
So the 8th episode will be about Tenga.

Will he be kill?

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no one is watching this garbage get out of here with your reddit memes nigger

stop trying to fit in so hard, you're just embarassing yourself

>Will he be kill?
do you really think this is "that" kind of show?

>it's a serious episode
>very Okadaesque













I just want Chidori to get her happy ending.



Judging by a few comments I've seen on twitter, I'm fairly certain that Chidori's gonna get rejected hard.
There you go.

Yes. There's no other way for Tenga to be important other than be killed.

More seriously, since physical and mental pain is divided into seven through the Kiznaiver System, I wonder if Tenga will receive a normally deadly damage and survive, but the others, who are less physically fit will suffer far more, leading to a crisis in both the makers of the Program and the Wound Bound buddies.

user stop lying please ;_;

Clearly the canon couple will be:
>Kacchon/Tenga/Hisomu 3some
>Nico/Chidori lesb

found my new phone wallpaper. Are they in a photobox of some kind?

Wait, wait, what? There's a movie? Is it the finale of the show? How long is it? When is it airing?

It's what they're calling episodes 8-9, I think.

Fuck off and lurk more.

Literally red.dit: the post.

>Nico in a gym outfit

>blushing Nico
Were we right about her liking Tenga?


Then they'll all be killed. And this mediocre anime will end already

The quality looks pretty good.

>Then they'll all be killed.
Male gym teacher never gonna die

The episodes been described as Okada-like. And it is very probable that'll happen to Chidori. And maybe with Yuta and Maki. Niko, if you're apart of the fraction that believe she like Tenga, will see the same fate. Or, maybe Niko is crying over the others unrequited love and what everyone is experiencing. Out of all the seven, Niko is the most sympathic and empathizes with them so, it could go either way.

Okada'll enuncinate every and all misunderstandings and/or anything they kept hidden in their hearts.

Episodes ten and eleven is prolly when the Kizuna System/Committee plot get the forefont and focus with the finale being Sonozaki betraying them.

>And maybe with Yuta and Maki
Oh shit, they're gonna end with 'everyone's love is unrequited'?

Except for Kacchon/Sonozaki, of course.

If he dies will they all die?

I hope so, because this show is fucking terrible.

Wait Esdeath is going to betray them?

Well for him to die in the first place he had to receive a blow deadly enough to kill 7 people. If he dies from wounds post-damage, the rest won't die since they don't share the sequelae of the injuries.

I've read that Yuta gets rejected HARD, but it's nips so I don't know.

There are less painful ways to die. Sure they all share pain, but the body still works how it does. He could die from decapitation, drowning, suffocation. Maybe something quicklike a guillotine. It could be so fast that he wouldn't feel the pain.

Let's see him live through that.

>Yuta gets rejected HARD
>episode 10 he breaks his diet
>epilogue shows him fat again

>implying his soul won't live on through his kiznaiver buddies

This, pls.

There's only one way to redeem this piece of garbage.

Happy fat Yuta.

So the answer to your question of
>if he dies will they all die

Is no.

S-shut up baka!!!

>first they feel there physical pain
>now its emotions

Are they just trying to create a hivemind here? The next step is hearing each others thoughts

I wonder if rejection will feel less bad at this level of Kiznaiver Program. I mean, if the pain of being rejected is x and the pain of rejecting is y, the pain that Yuta'll feel at the rejection is (x/7)+(y/7), which, unless Maki's pain at rejecting Yuta is so bad, will be less than x.

Of course there's the painful feeling post-rejection, but the pain at the rejection itself is the highest, I would think.

When the world will be one in mind there will be no conflict. That's basically spelled out in the show too.

It still has downsides too and isn't exactly the best moral thing to do.

God, you all wish all characters die as if they literally raped your waifu in front of you before they proceed to anally molest you.

>differences create conflict
>lets destroy the differences between each other!

Literally this is fucking Gendo

These fuckers are trying to create human instrumentality

Well they ruined Trigger's run of amazing shows. Other then that, the characters and the moral of the show is the most authoritarian, morally empty piece of shit I've seen in a while.

Why would the one who rejects the other feel pain?

I didn't know Bernie Sanders browsed Sup Forums

Wishing all the characters of a bad show to die is like the lowest level of criticism you can make. Almost to the level of disqus comments.

The authoritarian and morally empty thing is some good shit, though.

>defending the horrendous premise of city-wide experimentation
>accepting the essential communist morals

Sorry about your shit taste, anons

Hopefully one day you'll grow out of your autism, understand things and be able to appreciate good stuff

Morality has no place in science user, human progress has always been devoid of morality.

