Is h3h3 the real life 56% face?

Is h3h3 the real life 56% face?

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No but he's the real life merchant

I can see it

Wow I'm a 40 year old kike faggot married to a skeletal copy of my mother (I'm not a psychologically demented kike teeehee) and I make my shekels by reviews CRAZY jootoob videos making fun of them haha so kooky so crazy

> i'm chubby non-threatening jew with a fupa heheheh
> i got double chin make fun of it like I always do teehee
> I'm not your run of the mill troubled self hating jew

h3h3 great, jews rock.


56% body fat?

>double chin merchant

kek'd audibly

>der untermensch

He's from Israel

Someone pls make a rundown on how his backstabbing is affecting him. I want to deshekelise this kike.

I hate this fat disgusting prick and his heeb mail order bride

He's American he just lived in Israel.

Is that kid supposed to be ugly?

no, it's le 56% face

le youtube poop man

no he's a jew so he's in the top 1% elite

Should have change it to h8h8

I didn't know the cianigger jews can be anatomically american despite not being american anatomically

>get drunk and claim it's other youtubers who make him look bad
>it's actually h3h3 fans who called him out in the first place
>waiting for his new video but it seems his channel is going to die from this because of his blaming and hypocrisy and not taking personal responsibility

He's just Jewish




give me a rundown on the backstabbing? pewds?

Highly over exaggerated what Pewdiepie said even though he himself has said the word too and much worse imo

He had a complete meltdown on yesterday's podcast (starts at 3:19)


>it's only okay if I say it
This unfunny jew has gone too far, acts like some kind of king of internet faggot.

>coughs into the mic

Mail order bride? I'm pretty sure he captured her walking on tall grass.
>Hng-hng Hnghilakleeeein

That's the face of a true niggerfaggot.

>how are you doing my fellow whites

I cant fucking stand this guy and his wife. They remind me of the addams family.

I don't think his channel is actually going to die? Is it that bad?

Many channels have died this way, few have been able to pull themselves back like FineBros but Leafy and many others lay in the dust after bad controversy. Pewdiepie survived because vast majority support him but most people now dislike h3h3

I think you're just wishing too hard

nah m8 check out the like to dislike ratio. his own fans started calling him out as a hypocrite

You should see my 100% Sephardic uncle. He's basically a real life, highly stylized jewish caricature, but I love him anyway. He converted to Catholicism.

There are legions of pewd fans. Let me know when his sub count is falling and not continually growing.

>tall grass
Ethan procured his mousy blue-eyed jewess from a holohoax museum.

want to smash his face in desu lads

All you need to do is sick the SJW's on him for saying "nigger faggot", doesn't matter what context he said it in because they will feast on it. Start with Talcum X and watch the sparks fly as they try to go after his sponsors. Play both sides.