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Any tips on getting her to stand?
I'm really exhausted, this base terrible and she fell down so many times the paint is starting to come off.
I might need another support for her, she's way too fragile and way too big to stand on these tiny base pegs
Well if the pegs aren't fragile I'd suggest tightening to the figurine with a bit of plastic foil, or a tiny piece of paper or you could also narrow the hole in the feet by applying tiny bits of superglue(only in gel form and let it dry for a couple of days.) with a toothpick that way the peg will fit better into the hole.
obviously the second option is the permanent one.
I was thinking about a support for her waist but I can't find anything online.
maybe something like this could work.
I think that might works
Thanks user
Cu-poches are cute as fuck
So is it safe to assume we're never getting any SHIMONETA figures? It's been a year since the anime.
It isn't going to happen. If it does it would be one of the strangest things to ever happen.
When is this coming out?
I have the other CFB Morrigan and I've been looking for another affordable one in a while
Compare the date added to the date released for other figures from the same line. The difference will give you a rough estimate.
Learn to read user.
rate my first ever figure purchase!
also, keep it boxed or open it?
Which one of these faggots should I buy?
I need more dudes in my collection and these guys seem like a good start.
>he didn't buy natsume or kusuriuri
18k for a BQ? What the fuck?
Like I said last thread open it. Also I saw that this had dropped to 9000 on AmiAmi so I added it to my May order. 12000 is too much
>its a thread wars episode
Don't drop either of the two Gyuuki's. The wings snap off easily. Open her up. She has wonderful muscle definition on her upper legs. Spats are fantastic.
Buy whichever character you like the most. For me it would be Lloyd Irving.
A lot of people really love Mirai and were holding out for a better scale. When she didn't get a better scale everyone rushed to get the beach queen. Since nobody ordered her to begin not many were made so the limited supply was much smaller than the renewed demand.
is it true that all PCV figures required to be opened ASAP so as to let it "breathe" or else some sort of deformity starts to happen?
Tiny German hats.
Tiny German skirts.
I recall seeing this figure somewhere and that she has nice subtle cameltoe
post pantsu.
This was only really a problem with older figures afaik. Like pre 2010
Or if they're stored in direct sunlight/high temperatures
Depends on where you live and the composition of what the item is made of. Some older figures are more prone to leaking plasticizers. The other factors that are believed to be important is how hot and humid the box gets. Warm temperatures supposedly increase the rate that plasticizers are released. Your figures are effectively drying up and becoming more rigid over time. If the conditions are humid and the figure is stuck in a box the plasticizers are unable to escape and stick to your figure. It is simple to wash this residue off with soapy water.
If you take your figure out of the box gravity will gradually cause it to lean if it is off balance. If your figure comes with support stands it is important to use it. Especially for a figure such as Alter's Naoe Kanegutsu. Without her stand the weight of her hammer will gradually bend back her arm until it snaps out of its socket.
The ideal conditions for any PVC item is safely secured in its box in a cold and dry environment.
For more details on plasticizers read
This article
Grimgar figures when though?
Tiny German pantsu.
Probably never. But I thought the same for Rokka no Yuusha. How does Grimgar compare in terms of sales and and fan-art?
what the fuck is this
I want to turn anime girls into bricks and build a house out of them.
>And this isn't even my final form
>Unpainted resin kit, so I would need to GIT GUD
Why is life so hard?
I'm surprised someone like Melonpan hasn't done that by now.
Low leg panties are the best.
>Morrigan in a nurse uniform with giant syringe instead of on of the alternate clothing layouts that she actually took such as the china dress or casual ones
Get Lloyd.
Can you guys help me translate moon?
《24時間以内に発送致します》開封済の商品です。外箱は有ります。中身は目立つキズ・破損・汚れはみられませんが、外箱は少々スレ・角に凹み等のダメージがあります。消毒清掃、梱包をして発送致します。 «
>inb4 no
can I request Ami ship freeing Koneko separately from my other June orders, as soon as she is released? Idk if I wanna pay for Saber okita.