Only retards cry about "muh human feelings" regarding experimentation.

She could go over the top and feel guilty for rejecting Yuta in such an over-the-top way. Also maybe she felt guilty of having to actually reject Yuta, who is afterall still one of her closest friends. Rejecting your friend and scarring your friendship feels bad.

Of course the pain wouldn't probably even be close to the level that Yuta felt.

The same day that condensation becomes a good defense for steaming hot garbage, maybe

Disregarding the Josef Mengele view of science, the experimentation thing really fucking sucks as a way of developing characters. They aren't 'choosing' to develop, they are being acted upon. If they were being acted upon in a different way, would they end up as different people? It robs agency from the characters and makes them puppets. Why would this be interesting?

>The experimentation thing really fucking sucks as a way of developing characters. They aren't 'choosing' to develop. It robs agency from the characters and makes them puppets. Why would this be interesting?

No one changes unless something happens that breaks the status quo makes you want to change yourself.

If you can't understand even such a basic thing I see why you wouldn't find endearing seeing 7 misfits being forced to bond with very different people, and how they deal with the new situation they're in.

I wish a character would die so the show would actually be interesting tbqhwy famalamadingdong

If the show is boring why do you continue to watch it and post in the threads? Checkmate, atheists.

This 2bh

The lesbian character should especially experience an excruciating death

>new situation they're in.
They are being forced to develop a certain way by having a big fucking scar hurt like hell whenever one of them feels bad or gets hit.

These characters are not making decisions to change based on reactions to events, they are being made to change by others to their own ideals. Hence its uninteresting. If they wanted to make these people a thing other then 'friendly with eachother' it would be more obvious.

inb4 "b-but muh opinion matters and I s-should be allowed to shitpost in threads of shows i dislike!"

That's better. Wishing one character to die is a step-up from the childish "I wish they all die" criticism.

Why her? She's one of the less shallow character in the series.

>Why her?

Death to gays and alike

>Josef Mengele view of science

Is this a meme. We're not talking about good or bad here but about what would bring results faster. Which one do you think would bring faster progess about, experimenting on animals or experimenting on african children? This is a view that doesn't regard morality as what is it, a social construct. Again, we're not talking about good or bad here, it's obviously "evil" in a social terminology aspect but regarding progresses, it would be for the better.

Maki literally didn't give a shit about being connected to them. Nico was all "we're friends now cause we've been bonded!" and Maki literally told her being connected means nothing, that friendships aren't born like this.

It took a ton of time and digging in her past and solving hidden issues that brought a change to her, it's not like they went "lol u gotta be friend of them now so forget your past and get along with them".

>They are being forced to develop a certain way by having a big fucking scar hurt like hell whenever one of them feels bad or gets hit.
This only applies as a first encouragement to solve the problem, it doesn't actually solve shit. It forces them to do something, doesn't change their personalities and doesn't impose anything specific on them.

And no one of them is actually "changing", except Kacchon. If anything, they are just showing who they really are behind their masks and insecurities.

Okada is the best writer ever.

Completely objectively, in some cases it would bring it better data. In some cases, it wouldn't have many net benefits. When you can perfectly replicate the reaction of a human to medication by testing it on animals, then testing on a human is pointless.

Also what must be considered is that, objectively, testing like this is illegal. Hence doing it comes at great risk.

That's because the characters act weird. As in, the setting is so 'quirky' and 'out there' that characters should probably be acting far more aggressively against the Esdeath rip off, instead of passively going along with it. This is because for the setting to work, the characters have to go along with it. Hence the setting makes the characters act out of character, or makes it so the characters themselves are fucking loony. So the setting makes the characters act weird/be weird for the experiment to work.

Can you see why someone would not like this kind of characterization?

Also, like, the Program, for all the good it does, isn't really ever shown in good light. It frequently takes risks, it develops in ways even one of the top supervisors didn't foresee and the characters are never really shown agreeing with its principles.

Why is Tenga so handsome?
Why did they make dakis of the other guys but not him?

He's not the sort of guy women are attracted to. Kacchon and Hisomu are more feminine and appeal to them more.

Niko pls

>experimenting on healthy animals
>experimenting on sickly AIDs ridden and possibly starving children

I don't know about you but I'd stick with the animals

>Passively going along with it
we haven't been watching the same show, are we?

>So the setting makes the characters be weird for the experiment to work.
they literally stated they picked kids with issues who'd have never associated with each other on purpose.

