Confess, user

Confess, user.


I masturbated to my niece Lani back in the 90s

It wasn't me it was the one-armed man!

my confession is

i really am the best and you are all a disappointment

I killed my hamster on purpose. It was FUN

I 2 am a Newfag user!

He was the best part of the anime along with the Hulk.

I thought Monster was overrated shit.

>being contrarian will all the other anons think I'm cool


I watch dubs whenever I can because I don't like to read subs.

Only time I didn't watch a dub where it was available was pic related.


My go to cartoon porn is bro+sis incest.

I stopped masturbating to trap doujins and shemales but I relapsed last week. I'm back on tracks though.

I-I like y-you Lunge-Senpai!


I raped an unconcious girl at a normalfag party

I fingered my sleeping older sister on the couch when she was 16 and I was 14. Turned out she wasn't asleep...

I watched less than 100 series.

...why would you do this?

Networking support when?

i fucked my mom

and sister

and aunt

i have had sex with my retarded older sister for 8 years now. ever since i was 10, i have always waited for the moment that everybody leaves home, so i can be alone with my sister.


I watch boku no pico alone

I did not see most of the anime I've discussed on Sup Forums.

its the same with me.
this picture contains all the shows that i have seen. shows marked with green are the ones i watched dubbed. red is the shows that i watched subbed and yellow means that the show either wasnt dubbed yet (but when it got dubbed, i rewatched it with the dub) or it was back when i actually gave subs a chance.

and my axe

I used to think HorribleSubs meant they were horribly subbed

Utena's ending was deeper than all of Eva combined.

Okay, I was pretty okay with your tastes and preferences, but are you fucking serious with that last one?

It's like watching movies while playing games, the more subtler things are just lost on you.


Monster is the best fucker

>450 episodes of Naruto
Think of the 19 or 38 shows you could have watched instead.