What is the sluttiest character that you can think of?
What is the sluttiest character that you can think of?
You're waifu
Fuck off Kurumi is a blessing
Any subtle character. Like this bitch.
>what happened
Why nothing happened, she looks just like before to me.
First post best post
Stop this.
Her voice is best voice
Nobody can name a character with a better voice, impossible, can not be done.
>having a good voice means she isn't slutty
I like both and I think Agiri has a better voice just off the top of my head.
u wot m8
SAKURA! Is the sluttiest!
Sakura really is a top-tier semen demon. Literally just fapped and now I need to again. Thanks, jerk.
sakura thanks you for your semen
God. Are her cards really that shape? Fucking disgusting ratio.
Yeah. I have the old clow book and card toy, they basically look like long rectangles.
That would be paper
Season 3 WHEN.
I want to read the LN's but @lamo1pageperday it is not really worth it.
The LNs arent even about Kurumi
She is pure. PURE.
they are about a harem self insert and the main heroine is tohka.
Nothing has beaten Panty.
Still not enough to beat Panty