Something very magical has come to me from Japan, Sup Forums

Something very magical has come to me from Japan, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

how much was shipping?


Is it Japanese sperm?

That's two weeks allowance.

pls let us know

hurry up with the thread you retard

But was it worth the wait?

>OP didn't take pictures beforehand or is waiting for more (You)

Either way, shit thread.

Must have been anthrax

Are you guys excited though?


Is it an early release of the Keit-ai BD?

fuck you piece of shit hurry up and die died dieididiediediediedieideidieidie

The excitement is waning, but yes.

jesus christ summer is already here

Go make a Youtube channel if you wanna attention whore, like the other 1,000+ faggots doing unboxings.

Fuck off

Dis a roll thread now

Fuck off.

>h-haha look at these people I rused, they must be underage b8! am i right?!?!

Who are you quoting?


Ok. It's 90 1mg tablets of Etizolam from a Japanese Pharmacy! Literally the best drug for anxiery, ocd and social anxiety. I can now enjoy my anniemays and vidya without all the anxiety. Thank the lords for online non-prescription nip pharmacies.

Sorry if you were expecting a fig or an import BD.


i seriously hope you get public banned

Should've imported a rope faggot

i hope you die from this

enjoy your sugar pills

Sage, hide thread, move on

Be kind anons and just take a chill pill.

Have fun with your placebo caramels, retard gaijin

You did this all just so you could make that joke, didn't you?

Take all of them within 1 hour.

Kill yourself faget

>best drug for anxiety
>isn't even a benzo

Klonopin master race

I know all that pressure I suffer while I am taking notes on anime to discuss with Sup Forums afterwards.

I hate being quoted with a smug girl if I say the wrong thing.

Nope. Towa pharmaceticals is completely legit.

Drugs can't cure retardation user

Nothing will happend .

It's a Benzo analog without the tolerance, withdrawl and side effects. It's far superior.

Only Jap pharmaceticals make the stuff.

Otherwise it's completely unscheduled in almost every other country.

fuck off

Good thread.

>without the tolerance, withdrawl and side effects. It's far superior.

Except that it doesn't work anywhere near as well, and you can't sell your extras to dumb teenagers

user are you still going to school ?


>In a study that compared the effectiveness of etizolam, alprazolam, and bromazepam for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, all three drugs retained their effectiveness over 2 weeks, but etizolam became more effective from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, a type of reverse tolerance.[11] Administering .5 mg etizolam twice daily did not induce cognitive deficits over 3 weeks when compared to placebo.

Etiz is better than regular benzos


I honestly hope this shit kills you.

I just took two pills of it. It's the most calming thing ever. I feel so good and I'm going to watch some Mushishi for extra comfyness.

I implore you to give it a try if you can. I was to be an anxiety-ridden wreck like most of you here, but this drug is a fucking miracle. I wish I had a lifetime supply.

>Anime and Manga

Do you think you can part with a pill or two? I don't want to order a shitton of it and I've never taken benzos.

>Literally the best drug for anxiety and ocd
Is shyness and perfectionism really an issue?

Isn't this an overused and cliche character archetype in anime that 90% of class reps have and many people love?


Enjoy user.

Nice blog faggot. Mods please clean up this shit.

Mods have been dead for a while