What the fuck is wrong with him?

What the fuck is wrong with him?

No user what the fuck is wrong with you. This shallow cunt writes the worst and most edgy romance manga around. The fact that people like you still read his crap astounds me.

Someone has to do it for others.
Trucks seems to be only exit from this clusterfuck what Seo decided to write.

Namdam etulosba eht

It can smell love.


Greatest love story ever told


we've seen it seo

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▄ ▄ ▄ ▌ ▐ █ █ ▌ █ ░ ░ WHO DON’T NEED NO FUUKA ░ ░ …░░ ░ ▐
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The truck is a victim. Can you fault it if retarded pedestrians keep stopping in front of its path?

i can't believe it

Japanese Truck did nothing wrong.

This crap is on par with what Kim Dal does, for example with Unbalance X 3.

I'm sure in Seo's mind, this is supposed to represent some parallel with Fuuka. But to us, its just a meme.

I wish Seo would go full madman sometimes. Just kill off the rest of the girls and have the MC try to fuck MILF Suzuka. At this point who takes his "writing" seriously?

>At this point who takes his "writing" seriously?

>Saves her life
>tells her he needs her

>still calls her Aoi

If you are gonna go, go all the way faggot

Why Aoi's dad is not in jail?

Because it wasn't really his fault.

Because he wasn't drunk or impaired

Don't know how Nips handle accidental manslaughter in the absence of drugs/alcohol

Killing pedestrian on a crosswalk is not the driver's fault in Japan?

that's a girl mate

I believe Fuuka ran back to pick up her keychain that fell and I assume the light turned green for that side of the road. The driver wasn't on drugs/alcohol, so it's just an accident at the end of the day.

Although realistically speaking, the amount of time when Fuuka crossed the road on which is assumed to have been red for that side and that side turning green there is no way a truck wouldn't be coming to a stop seeing the red light previously.

See what happened in Akibahara

Thought you were chanting some buddhist prayer.

This killed me. Too bad there's no way I can stop reading.