Praise be to 2017


I know you're memeing, but prove him wrong, protip you literally can't (look how transphobic this board is for one)

I'm ok with this. If anything, it's sad that they aren't dragged from trucks.

Problem is really any phobic is just a loose blanket statement now days.

If i am transphobic I can just as easily suggest trans/sjws/feminists are "Binary Gender Phobic"

I am not afraid of trannies. They disgust me.


cringe...kill yourself

I'd park my car a bunch of times to try to figure out what is so god damn difficult about having tits and being able to put a car between 2 lines

Thats's not what the picture says.It's about wwyd when you become a woman(like xy->xx).
And the answer is masturbating.
Btw being disgusted by men who cut holes in their body, pretending to have vaginas, has nothing to do with a phobia

Simply identify as my original gender, and continue my day normally. As is the fad.

Fuck myself with any random object possible

What do you mean prove him wrong? Prove that he would not go outside and seek oppression if he awoke as a woman? How on Earth do we prove something like that?

And you'd fuck it up on account of your now female having verifiably less spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination

>opposite gender
There is no one opposite of over 100 genders you biggot.

I'd play with my tits

Morning troll



Kimi no na ha / Your Name was a good movie

I'd find a nigger to fuck.

Go down stairs to the toilet and take a huge steaming shit

Go back to bed and start squeezing my tits and fingerings my self till I pass out

There are 256^3 colors in the rgb system and you can create the opposite of each one of them by inverting the rgb values . They are called complementary colors or opposite colors and cancel each other out.
So I guess it's possible for genders, too.
Why don't they just use the rgb sytsem for genders, instead of 100 different names for some not defined bullshit.
SJW are so fucking stupid

If I woke up IN the opposite gender I'd surprised that my mum was fucking me in my sleep but she's been lonely since dad left so I'd be OK with it.

If I woke up AS the opposite gender I'd probably kill myself because there's nothing worse than a fat ugly weeb girl.

go to the sex shop and buy all the dildos I evern wanted for when I transform back

I hate this question because it is way too vague

Do other people remember me as a guy or as a girl?
Am I cute ugly or equivalent?
Is my brain still wired the same?
Do I have female clothes or male clothes?
Do I still have a driver's license and such or will it be revoked for obviously not being me?


This. I can finally feel the real power of the BBC.