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she was cute but she was also retarded



Anybody that leaves without their cellphone deserves death

she was fucking stupid, easily the dumbest character in the whole show. Its like she was actively seeking death.

>Its like she was actively seeking death
Migi practically spelled this out

Her design feels wasted as a minor character

Trued but Murano was worst with her "You changed I am so scared!" bullshit.

She might have been foolish but she was the best girl with the best voice.




Will anyone still care about her if she still keep her skank looks and habit (e.g. smoking) like the original manga?

Better than

> Are you the real Shinichi?

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Not sure what blonde was thinking picking a fight with that dude considering he's like twice his body weight.

I dropped the show after she died. Did I miss much?

You missed the Mayor office massacre if you love fight scene.

She also fucked chad thundercock that was beating on the mc and made fun of him for being a cherry boy. She got what she deserved.

The tragedy is that there was no way for her to know the crazy parasite shit existed. Shinichi couldn't explain to her, because Migi was threatening him. The one time he tried, he actually made things worse because it confirmed that there WAS something he was hiding. The tragedy is that due to Migi / Shinichi sharing a body with a parasite, he wasn't able to prevent Kana's death.

She could have chose to forget about Shinichi, but that would mean she would choose a life without Shinichi. She chose to try and find out the truth instead. I haven't seen the show in a while but there are a lot of little details that I'm missing that make the whole thing quite complicated, tragic, and unfortunate, but basically it all came down to there being no way for her to know something like the parasites existed, and her interpreting her feelings as just her chemistry with what she thought was her one true love. There was no way you could call her stupid for not knowing that she had some supernatural ability to sense these alien/supernatural parasites, and no way for her to know she was in a fictional show with supernatural or horror sci-fi elements.

Yeah, but she was sleeping with delinquents, so he death was not a great loss.

Assuming that big guy is just an ordinary human fights him back and overpowered him somehow he can always call his yakuza buddies inside of the building to fuck him up.

He just didn't expect that the big dude is actually an alien monster in disguise.

In the manga? Yeah I wasn't bothered, but the choice of seiyuu and character design can really do a lot to sway my opinion.

All because of the pretty face I see.


Nope. Second half was shit besides the whole parasyte mother.

>Lets street rats put their dick in her gaping vagina
>enjoys spending time with trash
>Meets pure MC
>wants to spend her life with him, effectively pushing him away from any pure girl liking him
Yeah, she didn't deserve to die, but it's better like that.
Also, don't forget that many other people dies because "they didn't know." And I'm not talking about a girl stubornly following her obviously dangerous crush, but about a wife getting her head bit off because she wanted to kiss her parasyted husband, or a young university student dying of blood loss after his dog's head transformed and gobled his hand while he was petting "his best friend".

>used goods

Good riddance

Yeah. But cute.


Greatest mother in all of anime

I didn't cry at Kana's death, but on my god I felt like crying when she died.

A mother's love is the greatest user.

>when the ED starts playing

Since reading the orginal I think she was better than that fat clingy girlfriend everyway. Still retard though.


Don't be a purity fag.


What was her purpose in the overall narrative other than dying?

Cant help myself

I dont like sluts



Literally kill yourself.

Don't be a normalfag.

No shit mate. Like every fucking show, tsunderes would be so fucking garbage if not for the face.

>LITERALLY kill yourself
Are you LITERALLY triggered by my colon/parenthesis combo user?




Still mad.

>"What kind of weapons work against their kind?"
>>"Flamethrowers fuck their shit up big time, senpai."
>"Who cares? Just shoot 'em"

Those soldiers deserved what they got.

Fine. Really doesn't bother me.

I only cried a little bit

Dr. Kana, I am parasyte.

This. I don't get why she was so liked? Because she was hot? Not only was she dumb, but she treated her boyfriend like a bitch and wanted to NTR Murano. In the end she was just a plot device. At least she was voiced by based Miyuki

Best girl did nothing wrong.

It was obvious they were connected when she first looked into his eyes...

She was a whore but the "pure" girl was a bitch that wanted that MC stayed as her submissive pet and was mad when he kind of man up.

virgin bitch>whore bitch

To be honest besides the parasite mom the female characters in parasite are obnoxious as hell.

Manga was better and the anime was shit. Manga went to shit when best girl died.

And what girl would you be talking about?


And she got to star in the best Parasyte doujin.

>65 posts
>nobody posted fivehead

>Chopin's Nocturne OP 9 No.2 starts playing
S-Source please

You're good to me. Fucking upsetting when Reiko died. Some people say she deserved a happy ending.

She was the best character and to me the manga died with her.

I pressed forward just to see how it ends to be honest.

So did I, anons. She definitely deserved a happy ending after all that.

Whoops wrong hole

But I expected her not to have a happy ending unfortunately.

You fucker. That got a laugh out of me.

>used goods
Says who?

I think it's because she had a boyfriend or something.

She had some turd who liked her and she kept rejecting him, causing him to be butthurt. I don't remember the manga ever mentioning she had a boyfriend.

Was it that turd or did she actually have a boyfriend? I don't remember much either.

It's hilarious how manga autists say the manga artstyle is better. She looks like Shinichi with a wig in it

The anime made her look significantly dumber, because they've made the mistake of doing the story in modern time and in modern times cellphones defeat the purpose of a good chunks of the original plot. She had to become a drooling retard to not use her phone every time she should have.

Yeah gotta admit that was the dumbest fucking move possible...


Shes used

That's not ahegao.

That is actually a good point.


This does wonders to the bust size!

I hate when adaptations that modernize shit do this.

Of course he makes it look worse than it should.

Oh boy this doujinshi never gets old. Sucks that it's the only scanned one for this series.


She did everything wrong. She dated a dickhole criminal before jumping ship to MC because he was more alpha, and then like said, tried to NTR Murano, and died because she was irresponsible.

Was she really mad about his transformation?

Personally I don't like her much either. Personally, and I've already said it above, I loved Reiko more than Kana.

Her death was my favourite scene.

As satisfying as it was as I wanted her to shut up, I didn't really wanted to see her shut up that way.