Was he a hero?

was he a hero?

A real hero.

Just your typical violent nigger
He shot and killed innocent people for perceived injustices

Hell, he attacked someone for saying a word he didn't like




I heard they're still trying to deliver pizza to this day.





He was entertainment.

Former soldier becomes police officer, is appalled by police brutality he witnesses right away, reports said brutality to Internal Affairs, gets ostracized by entire P.D. (because most cops are corrupt and cover up for each other), eventually they fire him and leave him with no benefits and a C.V. that makes him unemployable, black officer then goes on a Rambo style rampage against all police officers, killing a few before they corner him in a mountain cabin and burn it down with him inside.


>literally escaping on horseback
not just a hero, a fucking mythical hero

Dorner had the most brollic manifesto out of any mass murderer. It should have been titled The Chad Manifesto. Nobody but Dorner rants about how they have shoulder launched missiles stashed in the mountains to shoot down the helicopters they send after him.

no he was a cook in the white house

>implying he didn't escape

this is what a hero looks like

more like an hero

basically covers it, during the whole manhunt though there was this one case where they shot up an innocent car just because they matched the description of a car Dorner was driving.

Yes. God Bless his soul.

stop idolizing mass shooters
pic related


>During his time as a reservist, Dorner received a Navy Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon and a Navy Pistol Shot Ribbon with expert device.

this is the story, there were rumours he had a hostage/s some anons heard on police scanners and that he actually escaped leaving behind a flame retardant wallet with his ID in it to fake his death.

Is killing currupt police wrong?

They shot 2 old ladies I think too just because the car matched the description as someone said before.

They then trapped him in s cabin and burned him alive.

But ppl please give up your guns, the police will protect you.

He was framed. He was about to expose a lot of corruption before the shootings. I believe he is still alive out there

>just because the car matched the description
the worst part is that it wasn't even the same fucking color, Dorner's was grey IIRC and they pumped heaps of rounds into a blue one just because someone "similar" was driving the car. Some LAanon was saying that LA cops are the WORST when it comes to corruption no-one else comes close



Remember the two Asian or Hispanic ladies that got shot at by the police

fucking retarded officers, probably ones he was going to expose

i liked him

Another thing to add is that this guy was the Richard Ramirez of cop justice. You never knew who he was going to get.

OP is a faggot.

***He was an hero.

Underage b& etc


Look at that cheeky smile. How can you not love him?

Shit son. Good times

So whatever happen to that group or police? They got medals, were labeled hero's and all got raises?

underage b& GET OUT

Something like that, I don't exactly remember at the time because lost interest after I heard they killed him. Fuck those niggers though, this black user though, true hero like I said.

No, but he was a dumb nigger

underage b& pl0x

We need Snacks to come back and hit you with a b& for being a newfag AND underage