One Piece

Clean spoilers anticipation thread
Spoilers in about 5 hours.

Rebeccafag,Monetfag,Sanafag and any other shipperfag stay out

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First page is out.

Usopp is gonna die soon.
Trust me I'm Oda's editor.

I can't wait for the spoilers. Hopefully we will see what happens at Mariejoie and we will get two or three pictures of Rebecca and Shirahoshi. And also Vivi.

It's nice to see the woman being dominant for once, I was sick of seeing forbidden rape pictures.


Not before Elbaf therefore not soon

The pervert at the top right of this picture disgusts me. Moria is fine. Stupid but sometimes funny thanks to his face.

leave or kys

>stay out
Reiju is cute. I hope she and Monet fight.

This is a very scary picture. I don't think I would be able to sleep well imagining this in my mind.

Why would you call me a sexist?
I like equality and I never discriminate against men even if I hate how misogynist they can be. I am only denouncing misogynist men. Not men as a whole. I don't want you to misunderstand me. Can you tell me which sentence of mine you consider as sexist? I don't want to pretend you didn't say anything.

What does kys mean? I don't get it. Is that a band's name?

I am sick of fights between women. Women can fight and beat men too.

>theres a monetfag and rebeccafag in the same thread

what a time to be alive

What I believe will happen :
- Luffy interacts with Sanji's brother
- Sanji meets his mother whose face isn't revealed
- Rebecca, Shirahoshi and Vivi get screentime
- We take a look at what Zoro's group is doing
- Dragon is in his new hideout

>Rebeccafag is friendly towards sanafag and monetfag.
I wouldn't be surprised if they are in a little group where they talk to each other.
I'm also sure the 3 of them are trump supporters.

As a Monetfag myself, I despise Rebeccafags, Shipperfags and Trump

>waifu fags hate trump

Sounds about right.

I'm not sure what kind of schyzophrenic thing you are talking about, but is it wrong for people who support women to be friendly with each other? I think this is perfectly natural.
I hate Trump. He is a monster created by us and we have to stop him at all costs before this is too late and before he ruins America.

I'm sorry, I don't call myself "Rebeccafag" but since you are referring to me, why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you or to anyone else? I don't remember doing anything that would make you or others hate me. Far from it, I've been interacting in a friendly way with everyone and tried to convince people that they should change with detailed explanations. I don't like to praise myself, but I believe I did something right.

Why did Nami blush?

>the two bad guys love Trump
>Aokiji (the only nice guy as well as the only black american character) doesn't love Trump
The one who made this picture had it all right.

she wants the D.

>nice guy
>traitor to all those who counted on him

Of course you would like him, you commie.

She/he/whatever's a bit thick, but mostly harmless
>shipperfags in general
I really have nothing to say on them because I don't care. As long as it doesn't affect the story Calarts Love Triangle style people can do what they want with the Fandom.
Well, no shit. But this is Sup Forums so we don't talk about that here.

>little group where they get together
Well if you must know, there is this one place we all hang out and talk...
Here. This thread. It's spoilers day, of course we all showed up.

Because she was embarrassed. But it would be nice if Nami and Luffy became a pairing even if I am cheering for RebeccaXLuffy. Nami is a strong-willed woman, Luffy is a non-misogynist fighter, now that I think about it, they would be the perfect anti-misogynist manga couple.

>mfw patiently waiting for Rebeccafag to fuck off

>the marines are bad guys


Aokiji betrayed the WG because they were wrong.
The WG supports slavery. They support the World nobles, who are the source of a lot of hatred. Even fishmen are discriminated against because of World Nobles. Aokiji is someone who wants to fight against this order. I think he is working with Blackbeard because he wants to overthrow the WG. Blackbeard provides him with a powerful crew's power.

I am not thick, neither physically nor mentally. I don't want you to insult me. However, I am glad that you are calling me harmless because I never try to harm anyone. If you ever feel harmed, please say so and I will act accordingly in a way that will make you feel everything but harmed because what I want above all isn't to fix everyone's problems, it's to make people obtain peace in their hearts.

I will go to sleep then I will come back before I travel for vacation. But I will be here tomorrow because this is the perfect day to influence a lot of people since everyone gathers on Thursday. The more people on Thursday, the more people I can talk to, the less misogynists.

Aokiji is black.
Doesn't "white police" remind you of real life problems?

Do you honestly believe Trump has a hidden agenda to destroy America. The better he is as president, the more connections he will have after his term(s) is\are up. He is a business man. If Trump isn't familiar with something, he will hire someone who is.

Look at the current state of Venezuela to see how your socialist ideas work.

Hint: they don't.