Q. Can you combine/split my orders?
Be careful how your word it. They might misunderstand and you could lose everything.
The superior nendoroids.
Hope they just bad you.
Dispatch in a day
Already opened
Somewhat dameged box
I'm noticing the original Miku nendoroids (033) are only going for like 1300JPY on Mandarake.
Is that actually the going price right now, or is something fishy? Just no demand for the old one anymore?
I'm not a big fan of nendos but I need something to pair up with my Len.
no demand. too many mikus and too many rereleases
Got mine in today, no issues. Box was a bit damaged though.
So I want to get into garage kits. I assume it's not as simple as coloring stuff in and putting pegs into associated holes?
What's a good camera I can use for taking figure pictures that I can buy used for under $200
I'm a NEET so I don't need it for any purpose other than that but I built a little homemade lightbox and my mom's old Olympus FE-170 that I found takes pictures that look like shit no matter what because it's completely auto
>coloring stuff in
This is the hard part
It's basically
>drill and pin joints
>fix seams and paint
Everything aside from the painting is simple
Is everyone in this thread trying to get into GKs at once, or something? I feel like the last week's worth of threads have all had posts like this.
From what I understand, the only difficult part seems to be the painting/shading. The rest of it just looks like plamo but more time consuming and less, I don't know what word to use, industrialized? Basically missing all the modern features of model kits and expecting you to use lots of paint, putty and glue to make something that doesn't look like a retard's art project. The second link in the guide does a great job of explaining the whole process, give it a read.
Post that cute butt
Dakimakura are far softer than I expected them to me. The material of the latest Starless dakis are really nice.
Is that so?
I guess. Only one I have. Are they all soft? I expected them to be more cottony.
I have a cover but no pillow so I haven't gotten to feel it yet, its official 2way tricot.
Get a tripod. Have enough light so that the iso on auto is between 100-200. Check local listings.
I just felt the material, no pillow either. Not sure I'll ever get one either.
Seems like they would be a pain in the ass to store.
If its your waifu then you must get a pillow eventually.
are you going to hang the daki like a tapestry? What's the point of a daki w/o a pillow
Maybe so.
Possibly. I like the character so I bought it.
10,250 JPY
Danke danke
I can't tell if I like that more or less than the original.
Does anyone know on what basis prices change on Amazon Japan?
It seems every time I preorder something (or look up something on preorder) the price goes up a few hundred yen within hours.
Is it a matter of how many people are buying it?
is it a recolor? looks slightly different. prob lighting, but looks better here
it's mainly just the eyes.
This isn't coming out on may, is it?
Lots of small improvements.
Better eyes, much better detail on the hair flowers, better shading throughout, sword changed from purple to orange, etc
oh wow, so are preorders still open? I want that
It's a variant not a reprint.
I never said that.
looks like a sepia version
What is the cutest fig you have ever seen?
Sorry you missed the 5 minute window. Get ready to pay after market fees.
>10k nippon dollars
I was expecting them to be assholes and charge 15k at least for her, glad to see it wasn't the case
Sarcasm or serious?
I didn't want to start a new thread and I don't know if this is a good place to post this, but I want someone to see this.
Did I do good? I made it myself.
>inb4 worst girl
Anything I own
if you are one of those "SURELY IT WILL BIN RIGHT GUISE" faggots then yeah, she will rape your wallet
Why? since she's tiny and 2013 release was 7200JPY
I'm being very serious. I stayed up all night to get her pre-ordered because of the limited amount of time she was up. I hope all the other people in this thread got her in time.
Most Morrigan "fans" don't know the first thing about Darkstalkers.
I don't think she will bin, idk where you got that. Preorders are currently open then, yes?
Why do they keep turning to Kinu for Darkstalkers merch designs when she never worked on that series? wouldn't Bengus or Akiman be more logical choices?
Not a huge fan of the tiling but the vector looks pretty good on top.
Terrible taste in mouse though
The mouse as well as the keyboard was given to me for free. They're terrible but usable.
My order just went through even though it says out of stock so I think?
Oh Chris, you'll never be relevant again.