This is your sensei today

This is your sensei today.



Remove sensei.

>A cake voice by a cake.

Nanjo, marry someone already.

Boku from boku no pico

boku isn't cake you cock

Best sensei.


I'm gonna rape it



Do you think he sniffed his arm afterwards?


I want to go to school with Nanjo

saitou yui



>School girl in the middle doing palm-inwards V Sign

Up yours!


Stealth Sensei!


I want this Sensei.

Why not this Sensei?

First 2D teacher I've ever liked.


Hiratsuka-Sensei a best

This thing died pretty fast, didn't it?

>forced sensei

Still like it though.


>used goods

Why does she look satisfied?

She's so perfect dammit
Too bad MC was cucked by her

what does it mean?

Let's just say that when you decide to take a holiday to the UK, don't give anyone the palm-inward V Sign.

Soramaru - NO
Nanjolno - Maybe
Mimorin - FUCK YEAH

Cute feet

Go rub your junk on a cute boy and tell me it doesn't feel good.


>Christmas cake
>Ample bossom without cowtits
>Dat booty tho
>Strong, knows how to wrassle
>Enjoys vidya

She's fucking PERFECT as far as sensei-traits go. I want to be a teenager again and have a forbidden romance with a sensei like her.

ur mom

I used to have this very hot teacher
She didn't have much tits but goddamn she had a nice ass

She usually wore dresses but sometimes she wore pants and they showed her amazing ass

Once she was in very close to my desk helping somebody else with some problem or smth and I had the best view of her ass possible...shit was cash

Fapped to her in class once or twice(and like many many times at home) shit was hot

How the fuck were you able to fap in class without anyone noticing?

10/10 Would wrestle.

Everyone noticed. They were just too skeeved out to talk to him.

>removing the glasses
I'm gonna end you m8

I don't really like girls with glasses because I have glasses myself and kissing when you both have glasses must be incredibly awkward

I blame the fact that everyone was making porn of her when they were warned not to.

That sensei is good too.

Or this cute slut.


You're saying that like it was a bad thing

I want to marry Sawako.

That coiffeur makes me so horny

It's just a strip of cloth

>not knowing the legend of Becky
shame on you.

She is golddigger, she doesn't want teenage boys

Well can I at least have a title, please?