Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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This is a story about a group of guys who find amusement in posting dumb love story copypasta on internet imageboard
They're in constant conflict with the opposing group who get amused by shitting on said copypasta.
The neutral group who laugh at both of them are the moral idols of the show. Through comddy they teach how to participate in inteligent disscussion.

In a fantasy rpg world one minotaur is fighting against evil knights while defending his lair, when suddenly he falls down into a black hole and ends up in a farm in modern day japan, tended to by a busty girl and her five sisters, they all befriend the minotaur and they all fall in love with him, it's a harem show about horsecock

With the crime rate rasing year by year in Japan, the gorverment doesn't see other way out besides change the surveillance and police system. A new technology, named Take Over, was being tested recently and now is ready to be implemented in society. This system allows people to remote control other people bodies like an avatar thorough some preinstalled device in their brains, from miles away of distance. The system starts to being used by the police to increase the range of investigations and scene action to jail bandits. To become an avatar, people must volunteer and sign a contract to pass full rights of his body for the use of the Police Force. In exchange, for each case solved or crime avoided, the volunteer will receive some money for colaborating with the security of the country. A Special Force is trained, with the finest and strong agents, to become Takers, soldiers capable of even fighting armed men with a bare hand woman body. This system allows the police to be almost everywhere. Of course, the system isn't perfect, and there is a high risk for the avatar to die in action (with no harm to the Taker though, besides the sensation of dying).
MC is a good-for-nothing middle aged man that just lost his job. With no other way to make a living, he decides to become an avatar of the Take Over program, start going to high rate crime places and let his body be nothing more than a tool for people he doesn't even know control it. As he goes deep in this life style, he discovers that he isn't the only one that thinked that way: many other people had the same idea, and now they struggle to live as professional Avatars. MC now must try harder to become a fine vessel, increasing his chance of surving, and of course, make some money.

Story about an amnesic young man who was found lost at sea. When return to land, he finds assassins has been waiting for him. By the power of deus ex machina, he managed to shake every one of them. From here, his journey to search for his past is begin. Along his journey, he reunited with old friend with common enemy. Together they fight to understand the nature of inevitability.

I am really working on this: ncode.syosetu.com/n6701cx/

This dude wakes up in the morning and decides to change his life.

Sounds too deep.


A lonely office lady has a midlife crisis and longs to relive her seishun. Through her job working with government records she forges/steals a new identity for herself and enrols as a high school senior.

There would be comedic scenes with her barely managing to conceal the truth from her new friends, and plenty of heartwarming moments as she uses what she learned in her youth to help the boys and girls overcome their high school problems.

All of which is underlined by a strong sense of sadness because she's clearly a desperately unhappy person.

And of course she falls in love with Sensei.

Or is it animes lately has been too shallow?

Cute twintailed tsun is a mech pilot, not in the top of her class but tries to be the best at everything.
Gets infected by a parasite on one mission which causes her to slowly fuse with her mech, cuts to shots of her skin slowly rotting away and limbs fusing with the metal as the first episode goes on.
Eventually she becomes a giant robot woman and has to live like that, other mech pilots now look at her as a prodigy over this.
Tsun gets depressed and attempts suicide numerous times, survives cause she's a giant fucking robot now, and only stops when love interest shota boy pilot says he doesn't care how she looks because she's his partner.
Episodes up til the end are giant cyber woman/small shota interactions interlaced with giant robot/monster/alien fighting and sickass guitar riffs.
Series goes on and it turns out that the enemy is some dickhead queen parasite hivemind who infects people and machines to build up an invasion army, tsun falls under her control for like 2 or 3 episodes in endgame before shota breaks the control with the power of love or something like that.
Tsun ends up defeating queen parasite at the end of the series, which frees her from her mutation and gives her a human body again, she retires from being a mech pilot and marries shota and they live happily ever after with 3 kids in a "15 years later" montage. Scene at the end shows daughteru fusing her hand into a toy truck at the end much to tsun's shock, implying the parasite has become genetic/tsun has become half-parasite.

A sci-fi slice of life/drama that in which most people have implants and chips and shit in their body that mean they can monitor and control their health. Every home would have a central control panel with constantly updating medical information on the family. Like if a kid's tooth is ready to come through a notification comes up on the control panel and the parents can give it the go ahead. You could also carry out some medical procedures at the touch of a button.

We'd follow one family and they'd each have their own health and body related problem to deal with. Maybe the slut daughter gets preggers and wants to get access to the control panel to get an abortion on the sly. Maybe the son is getting bullied at school because he's a late bloomer so he wants to artificially induce puberty with hormones and such. Maybe the menopause is round the corner for the mother and she's trying to cling to her youth and put it off, etc.

