Have we already decided on the best OP and ED of the season?

Have we already decided on the best OP and ED of the season?

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op: Kiznaiver
ed: Luluco

Trigger does it again

OP: Flying Witch
ED: Luluco

OP: Kiznaiver
ED: Luluco or Kuma Miko

Does this count?


ED I want you - Savage Garden

OP: Anne Happy
ED: Anne Happy


joker game op/ed is up there

OP: Tanaka
ED: Styx Helix

OP: Kuma Miko
ED: Luluco

>luluco ed
epic meme guys.


The song of Luluco ED is fucking garbage and the visuals are not enough to make it the best ED of the season to be honest.

OP: flying witch
ED: haifuri

There's no good OPs this season.
EDs in the other hand, there's too many to choose, I name 5.
Phoenix Wright

OP: Macross
ED: Macross or Luluco

A commonly shared opinion isn't automatically a meme, unless you mean in the Dawkins sense.

yes, however luluco ed has neither good visuals or song and no one attempts to reason why it is better than all the other ed's

Dude, it's fucking music. People like shit if it's groovy in their ears, you ultimately can't reason for that beyond "This sounds nice in my ears". Unless you're deeply educated about harmony, rhytm, melody, chords, etc, which might give some leverage to arguments, but even then what sounds good to you is still subjective.

OP: Macross or Asterisk S2 sue me
ED: Macross

I also think they didn't need to remix the Jojo Part 4 OP, the new version sucks.

>I also think they didn't need to remix the Jojo Part 4 OP, the new version sucks.
Let's hope they revert

>yes, however luluco ed has neither good visuals or song

Best OP: Definitely Sakamoto followed by Kiznaiver
Best ED: Luluco followed by Joker Game

asterisk has openings too good for the show

Its impressive has its cool and hype and all

I really got baited by the knights

The song is simply the best this season. It's cozy and seductive as fuck, and everyone but special snowflakes like you loves it

Luluco ed has low budget animation with low budget song, so they two fit together. The best ed visually is joker game and it has better produced song that might arouse some emotion besides sleepyness.

OP: Kiznaiver
ED: Luluco

OP honorable mentions: Mayoiga, Sakamoto, Flying Witch
ED honorable mention: Kabaneri

To a certain extent, I'm almost kind of impressed with the whole overheating tactic they used on the Knight dude and that it wasn't one of those "lol totally impervious to fire" things we always seen in anime.


I'll die by my word until people like this.

OP: Boku no Academia
ED: Kabaneri or Luluco

OP: Sakamoto
ED: Jojo 4

>It's cozy and seductive as fuck, and everyone but special snowflakes like you loves it

The whispering is too tryhard. And how do you even know if everyone loves Luluco ED? It doesn't exactly have killer views on Niconico or Youtube.

Joker game's song is shit though

the OP is decent, but I skip the ED every time

Because it's a great song, the majority of people stating what ED they like best this season says Luluco, and because in the Luluco the ED is constantly mentioned

in the luluco threads I meant to say

So not everyone.

>Boku no Hero Academia
The OP was OK, but the third song in the album is fucking top notch

I guess that's true

Yes, excluding special snowflakes with shit taste

It's very relaxing.

Just like the anime. Great show

So the majority of people are special snowflakes? I don't get your logic. There are more views on Nico and Youtube for other EDs this season than Luluco, this clearly shows the vast majority of anime fans are indifferent to Luluco's OP.

I like how it fades in during the episodes

Luluco is a short, not a high budget anime. Of course it's going to have less views than more mainstream shows

your argument really doesn't hold water here

The majority of people that watch a lot of anime this season, mainly people like us here on Sup Forums and in this thread, feel that Luluco's ED is the best one this season.

Just make a toll of what people answered is their favorite ED in this thread, seems pretty obvious to me so far

Normally I don't care much for endings but this season has some pretty good ones.

Noteworthy Openings: Kiznaiver, Flying Witch, Boku no Hero Academia

Noteworthy Endings: Tanaka-Kun, Kuma Miko, Luluco

Can't really decide what's best among these.

Does nobody else love the shit out of this?
I see a lot of people that like the ED, but man... this OP is so fucking cute

I don't think a random thread with only 25 unique posters holds water here either.

I dunno, the rhytm is weird

Better proof than saying "well this song is bad and there is no reason for people to like it" when people constantly mention the song as the one they like the most this season

Really, let a few days pass and make another identical thread, I guarantee you that the majority of the users will still be saying Luluco is the best this season

Nah you make the thread if you're so insecure about people not liking Luluco ED.

