What's your AOTS?
What's your AOTS?
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One Piece
You're damn right it is. Lots of respect to the writers for making you love the 4 of them in different ways even though they're kinda the same.
How do I do this?
>SHA LA LA LA *clap clap clap*
1. Kiznaiver
2. Macross Delta
3. Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
4. Space Patrol Luluco
5. Mayoiga
>tfw you remember when Boku no Pico was Sup Forums's favorite anime
>not having boku no hero academia
kys fag
Dumb frog poster.
Two meme anime out of three is pretty bad.
Kiznaiver and Flying Witch.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
1. Macross Delta
2. JoJo
3. Concrete Revolutio
4. Bungou Stray Dogs
5. Kuromukuro
6. Re:Zero
7. Hundred
8. Asterisk
9. Netoge
10. Flying WItch
11. Joker Game
12. Bakuon
13. Sakamoto
14. Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
15. Big Order
16. Kiznaiver
17. Mayoiga
18. Luluco
>having boku no hero academia
back to >>>Reddit you disgusting normalfaggot
Patrician taste, OP.
Keit-ai confirmed for most unkillable franchise since Monogatari.
Memes aside, Kabaneri for sure.
My top three is Rezero, Tanaka-kun, and macross.
Boku no Hero Academia.
>inb4 hurr durr shonenshit
Can't wait until this meme ends.
Holy fuck, it's been a while since i have witnessed a taste this bad.
Please, make your way back to
5 years running, baby!
AnneHAPPY of course.
The coolest one
Post your AOTS so we can laugh at you, Reddit-san.
I'd wish all these faggots stopped posting renamed caps and webms of well-known masterpieces like Ghost Slide to force their fictional meme series -we all know it doesn't exist, you newfags.
>posting about bannable topics
You should stick to posting about Keit-ai.
i'm not watching anime this season, everything it's shit.
1. JoJo
2. Luluco
3. Kuromukuro
4. Habanero
5. Boku no Pico Academia
I've noticed big order above somethings that aren't nearly as bad. I mean I watch to laugh at how much of a jumbled mess it is, but do people actually like it?
Not really judging, just don't understand.
Its funny
THE goddamn savior of anime, of course
>any answer besides Space Patrol Luluco
Tengen Toppa Inferno Coppa ready to arrest your ass