It would probably end up having some moralfag message about accepting the natural way of things.

A boy falls in love with a girl
Then a wild senpai appears and NTRs the girl from the boy.
Then the boy goes on a long depression and discovers the nature of sudoku.

MC is a 27 years old salaryman who works as an assistant accountant is some company.
One day while going to work he gets summoned to another world.
The king of the country he gets summoned is his counterpart on that world, apparently the king died and the court magician tried to ressurect him.
Turns out the king wasn't actually dead, he was in a coma, the spell backfired and MC got summoned.
In order to hide from the public the fact that the king is in a coma, the king advisors makes a proposal to MC:
MC would impersonate the king while they try to find a way to send MC back and snap the king out of the coma.
Why is the king in a coma ? Will MC succeed in being a fake king? Those questions will be answered as the story unfolds.

Magical girl who can't turn back into human form after making a contract with a strange animal. She can't recognize her old name as her own anymore, and the changes in physical appearance like hair color is irreversible. She also needs help with changing and wearing clothes since she can't recognize clothes that aren't
magical girl costume as clothes. The magical girl contract turns out to be a debilitating curse for her.

Several weeks later a second victim is found in front of her school. Her teacher becomes curious and starts looking for the strange animal. What is it? What is its goal? Can it be stopped?

A boy

The setting is an average school day. The protagonist finds himself going through a normal day, in which the characters are introduced. Banter and fun times take place.

After the protagonist goes to sleep, he wakes up in that same day. He slowly comes to the realisation that he's stuck in a time loop.

As each same day passes, the protagonist is capable of learning about more things which are going on in that day. There's a girl who is being bullied that he can save. He finds ways of setting up his friend with his friend's love interest. As he progress through each new day, he discovers that he's capable of managing his time to do more and more good deeds and thus fixing the lives of everyone around him.

The protagonist is also curious: what is causing the time loops? He eventually finds out that on that day his older sister was being raped that day and decided to kill herself. By a cheeky plot contrivance, the protagonist has already discovered that someone else was carrying mace with them - he's able to use that to prevent the rape of his older sister.

As the season comes to an end, he's finally able to pull off a 'perfect day'. He literally manages to fix everyone's problems perfectly in that last episode as it all comes together. The cour is over. The credits roll.

There's a new episode out. The protagonist wakes up. The day has reset anyway. Soon the protagonist realises he's well and truly stuck in the time loop. His actions literally have no consequences. He slowly loses his grip on what being moral even means any more. Soon, he starts to do all sorts of horrible things out of morbid curiosity. Raping people. Killing people. Raping his friend's love interest in front of them. Burning down the school. By the final episode, he's no longer even getting out of bed. He's just staring at the ceiling, crying. Seeing the people he's killed worried about him causes him to vomit out of distress. Eventually he tries to commit suicide.


falls into a river

>暴動 or The Uprising

A massive rebellion explode in Japan with it's indigenous people formed an alliance called The Tribe and seize National Diet Building, execute the Prime Minister, then take hostage of the Emperor. The Tribe itself consists of many various native people such as : Azumi, Hayato, Koshibito, Kumabito, Kumaso, Mishihase, and Saeki. After the fall of Japanese Parliament, the country was thrown into confusion and chaos. The mainland itself is divided into many region where each member of The Tribe ruled them. Even after that, the member of The Tribe conspire against each other and intend to take the whole mainland for their own native tribe.

The Tribe capture most of current modern people, which The Tribe dubbed them as 'Yamato people', and turn them into slaves. But some of them managed to escape from getting capture and form a resistance called "Children of Amaterasu".

After the mainland rebellion was over, The Ainu and The Ryukyuan declared independence and claim Hokkaido and Ryukyu islands as territory of their own respectively. They refused to join The Tribe because the resentment to some of The Tribe member for past invasion. Both of them are ruled by young High Priestess Regent, chosen to lead their own people according to each native's belief.

Our MC is the last descendant of Aterui from the Emishi people. He did not join the rebellion and prefer to remain at his home (somewhere in Tohoku region) to wait the current event passes and continue on his comfortable life. However he got tangled deep into this mess as he stumbled upon Ainu High Priestess Regent herself, whom just lost the war with the Koshibito and tried to escape from the rest of her pursuer.

he winds up in japan, turns out he's moses

>user goes on a journey far and wide to see if he can discover a single being more butt-flustered than he.
It'll last many seasons.

Keit-ai: An anime for normalfags.

Unable to confess...

Had me until 'love interest shota'.

