alone are not enough.

I would wager being a vegan would drop testosterone also.

If you wanna be a soy boy whose children have chink tier dicks, good luck to you

If you are unable to understand the point being made, please, refrain form replying to my posts.

>pure delusion

He's not deluded. Truly take the red pill.

No way bro, soy = bitch tits my guy, we're into HEALTH big time dawg, and science and shit. Now get in the car, we're going to arbys and then we're gonna give ourselves alcohol poisoning!

hy cant you get your fats from avocados, flax, nuts and seeds and a lil oil? whats actually wrong? You going to explain yourself!!!!!!!!>>>???
You against halal animal murder?

Then you're not answering what gives life value, hence why we should give a shit about a cow.

Yes. I don't know how I provide evidence on a hypothetical scenario.

Veganism is well known for its dietary problems, but that isn't the biggest reason why people despise it.
Like Feminism, its filled with angsty cunts that scream about "muh X", only this time its animals instead of patriarchy. Vegans who promote veganism often do so through driving guilt into people IE the same shit that feminists/social justice warriors do to lure in beta males.
They ignore the simple fact that we, as humans, are at the top of the food chain and have a natural right over other animals. Lions don't care about the zebra they're ripping apart, they understand that as a carnivore, they are higher on the food-chain, and therefore are free to do as they wish to the Zebra populace. We are free to rip apart the earth, rip apart the ecosystem, pollute the seas etc etc because we are the top of the food-chain. Vegans can choose not to do so by choice, but attempting to force the act on others is basically begging us to eat even more just to piss them off.

Unhealthy diet for massive faggots, what else would you wanna know?

The only reason to be Vegan is if you have a problem with how the meat industry operates. Then you could either try and buy responsibility raised animals from a butcher who cares about that shit. Raise and kill your own live stock but if you are too pussy to kill an animal then just become a Vegan because well your a faggot

If soy did to boobs what everyone on the internet says it does, I'd look like I escaped a breast expansion thread, and soy would be one of the most expensive foods, not one of the cheapest.

id consider myself quite redpilled...saying going against multi billion dollar industries is NWO is delusional

im just on that quick ting...sorry

sentience gives life value, you just dont give a shit about the i dont give a shit about the stranger i see outside my flat...does not mean he doesnt have moral value

And it dm, i concede if you hypotehical is correct then flies get to go up the moral framework

It has no dietary can thrive on it.
hurrr durr you actually have to make an effort with your diet to make sure its healthy

shock horror.
Also you are not on a food chain, you live outside of nature, go to the shop etc... breeding 50 billion a year is not the food chain lol

no, i still think its unethical to needlessly stab something regardless.

(((They))) propagandize people into converting to a meatless diet because people with protein deficiencies are easier to control and because (((they))) realize that meat will become more and more of a luxury as global populations increase

I'm pretty sure that it's also meant to act as a form of wealth redistribution because vegan shit if expensive as fuck.

How in the fuck do you become protein deficient on a vegan diet when seitan is 75% protein?

>protein doe XD
such low level thinking. Obviously you can get protein easily.

>hurr durr expensive
its as expensive as you want mate, same with any can eat veg $5 a day, or you can go out and eat and buy expensive burgers.

But sentience isn't the ONLY thing that gives life value unless you'd kill a CEO over the hypothetical insect, which is why "name the trait" has to be changed into "name the trait(s)" and you can't put one element of life value into an anthropocentric context to try and point out a moral inconsistency. It sounds a lot easier to validate killing a human who doesn't respect your right to life, is stupid, unproductive, is less sentient, etc., than trying to validate killing him/her based off of just one of those traits.

Literally the cheapest food in the store is vegan. Rice, beans, pasta, bananas, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are not going to break the bank. For fruits and vegetables (which you should be eating anyway), you can save money by buying frozen. Since they tend to be picked when ripe and flash frozen, rather than before (and left to "ripen" on a truck), they may even be healthier than the fresh alternatives. Use the frozen berries instead of ice in a smoothie. Hide greens in said smoothie with the addition of bananas and peanut butter. Easy.

Eating meat is morally unjustifiable.

and here is this autist faggot...

So this is why bongs are weak stupid cucks raped by Mohammed.

Technology is not eternal.
Eat or be eaten.

It cant be healthy