Sup Forums has yet to prove what Light Yagami has done wrong

Sup Forums has yet to prove what Light Yagami has done wrong.
Protip: he has literally done nothing wrong ever.

You're kinda late bro.

I failed to protect that smile.

I want a Death Note so I can give all the rapefugees in my country a heart attack.

But he did.
He relied on a scrub (Mikami) which only got him killed.

He actually looks kind of cute in this picture.

He obviously did a lot of things wrong because he got caught. With a weapon like a Death Note there's no excuse for anyone of moderate intelligence to get caught like he did, and he's supposed to be a "genius".

He cheated to kill L. Also killed his dad

Targeted low-level criminals instead of aiming high

He failed to kill your mum

He killed people which is bad

no one has the right to choose who lives or dies

He got outplayed by a teenager, his crimes made clear, humiliated when his ideals were ridiculed by said teenager, shot up by probably the weakest person on the task force, and crawled away bloody and beaten only to be killed by the instrument that he had used to kill so many others.

Even if you agree with his ideals, he fucked up big time and did a lot of shit wrong which led to his downfall.

It'd be impossible to get caught with a tool like that but he did.

He fucked up when he took L's bait in episode 2.

He had everything under control until Misa got caught and Rem forced him to save her or she would kill him. His biggest advantage was that no one could figure out how Kira killed, so creating a plan that would reveal that to the police force was the dumbest thing he could have done.

he's literally just a poor mans LeLouch.

>both inherit strange power
>both fill the strategist role
>Both go a little mad with power

The difference
>LeLouch reels himself in for the greater good
>LeLouch is actually doing it for the greater good not because legit psychopath on an ego trip
>LeLouch acutally accomplishes his goals despite the hiccups
>LeLouch didn't shit on his loyal followers.
>LeLouch payed the ultimate price in penance for his sins
>Light died like a bitch

Light is a faggot

The fucker didn't explain how to kick.

>A is a poor mans B
>Implying A and B were attempting to be the same thing in the first place

except cause bait threads like this one

>Implying their stated goals weren't similar

Both wanted order and peace, well, for Light that was just lip service, he just fancies himself a god.

What if the criminals on Wikipedia, the news, etc, were actually innocent?
Light takes it for granted that anyone labeled a criminal, is in fact guilty of all the crimes he's committed.
This is a childish and absurd way of seeing justice, light is fucking retarded.

He got caught

You just answered yourself

It really doesn't matter, because 90% of the time people won't care if the person name is cleared up. That's why there is a lot of repercussions for false incrimination if the media does it. Companies will avoid to hire you if you appeared as a criminal on TV, despite later on being cleared up and having no criminal record.

Light couldn't bother with that, and more importantly, since his goal was to show there was that breaking law gets you killed, killing EVERYONE who was suspected of breaking the law while everyone was watching was pretty much spot on.

He fail to become a god and doing mortal mistake.
No wonder Mikami call him a fake.