Christmas cake gets second chance? Interesting. Would be interesting as an ecchi/comedy series given how her libido would now be cranked into high gear.


Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing, samefrog.


MC is a genius who recently became obsessed with pranks

MC finds out there is an underground Prank tournament that gathers the best pranksters in the country

MC makes his way into the national prankster team and they set off into the World prankster championship

In the final match, MC 'forfeits'

The World Prankster Championship gets leaked and becomes an official annual event rivalling the World Cup in scope

25 years later, the World Prankster Championship establishes it's Hall of Fame and reminisces the first Championship where the finalist concedes

It turns out MC set up an elaborate Prank 25 years in the making

>Keit愛 OST

OP: youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

OP Full: youtube.com/watch?v=4NShEKYoPXw
ED 1 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=IIX9aoN7g4o
ED 2 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=woiMYzVTl9c

>Keit愛 TVアニメ

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g
EP 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o_rz1bluG_k

>Keit愛: 君の名は。

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=RBBrZ3d2sJE
Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=Q3HwWJx4c60

Looks like a stale idea with heavy pacing issues.

No-one's responding to any of the ideas, so what's the point?


But the MC has boobs.

You're more annoying that the people that post Ket-Ai!.

if you can't read moonrunes, I recommend read the english version. but fair warning english isn't my mother's tongue. anssenverse.blogspot.com/2016/04/allblck-nous-first-part.html

You're posting the wrong ideas, user.


or it could be Groundhog Day.

Anime about people wasting their life on a site called "5kun".

Make these into poorly drawn manga and people would like them, if you can actually flesh them out.

3 high schoolers are caught up in a zombie apocalypse
2 twins, guy and a girl, and their gay black friend who doesn't act gay, there are subtle hints towards it and the other 2 know anyway
Guy carries a big ass chainsaw that can turn into a chainsword, chainsaw rifle, rifle sowrd, sword or rifle
Girl has a sniper rifle and she's fantastic with it
Black dude has a minigun that he sometimes uses as a bat
At one point they fight a giant 4 meters high zombie-ogre that is super resistant
Then they meet a guy who can control fire
He's an alien prince and the zombie apocalypse was cause by another planet who wanted to use the zombies as an army to invade his planet
They fight against a crazy scientist who comes from the other planet and he turns into a super zombie and they fight
Black dude is infected and fire-guy uses a special alien medicine to cure him, but since he's a human he turns into a super zombie as well but it's a different super zombie
Then he kills the scientist and they decide to attack the emperor of the other planet to kill him and stop his evil plans
They fight one, or two of his generals along the way on Earth
Then they go the other planet and fight a young general who nearly kills them all but decides to spare them because he's crazy or something
Then they get separated and the guy twin meets a hot blonde scientist
Turns out she's the princess and the one who made the zombies and she's super smart because she was genetically engineered to be super smart
She then realizes that her dad is gonna die because a huge ass invasion is coming to the other planet and thinks she might as well do it herself so she doesn't get killed too
Meanwhile the emperor controls lightning and he faces off against the other 3 and kills the black dude
So there's the super final battle between the princess and the emperor and she wins because she can control lightning too
Guy twin decides to repopulate humanity with the princess and girl twins does the same with the prince

>an actual update this month


MC buys a storage unit in an auction that leads to a magical world full of dreams and happiness.
He starts deforesting the land for profit and the magical elves attempt to get him to stop with love and eventually botched attempts at murder.
Hilarity ensues.

>zombie apocalypse

Literally the first thing that came to mind
You can change it into anything really
I'm just imagining the cool fights and cute girls

Fuck off cancer

Fuck off Keit-ai spammer.

Make it a Mad Max-like dystopia.

Some kind of apocalypse happened and now there are gangs of shitheads that kill everyone
Blonde princess was behind this somehow and plans to mind control the shitheads in some way

What's the point of him being black and gay if he's not gonna rape guy twin?

>harem chapter

That's pretty dark.

Why not just do a historical drama at that point?

Call it 'One Day' and split spoiler into a second season - with no announcement prior to its airing. That would troll the crap out of the audience.

Very limited potential as a comedy, and to turn it into a drama/thriller wil ruin the premise.

Better of making it amoral and just showing how different members of that family have their own ways of interacting with their health monitoring system and their own ideas about the ethics of it.

MC is an ordinary high schooler. Average looks, average grades, not in any club. Several girls develop a crush on him, such as the tsundere childhood friend, the shy student council president, the token loli from another school, the tomboyish oneesan type from the track club. They all confess to him, but he rejects all of them because he wants something genuine. The girls, not knowing what this might mean, start researching in the library. The librarian girl tells them that MC might want his mother's approval of one of the girls before he can accept a confession. They start pestering him to introduce them to his mother.

