Don't ever talk to me or my wife's shop again

Don't ever talk to me or my wife's shop again

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Oh no, some gay hipster magazine sellers don't like me!??! I literally can't recover from this

>vote no
>go to shop and tell him
>sue him when he refuses service based on my political veiw

Vote on what?


Gay marriage yes people are panicked it won't get in

>or I'll shoot you with a shit coated bullet.

literally who

sorry am from the bush

Should make up fake stories and post it on their Google reviews

someone do this

WTF I thought the femicucks had already conquered Australia

It's not even a plebiscite

WTF is a pleb biscuit?



>Grrrrr do what we say or else!

Fucking charming

Consider it done.

Don't like my prospects on the legal front, but what the heck.

In fairness, larping as a resistance and you and your wife buying guns is much more fun than just having literally valueless minerals on your hands.

Fucking cunt every week there seems to be a poofter march down your streets I'm amazed you had a hand free to type this whilst performing your mandatory duty of wanking of ethnic faggots

I was having a Sunday beer with a mate on Chapel street and half the stores had "vote yes" signs in their windows.
Are they succumbing to peer pressure or are they genuinely supporting it?

Its note a vote, not a plebiscite, its a survey.

Thats why you can tamper with other peoples entries (like some postal works have been on social media).

A plebiscite requires ALL people to be involved, as in mandatory voting. the postal survey is lulz.

Becuase Antifa will brick your windows if they think you're a fascist?

putting up a sign in your window is a great way to virtue signal without having to actually change what your writing on the form.

oy vey

hahaaha fuck you dude I'm in the biggest fag hating state of all US, Indiana. Pence shocks em straight.

>roo fuckers spent $100mil on a non binding survey

And I thought we were dumb spending 25mil on the flag vote lel.

On literally nothing.

100million is cheap compared to the meth and lube aussie men buy. Bunch of fags.

>forthcoming plebiscite
holy mackerel it's like he learned english from watching old Frasier reruns.

i take comfort in knowing NZ voted to keep their flag, because if NZ voted to keep their flag then theres no way Australia would change theirs

What do?

You know what to do

Draw a third box labelled "Fuck no" and check that.

Take a shit in your hand and throw it at the first person you see in the street. 10/10 would recommend

What the h*ck is a sticky institute? Sounds pretty gay desu.

Panicked barely describes how desperate they are. I get a bit of news from the ABC and I swear there's at least 2 - 3 stories every day about this shit. Whether it be reminding you to vote yes or trying to downplay the no campaign.

According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, you could be found to have breached anti-discrimination law if you refuse service to a customer based on certain attributes, such as their:
****sexual orientation
(this protects straight people too)*****
gender identity and intersex status

Fucking hell i can hear the lisp
This is a fucking REPUBLIC

>Lefties letting me know where not to spend my money

Sounds fine to me desu

That's funny only one of our country let's faggots get married and it's not mine sheep fucker

what about religion? or anything else this doesnt cover. basicly is this a example or absolute list

Basically, otaku doujins.

I know 99% of you other Aussies are being ironic so I'll be the only honest one.

I voted yes and so should you. I would've voted to spite the bullshit arguments spewed by the no campaign, but it's also something that I agree with. We've already had non-religious marriage in Australia for ages. It's not a purely religious institution, so it makes no sense to not permit SSM.

>bought a magazine from sticky institute did some tests and found it was covered in semen. From two different species.
>shan't be buying from them again.

youre a disgrace to Australia

the 'no' vote winning would cause so much butthurt that it would be worth it even if you believe in SSM

A law was passed recently which made vilification and discrimination based on this vote illegal

This is just about tax bucks and destroying something pure. Marriage has always been grounded in religion and there is no reason I can think of that you'd want to subsidize faggotry.

Why the fuck cant marriage just stay the same and gays get their own new thing?

The problem here unfortunately too is that if yes wins then the insane leftists and SJWs are going to go into overdrive and try and push for crazy shit


Butt buddies?

Dumb faggot. You're passing up on opening a leftist salt mine.

Except with far less lewd anime grills and far more communist "essays." Half the "zines" are antifa shit.



>LGBTQXYZ+ """(((activists)))"""

You done fucked up user.
You voted to give the government more control over the individual. You said it yourself marriage is a religous institution in that respect all marriage institutions condoned by the state should be civil unions. Not marriage. By increasing the rights of marriage to gays you undermine the religous institutions and increase state control over the individual.
The true solution is abolition of state marriage, civil unions for all and marriage only being conferred upon by the churches.

