So is this woman popular in Germany anymore...

So is this woman popular in Germany anymore? I don't see how what she has done is not considered political suicide in Germany.

I really don't see how German people could be happy accepting millions of immigrants into their country who will reap all the benefits without having contributed into their system.

Will she last much longer?

germans are indoctrinated to hate themselves ever since ww2.

just like how black people are indoctrinated to be criminals.

She is the candidate of our right-conservative party. The other parties also want more immigrants.

You can't be serious...

You have no options it seems.

Oh, there are options if people decide to be creative. People who are too comfy as the E.U never suspect revolutions on their part.

Isn't AfD anti-immigrant?


They always tell me that they vote for her, because that's what everyone does.This is what you do here in Bavaria...bla bla bla.
I fucking hate people

German's most popular and favourite whore of the EU

Everyone has been fucked by her

christfags enjoy being fucked by the jew.
they are perfect submissives.


She does a good job!


She's not that great but (((Schulz))) would be way worse. AfD just doesn't seem to have many supporters. Yet.

Most people don't openly criticize her, the conservatives tend to crack jokes but that's it. If you ask me, she's a lazy piece of shit.

Electricity bills have gone up, because she fucked up her clean energy agenda. Refugee crisis is still raging, because she won't change her shitty policies and close the borders. Euro crisis is alos ongoing. With her Greece will never pay debt.

I'm gonna vote AfD, Fuck Merkel!

Say what you want, but Merkel is the most reliable politician of the moment. She does what she says and she holds on to it, despite strong opposition.

At the same time she's great at diplomacy, too. Keeping ties with both the US and Russia, but holding them at safe distances at the same time.

One might not agree with her policies, one might even find her extremely boring, but she's really good at being a politician.

It's almost as if all those qualifications, H&S and work place culture briefings don't matter to a companies success..

>Will she last much longer?
Always the same stupid question. Always the same. You people don't lurk, and we have to explain it all over again, every single day.

There is no electable opponent with chances of enough votes. The so-called opposition even wants to fly to the nigger countries to pick the fucking refugees up there so that they don't have to walk anymore!

she's still popular, it's kinda like with Amnesty Don, she ran as ""right-wing"" candidate, manoveured her whole party to the left to get some lefty voters on her side, welcomed ""800k"" refugees, and people still think she's right-wing.
She's a centrist populist who would do anything to get some more votes.

>Will she last much longer?
4 more years at least but I bet she's going to run in 2024 as well because she wants to beat Kohls 16 years record

but hey the CSU is not the CDU, they at least keep pretending to be against immigration amirite?

>She does what she says and she holds on to it, despite strong opposition
She's best known for not saying anything worth listening to and flip-flopping her policies according to polling trends

>multiculturalism has failed!
>nevermind, lol, let's invite 2 million refugees
>ugh, you understood wrong, they'll all go back after the war, I swear, Germany cannot handle another 2015

same goes for her stance on social policy, welfare policy, energy policy. Not that she did much more worth mentioning, too, except sitting out crisis after crisis, which is maybe her only strength. If that's the reliability you want, we'll send her over to you.

>going to run in 2024
eh, meant 2021

>She does what she says and she holds on to it

>Merkel 2010: Multiculturalism has utterly failed.
>Merkel 2016: I welcome all of you my beloved Refugees!!!

The jews say she is very popular among the (((people))) that matter.

Yes, she is popular and will win the election. Her party polls slightly below 40%.

What we have to hope for is a 15-20% result for AfD. This would seriously shake up the seat distribution in parliament and potentially make it impossible to form any majority coalition.

Either someone picks up AfD as a coalition partner (won't happen) or the weak minority coalition will have trouble governing with a strong AfD opposition present.

Amazing chancellors can stay in power for so long.