But, he can't. His mother is so busy, they never met. The only contact he has with his own mother is through a cell phone.

He confronts his father to know why she can't get even one off day to meet with her son.
His father then tells the story of how they met.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well...

Keitai S2


>I swear I've Seen That Transfer Student Somewhere Before, But I can't Remember Where!?
A homeroom teacher in love with one of her students, fed up with the rules and regulations of the confines of her work from pursuing a romantic interest in a classmate, decides to forge a new identity for herself as a transfer student to get closer to him manages to actually succeed in doing so. On the first day of class in her new facade, she is greeted with an unexpected dilemma, the new homeroom teacher taking her place is none other than an incredibly beautiful teacher who seems to have set her sights on the student the Transfer/Homeroom teacher likes and what's worse is the student seems to be reciprocating the new teacher's advances. How will it all end for our lovable sensei?

i dont spam, you are just annoying

It's already a meme, so you don't need to post it anymore.


You just occasionally post Keit-ai? Mmmhmm.

Imagine how creepy that story would be if you flipped the genders :|

never once posted it, "threadly reminder muh muh" just TRIGGERS ME

Except you're the one who's triggered.

An extradimensional alien declares a boy its fiance to attract a harem of other aliens to him so it can eat them.

Two guys chasing after a male student would be a little creepy

I can stop whenever I want, I have this under control

uh didn't i jus....finds a way


The fuck happened to Sup Forums?

I can tell you how it ends.


Finds a way.

Threadly reminder that you should kill yourself


>not being able to understand irony



>After a football game
Even Chad gets senseis

MC is a musician in post-Great Depression America.

The whole story is basically SoL where MC stumbles from state to state trying to get a job.

At some point he gets a girlfriend whom he gets pregnant.

Near the end MC becomes a robber and some of his first exploits are a success.

He then decides to stop but he gets sold out. He dies happy knowing he left his family some money but regrets that he didn't earn this through music.

Regular reminder that Keit-ai is already a fanfic, so stop posting this.


Possible love interest, gay jokes, black jokes

Keit-ai found a way into Sup Forums.

So half the anime is a retelling of S1?

Change music to writing, make the ending even sadder, remove the robbery stuff and you've got The biography of Charles Bukowski

No, that's Naruto.

There is a War between Side A and Side B
Main Character find a giant robot.
MC use's it to kill everyone in Side A and Side B
MC takes over the entire world.
The End.

Dark Fantasy/Horror/Zombie Seinen

MC's the alpha as fuck captain of the Guard in a generic medieval city when the gods become displeased by mankind's sins and curses them. Anybody who dies becomes a zombie.
MC has a city to defend and his wife and cute innocent daughter to look after. There's a lot of character development and building and a lot of unexpected twists, deaths, and feels.

>first arc mostly revolves around the early stages of a zambie invasion, where people are only just starting to realize something's going on
>at this stage its pretty easy to defend against zombies because they're very few and far between
>arc ends with the first big wave of zombies

>second arc turns into an actual struggle to keep the city as various citizens and soldiers are panicking and dying
>entire segments of the city are lost as the Guard and the MC are forced to draw back and defend what they can
>they manage to keep a segment of the city safe under strict guidelines because of a chokepoint
>end of the arc has the city fall and people are forced to leave

>third arc involves MC, his family, and a ragtag group of what's left of the guard, random citizens, and their families trying to make a living
>dealing with the wild, the various hooligans, and zambies
>arc ends with a lot of people dying, including MC's wife, but whoever's left manages to build a highly defensive village where they can actually get shit done
>MC only has his cute loli daughter now and the few people left

>fourth arc involves the characters no longer being afraid of zombies because of their defensive position
>iMC realizes he can utilize zombies as a basic workforce
>start to collect zombies and use them to do very basic things in a controlled environment
>village thrives
>suddenly big invasion where both people and zombies are attacking the village
>a nearby kingdom has been building up a zambie army to conquer the world
>finally get a main villain
>post limits and hijinks ensue

Would watch.

I'd get an already successful anime, get some side characters who are wasted, give them their own adventures (which don't impact the status quo except maybe a little) then sit back and watch those Shared Universe shekels roll in.