>Noteworthy Openings: Kiznaiver, Boku no Hero Academia
Who even gives a shit about these?

People with a taste as great as mine. Which seem to be quite many at least for Kiznaiver if you look at this thread.

Not that user, but I'm pretty sure I can go into any other currently airing anime thread such as Re Zero or Tanaka-kun and people will be constantly praising the OP/ED of that show as the best of the season. So your argument is retarded.

Baaaw someone like the song I don't!
Baaaw someone watches anime I dropped.

Fuck off, both of you.

Boom Boom Satellites and Teddy Loid are great.

I'm watching both Kiznaiver and BnHA. Neither of their OPs are that good.

your suggesting asking fans of a specific anime what ED is their favorite, this thread is asking fans of all anime this season to pick their favorite

This is not a luluco thread, your argument is retarded

was meant to be a response to If you're the same person, you're horribly contradicting yourself.

OP: Sakamoto
ED: Kuma MIko

Don't know about OP, but Kabaneri has a pretty amazind ED.


I was correcting a typo
>and because in the Luluco the ED is constantly mentioned
>in the luluco threads I meant to say

Empirical Bests:

OP - Kiznaiver
ED - Kabaneri

Shame they're both pretty shitty otherwise.

Kill yourself, Narutard.

I know that.
>in the Luluco threads the ED is constantly mentioned
>so it must be objectively the best ED of the season

This dammit

OP - I can't decide between Kiznaiver and JoJo
ED - JoJo

Jojo is one of those animes where the opening gradually adds on new things. Regardless of how much I like it, it's not fair to judge it until the series is over, or until they switch over to the next opening of course.

>OP: Anne Happy
>ED: Bakuon

fite me

I didn't say that

I said
>the majority of people stating what ED they like best this season says Luluco

The fact that people in the Luluco thread constantly mention their heartboners for the OP was an additional argument, not the main one



I wish I was there

I like Kiznaiver one because I like the band and everything else tastes bland to me. You can post Ops of this season you find good.
But bitching about others preferences and claiming yours are objective is beyond retarded.


>the majority
Where are you getting this majority from?
If you say this thread, you're absolutely retarded.

Go anywhere where people watch more than 3 anime series per season and ask what ED is best this season

I double dare you nigger

>Every fucking time this question is asked on Sup Forums
Unless you have some data to back this up, you're talking out of your ass.

>If you say anywhere else, go fucking back there
You're trying too hard to fit in.

Not the other guy, but that sounds like confirmation bias to me.

Actually the intro and ending of Luloco are really annoying and for a short too fucking long.

Also if we are talking about shorts.What the fuck is Wagamama High Spec.
A short about a fucking eroge? Really?
Did they think hey how about instead of making an actual hentai from it how about we make a mainstream short.

Kuromukuro best OP
Kabaneri best ED
Kabaneri best OST

>Actually the intro and ending of Luloco are really annoying and for a short too fucking long.
That's always the case for shorts, just skip them if you have a problem with it.

OP: Hundred
ED: tie between re:zero and asterisk s2

You're just being contrarian

Make a poll then

Unless bots are used, or it's posted somewhere where the majority watch less than 5 anime series per week like Mal, Reddit or Youtube and therefor don't have any ED's to choose from, the answer will be Luluco

You sound rattled.

>You're just being contrarian
No you're just deluded, there's nothing special about the ending that puts it above the rest.

op: kiznaiver
ed: re: zero

It's 2am, I suppose I probably should go to bed rather than stay up and argue with a brick wall

postan best ED before I go

op tie between sakamoto and flying witch
ed kabaneri

It has a better song than all of them, it's really that simple

I'll admit the visuals are nothing to write home about. But if you're that user that suggested that Joker game was ED of the season just because it was pretty then well... I laugh

OP: Sakamoto
ED: Luluco

OP: Hai-Furi
ED: Netoge

>It has a better song than all of them
Nice argument, gave me an excellent insight into why I should agree that it's a good ED.
> But if you're that user that suggested that Joker game was ED of the season just because it was pretty
No, that wasn't me. Ad Hominem isn't going to help you here buddy.

ED: Kuma Miko

OP: Flying Witch
ED: Macross Delta

Special OST mention: Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou

Best ED



This is pretty good

OP: Sakamoto
ED: Macross Delta