Also, I'd like to point out they're in a city that's completely controlled by a shady organization, they don't have much choice. And before you go "ye well why is no one against this immoral experiment then?", they've already shown keep this a secret is costing a lot of money and some sponsors and intellectuals are even cutting all ties with the projects.

Everyone in this show is either very handsome or very cute, honestly

I'm on episode 3 and does this get any better? I mean it's not bad but it is far from excellent. At lest tell me Tenga has raped someone by now.

>they do feel resentful
One throwaway line of dialogue doesn't cut it, it just feels like these characters act like they do to keep the story going.

Ah yes, the 'Seven deadly sins, oh wait 8 new ones' bastardization. Almost as bad as when hippies seize Buddhist iconography, this studio seizes on some Christian aspects and that manages to do nothing with them. They are 'bad people' because Esdeath doesn't like something about them. That's it.

I'm not arguing about the realism here. This is a show where someone can shoot an entire magazine of AK47 in an arcade and face no consequences, its clearly absurd. Its that the character drama is dead serious, whilst the premise is absurd. This causes a tension in the serious which makes it feel preachy

from ep.5 onwards every ep is better than the previous one

It gets progressively more boring, but there's Yuri up ahead if that's your kinda thing


I feel like you're deliberately making up stuff when the show clearly takes a different approach to the problems you've listed.

>One throwaway line of dialogue
It's not just one.
Maki doesn't buy Sonozaki's shit for a second every time they talk, Yuta is very doubtful and always wants to ask stuff but she always disappears before he can, Tenga threatens Sonozaki and bad talks her in many occasions, and there's a lot of other smaller signs they are not okay with the situations. Despite the point of the show is relationships and interactions (at least up until now) they do address this problem, but don't give it much space because it's not the fucking point.

At least for the most rational characters, they clearly think that the damage is done at this point and there's no other option than playing along and reaching the end of the summer, to see where this is going and understand more of what's behind this whole thing.

>Ah yes, the 'Seven deadly sins, oh wait 8 new ones' bastardization. Almost as bad as when hippies seize Buddhist iconography, this studio seizes on some Christian aspects and that manages to do nothing with them. They are 'bad people' because Esdeath doesn't like something about them. That's it.

In one of the last episodes Sonozaki specifically says she was wrong about the whole 7 deadly sins stuff, and it was mentioned like what, 2 times? It was not plot-relevant, and they literally said they were wrong about them.

>Its that the character drama is dead serious
How can character drama not be serious? The point of drama is that it's... gee, dramatic?

Pay more attention at what you're watching, user.

If you liked the first episodes, which are the most boring ones, you're surely gonna love the rest.

>At lest tell me Tenga has raped someone by now
Close. He is instead raped. By the gym teacher.

Yeah, episode 6 sure was shocking. None of Sup Forums suspected Okada would go that way.

Episode 7 is also rape, but it's a lesbian rape so it's not really a thing

This show was really good at the first 4 episodes, then suddenly Okada-style melodrama summer camp + lesbian backstory. Fuck you Okada. Tenga's story next episode is my last hope in this.

Yeah agree. If Tenga's backstory DIDN'T involve him being revealed as a homosexual in some nature, I'll drop this series like the homophobic trash that it is.

She really is. It's hilarious how easily she gets people upset for the most inane reasons and how fundamentally different people's opinions about her writing are.

i was so close to dropping this show until episode 5

jesus christ the first 4 sucked dick

Go away tumblr.

Degenerate pls kill yourself

>June 22nd
Fucking finally

>that trailer
>muh rain
>edgy sensei
>Chidori confronting Kacchon
>Tenga screaming something about Chidori
>Yuta just screaming
>Autisma confronting Autismo about muh feelings
>Nico blushing

So dramatic. Jesus.

Why cant Okada make anything without dykes?

I can't find the trailer. Where did you watch it? The only link I can find is from the official twitter and I get this.


>Love Arc

Okada please.

Chidori is really starting to get on my nerves. She was really good in the second episode when she comforted Tenga, Nico and Yuta about their secrets, I thought she would be the main support and the big sister of the group, but since then she only get mad, embarrassed or muh Kacchon. My least favourite character for now, what a disappointment.

That's my own surmisation for episode eight based on the preview pictures above; however, episode nine could serve as the cathartic episode and everyone came to an acceptance of their own sentiments.

Maki were always skeptical of Sonozaki's trials. And taken into consideration Sonozaki solely targeted and assissinated Maki during episode six, I doubt Maki'll become a willing participate again and she'll walk out.

Yuta could've tried to reach out to Maki and make her not exit whatever Sonozaki planned for them only for Maki to quip at him with a cynical retort.