> mc is a descendant of witch doctor
> mc goes to school like normal
> mc avoid people cuz witch complex
> mc learns half the school population is full of magic user
> other magic user were competing with each other to rule over the school
> mc got dragged in somehow
> mc wins every fight because mc
> mc becomes new boss of school
> mc school were attacked by anti-magic user
> anti-magic user use anti magic weapon and nullifies magic
> mc classmate almost got killed
> mc somehow manages to kill them because plot armor
> mc discover about ongoing war between magic user and anti magic user
> mc learns the truth about magic user leader tries to dominate world
> anti magic user leader also trying to do the same
> mc is stuck between magic user or anti magic
> mc decides to kill both and achieve world peace
> mc finally dies after finishing own mission
> world peace

miserable lonely MC gets a magical lamp, rubs it and out comes a magical genie who feeds on the misery of humans

MC demands to immediately have a waifu, genie instead insists to make a deal; he will be teleported to an alternate timeline where he goes back to his first day in highschool, all he needs to do is to have a gf before graduation, he will be given special abilities to aid him(3, for the 3 wishes) with the exception of any mind control or willpower manipulation.

the only catch is, his soul will be duplicated and his body will be cloned for the purpose of genderbending one body(where his soul and consciousness will reside).

now, it's up to MC as he convinces himself to be his new gf or else the will consume his soul.

Series about team of four heroes doing heroic things to stop the Demon King in a fantasy world.
Except they are not heroic at all.
They all are fucking sociopathic murderhobos, with no respect for authorities, caring only about loot, starting fights for no reason, backstabbing each other and trying to fuck everything from elven barmaids to acidic slimes.
Everywhere they go, strange things appear - scary cultists, portals to other worlds, unreasonably designed dungeons, legendary monsters, spoopy liches, mysterious people in taverns, uncatchable thieves and of course motherfucking dragons.
People constantly wonder if it wouldn't be better to have deal with Demon King's rule than all this shit, but every time a murderhobo dies (usually due to heavy objects falling), another one appears out of fucking nowhere like some biblical plague.
Murderhobos do completely weird shit all the time, like having thousands of peasants stand in a line in direction of Demon King's castle and tell every peasant to prepare to hand the zweihander to the person in front of them, only to suddenly start swearing and argue about physics for thirty minutes.
In the last episode they manage to kill the Demon King in a very underwhelming way, by abusing gravity and lava pits in his castle, which for some reason results in the voice from the heavens yelling "fuck you, I'm done with this shit" and castle collapsing on murderhobos arguing about how to use Demon King's resources to enslave entire world.

Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.


Generic ecchi battle shonen where every thousands of years, hundreds of newly born gods pick a random planet to host a battle royale without any care for the people originally living on said planet, and often end up accidentally rendering worlds uninhabitable due to their battles. This time they choose to battle on earth. Each god reigns over a really specific, often very ridiculous thing and thus has powers around it, and whoever's the last god alive gets to join a league of actual gods for eternity.

MC is the Goddess of Shovels, a blue-haired busty, wise-cracking waifu who holds dominion over all shovels and wields a fine shovel that she uses as a weapon, a tool, and even flies around on like a witch would a broomstick.
What starts out as really mindless, fun Gods and Goddesses fighting eachother with absurd superpowers turns into the MC having sympathy for humans who are having their cities destroyed just because of the battles going by. While MC wants to win the battle and become a true Goddess, the MC also does everything in her power to defend humans, while gaining friends both on the human side, and on the god/goddess side.

The whole battle royale plot gets derailed though when two gods, and a goddess (god of deception, god of greed, and goddess of seduction) break the rules after finding a way to somehow integrate the powers of other Gods into their own after defeating them, and instead of adhering to the rules of the battle royale, these three villains are building up enough power to challenge the actual gods so that they can rule the universe.

Can MC with her shovel powers and very fanservicey "plot" take down these three unimaginably overpowered fucks with just her shovel powers?

every episode is very lewd

Sounds dark and hilarious. Would watch.

Has potential - one plot hole that's bothering me though - where does the genderflipped MC live?

Sounds lame.

>kill la kill meets shovel knight

What's sad about Keit-ai is that it's hard to find a better written plot in this threads. I mean, the plot itself is rather shitty but the pasta is a little meme masterpiece

There are at least 3 better plots in this thread alone.

What's sad is that when these threads happen, 80% of people only show up to shitpost memes and then immediately leave. Even OP apparently left just after they posted.


This will persists until ket-ai finds a way and actually becomes a proper anime and be forgotten soon after.

>There are at least 3 better plots in this thread alone.

If they're so great, why aren't they memes?

Show me then, but they have to be better written posts not just better plots.

I agree though and there are a few truly interesting plots sometimes

>Keit-ai holding Sakura Fish


I-I'm still here user.
I just wanted to share the thread with everyone else. Even the Keit-aifags.

Now I understand why mods never delete it.