This we should all be helping the australian salt industry in this.

Good, I want religions to be all destroyed.

>want religion to be destroyed
Actively participates in the creation of the leftists pc culture religous theocracy.
Activates my almonds user.

You're bleeding. Next time be careful with that edge okay?

I like this plebiscite, thanks to it I've been able to filter all the businesses with faggot stickers. I have a little list so that I can remind myself which to deny my esteemed patronage. If anyone brings them up I tell them about the awful service and poor quality goods

It's not a plebiscite

you should go into his shop with a custom made t-shirt

Your life is literally worthless, filthy materialist. Kill yourself
I don't care. Fuck you, you semantic cunt.

I actually think. After reading He realised he fucked up. His inability to think about it critically means he fucked his vote, and this Was nothing more than an edge Lord attempt at covering the fact that his three braincells couldn't view the issue presented objectively.

> Sticky Institute.
Is it a knock up shop?

> Magazine Store.

They won't be in business for much longer.

It's a not for profit hipster art gallery apparently

Something tells me Trump isn't why his wife sold her wedding ring.

Wipe arese with form.
Flush it down the shitter.

Didn't they pass a law banning people from discriminating based on what they vote?


It's called a fucking clip, retard


and a 4th box, "Fuck no, YA CUNT" just so you dont look like an ass for picking the harshest answer

Can a non-white ausfag pose as a muslim and say they voted no?

Here in the hoosier state if you aint straight ridin' the lightning is your fate.

Britain and Murika have scared the shit out of all elections worldwide, they're choosing to be paranoid and crazy instead of overconfident.

It's always amazing to me how many of you idiots really don't understand law.
>Walk into shop
>I voted no
>Cool, get the fuck out of my shop
>cool, get the fuck out of my shop
And not a single law was broken that day. Unless they specifically say "we're not serving you because of your race, religious preference, sexual orientation etc." Then they haven't broken the law. A shop can refuse service to anyone, and they don't have to give you a reason. If they tell you to leave and you do not, you are now trespassing and now you are the one in violation of the law.
Holy shit guys, the law really isn't difficult. All of this is assuming American law, but Australian law is not much different.

Fuck you and your diapers

they passed emergency laws last week making it illegal to discriminate/intimidate etc on issues surrounding the postal vote/survey, they can't lock you up for it but it can carry a fine up to $12,600 dollarydoos.

Nationality and religion are included in the law I believe
Just not on the website for some reason?

I don't think I've seen a single pro-no segment on TV.

report them

When are you setting up a vote to remove gay marriage cunt?

>"zine" shop
>literally giving them away
Ahh yeah, I don' think I'd ever visit that "institute" anyway.

is it actually illegal to refuse some1 service in australia?

yeah man its okay when the right does it... fucking autist have some class.

Now is not the time for being so rude


>I know the left goes after your jobs and gets you fired if you so much as support Trump but you need to be Principled Conservatives™ and not lower yourself to their standards.

m8 you don't understand, they rushed these laws through to protect the fags and every case has to go through our joke of an attorney general.

TFW the only christcuck to actually stand up to the moralistic hordes is called israel

At least test the law, the way it's sounded it sounds exactly like it's against this sort of thing
Either you get them to stop and it affects others doing it, or you can get outrage and more people to be against yes-vote

You really think that they'd publish all of our laws online?
What law were you taught in school? (excluding law school)
They don't want people to be correctly informed. Otherwise people would stop infighting and start pointing fingers elsewhere.

wrong tampering with any mail is an illegal offense

Select Yes

Vote for love

THEY are jerks. He's some hippie guy who is trying to bring back 90s zine culture in...the age of the internet. His wife is Asian.

As an American JEWISH (for the haters here) MAGA Trump supporter & FEMALE - really the gay marriage thing is no big deal. In fact, in my California MAGA group all my friends are GAY or TRANSGENDER MAGA

So, vote yes or no, it will come and it will help bring MAGA to the gay community in AU. Prob should vote yes actually to help it come sooner.

When's the cutoff date for voting? My envelope is still unopened and I want to vote no.

There's method to the madness
I actually fill out ?/X questions with ?.5 answers where applicable. Only ever had good sentiments mentioned about doing so. Must be a 'reliving' trigger to those that are to assess the results. That real thought was put into it, with a mix of fuck conformity/thinking outside the box.

Fuck off poofta.

I got two ballots in the mail today.