Pick one.
Pick one
Other urls found in this thread:
Bernie Sanders
>making me choose
Fucker. But I guess I lean more towards Reina.
Pick one
Both are shit.
Bernie Sanders
Man, this is pretty hard, I like em both very much
Donald Trump.
I'll try one for an older series
Orange juice is undeniably the best juice, but apples are better to eat.
Seriously? I hate it when the skin gets stuck to your teeth.
You can always peel your apples if you're too much of a pansy
More relevant to current events
>no Libertarian option
>implying i'm going to vote for any of the people in that poll.
>>implying i'm going to vote for any of the people in that poll.
Because you're Eurobroke or just don't have any faith in the emperor?
Fuck off McAfee
>unironically being authoritarian
>any year
Gee I bet you want the government to chew your steak before you eat it too?
>not valuing your freedoms
>any year
Jeb is clumsy moe
the one with black hair, she's much cuter
Why did Reina decide to walk up a fucking mountain in dress shoes and fuck her feet up?
I thought she was smart, she should have brought some sneakers or something. Her entire image was ruined right then.
Kumiko is much cuter though.
>expecting the yuri pandering episode to make sense
She went out of her way to make it seem like a romantic date.
I'd gansha her if you know what I mean.
pic unrelated
Is that worst girl from AgK or Kiznaiver?
Kumiko but only if she rejects Shuuichi
It's original character
Bernie will make anime real.
The only thing he'll make real is WW3.
[Spoiler]same VA[/Spoiler]
I love you Reina, but nothing beats Kumiko.
Her voice, her personality, her design. I've never been more in love.
For me, other girls don't even come close anymore. It's like I've developed a Kumiko-fetish.
You're implying that he's either Hillbot or Drumpf.
I fucking love KyoAni's designs.
Can i choose both?
The lack of Asuka disappoints me.
Amazons aren't cute
They're usually at the very least great looking, but they've truly struck gold with Kumiko. It's simple and not overly flashy yet really unique and loveable and fluffy.
I assume most people would prefer a body type like Asuka's or Reina's, but I can't help but love Kumiko and everything about her. She's amazing.
No one, this girls belong to each other no to your damn hetstupidicy
Reina and Asuka are too plain looking. Kumiko is the full package here.
>no paul ryan option
shit thread
>not being full Anarchist
The only thing I want government to do is enforce my freedoms, I'm not guranteed that with anarchy.
do you fucking care?. Any time there's a promotional art showing her feet you can see they are fine. So shut up
case in point, see
Choose wisely
She's a masochist, did you watched the show?
Both are shit.