Did he died?

Did he died?

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He bangs, he bangs

there will probably be a second season of this in our lifetimes
actually feels kinds bad man.

Wait what?

see you later space cowboy.

I hope not.

I always figured he was fine, he definitely went through way more shit in earlier episodes
For the sake of it though I wished he died to wrap it all up

We will encounter each other at a future date cosmic cowpoke.

He threw away his life for some brooding vagabond whore.

>Faye got blown up in outer space and she got better
>Jet got his arm blown off by a canon and lived
>Spike gets cut by a sword and dies

Because sometjing vital got hit?

They always talked about how he died before. So he was sort of living as a ghost. And once he killed Vicious and Julia died, the two things from his past that were keeping him going were gone so he didn't need to exist anymore.
Kinda silly though, 27 is a bit young to throw in the towel.


The movie was so cool even if it was a little bullshit.

There's a reason Cowboy Bebop is so notorious.
It gets shat on because it's entry level but it really is a special series.

>tfw shows like cowboy bebop will always be normie bait and have a bad rep for it

Adult Swim played it too much. Though at the same time a lot of us probably wouldn't be anime fans if it weren't for them.

Adult Swim should have played Big-O more so it didn't get canned

I think Cartoon Network funded the second season or something like that.

S3 never


That's honestly the best answer anyone can give.
The wounds were enough to kill him and it seemed like a fitting end to the series but we never actually saw him die so he could still be breathing.

What's your favorite episode of Bebop, Sup Forums?

pic related, it's Speak Like a Child for me

Chess. It's soppy but it works.

Fuck off.

Maybe you should go back to reddmit if you hate being called out :^)

Waltz for Venus
That scene at the end where it starts raining the spores and the music box is playing.

i dont want to work i just want to bang on my drum all day

Wild Horse
Whatever happens, happens.


The only answer is that it's not important.
Wether he lived or died, his journey finished that day, and what a beautiful journey to witness.

pls no
But there's already a second flcl in production, so I guess a third nuke would be a good idea about now.
You hear me Donald?

Why did the old lady refer to Faye by her name.
You know, the one given to her by the man who woke her up?

Top tier taste.

But for me it has to be Hard Luck Woman
sorry for the shit image, I never downloaded a better version than the one I got more than 10 years ago

FLCL was bad enough the first time god damnit.

I can't remember if she used her last name, but it's possible Faye was actually her first name. It's also possible the doctor knew her past, and knew she had nothing to go back to, and just said he made up her name and didn't know her real one to keep her from trying to found out about herself.

you suck at life and anime

Blu-ray came out not too long ago. It looks great.

that one with columbine shuttle and doohan, wild horses?

How long has it been, seventeen years now? That entire OST still makes me hard as diamonds.

They could honestly make a second season and have it set inbetween the other episodes and not ruin the ending or anything, just more space adventures


spike is not kil

Cowbow Bebop was one of the first animus I watched (I think 3rd or 4th)

and now you faggots have got me trapped talking about chinese children's cartoons during my free time

They kinda already did that with the movie. That's a cheap copout. If we ever did get a second season (And I'd rather we didn't) I'd want to see what happens afterwards.
Heck something really interesting would be to follow the remaining characters in a world where Spike really did die.

To be fair even if he didn't die at the end. He'd have died in thirty years from lung cancer.

Son that is the end of the series, it all got wrapped up and spike was kil.

I wasn't aware of there being a movie, maybe I'll watch it some time.

Or if that didn't kill him, he would die in 30 more years from old age.

Welp, guess i'm rewatching this

What can't People just enjoy a great ending.

Marathon it in one go.
See if you can keep those eyes open.

Some member of the staff is being smart about it and not giving us shit.
People always squawk about wanting more, then when they get what they want they say it was shit and the original was better they should have left it alone.

What is this language of yours?


they did it in the manga, all set invetween the episodes

i liked that chapter with spike busting drag queen out of high security prison

His waifu died. He had nothing to live for anyway.

I actually started re-watching this again the other week. I don't know why but i always kind of forget how much i love this show.

Kaboi Biboppu probably has the best OST of them all.