>marines obey celestial scum
>marines support slavery and racism
>marines kidnapped pregnant women to kills gold d roger bloodline

>black american
what makes you think he is american?

why are people still replying to rebeccafag

I don't mind those two as much as the shippers, and that LawxLuffy cancerfag who likes to use btfo and kys all the time. That cocklicker's whole ip range and provider should be permabanned.

Is that whats hia face the cook guy finally with whats her face. I dont remember their names because i stopped watching and i should pick it back up

Hey 'Beccadude you sound like a swell guy, you wanna blow this joint and go blow a real joint know what I'm saying?

>Why would you call me a sexist?
>I like equality and I never discriminate against men even if I hate how misogynist they can be. >I am only denouncing misogynist men.
Is this bait?

Fucking "kill yourself" you silly cunt.
And I'm not Monetfag, but in the previous thread you claimed women should not say "take a shit". That is sexist, and you have been reported.

My guess is that Oda got words from one of his editors. He had an editor called Hattori who is a white person who used to live in Europe or America. I think Hattori told Oda about problems in America. He probably told Oda about how bad the situation was over there, with neo-nazis asking for the American population to be segregated. He must also have told Oda about unfortunate black supremacists because they are hateful of slavery, and younger black supremacists who don't care at all. The Fishman arc is a depiction of the American society. That's why it wouldn't surprise me if the WG represented the American government with its police. Remember, when slavery was introduced in One Piece, Obama wasn't president yet, at least I think so, maybe I am wrong. That would mean Oda tried to spread a message to make people understand that WG (America Government) is wrong and that the people have to do a revolution if it ever proves necessary. Not only in America since we can use democracy, but if Trump ever gets elected, we have to imitate Dragon and the Revolutionaries. Luffy is a symbol of peace and hope.

Yes, I do. Trump is a racist bigot. Everyone knows it. It's useless to hide it, I don't understand why conservatives pretend he isn't even though white supremacists on Twitter admit he is. Do you know Trump retweeted a tweet from a Sup Forums user?

See above.

I'm sorry, I don't understand?

No, this isn't a bait.

It seems we're in this arc fully now and won't be looking at any other group for a while.

Is garp a bad guy? He is one of the most pro-marine people we have seen in the entire series.

Perhaps you are just a whiny little faggot, and are taking issues with the tone, and not the actions, of the marines.

What did akainu actually do wrong?

Monetfag you are literally perfect.
Keep it up.

Druggz nigga

Okay, thanks for the definition.

I was referring to the way you talked, saying "take a shit" is very vulgar, even for men.

To expand about the analogy matter, I would like to remind you that Oda loves analogies. Even Zou is a reference to Japan. Oda is fortunately aware that Japan is too close-minded and that they have to "open their doors". That's why you can't dismiss what I say like it's nonsense, because it's not nonsense.

>If you ever feel harmed, please say so and I will act accordingly in a way that will make you feel everything but harmed

Fuck, Marry, Kill
you can only pick 3

This arc is still in his building phase.

Don't use a racist word, thank you.

The Vinsmoke fighting style will be dual spinning short weapons.
Sanji was proficient at it, Nij is god tier at it and Gin idolized G66 and when he used it against Sanji and it threw him off and that's why he lost. He will return this arc as a G66 lackey.
G66 aren't necessarily evil. They had an ancient beef with the WG which caused them to lose their lands, and in a peace treaty allow them to join Reverie and political clout in exchange for technology. They are planning to turn on the WG and make a pact with the BM pirates, but will join Luffy's fleet after this arc instead.
Sanji left because the G66 were attacked and stabbed and killed an enemy soldier who turned out to be a woman. This is what causes him to be psychologically unable to hurt women, and swears to never use his hands in combat.
Killer left because he liked killing too much, which caused him to be an outcast.

I'm black, I get to say nigga as much as I want.

Why would Trump sacrifice his branding. You're a sheltered idiot if you think he'll be elected and go, "gotcha!".

And what if I call you a racist bigot, does that make it true?

Except you did not claim that it was vulgar, you claimed it was not something a woman should say. Double standard.
>even for men
Holding gender's up to different standards is sexist. Reported.

I think Garp is another one of these analogies. He is an old conservative American who genuinely cares for his country, but even though he does love his country, his superior don't. They use him as a tool to embellish themselves and get more votes during the elections. Garp wakes up when he realizes that bonds and love are more important than rules and law.


I want to marry all six.

So you lied when saying you would do whatever you could to make me not feel harm?

>cannot list a single thing

Thought as much.

>Oda making mistake after mistake
>people still suck his dick
>next thing this faggot will do is add romance
>Oda just pulls shit out of his ass 1 hour before the chapter gets shipped out
>I-I was just kidding guys Sanji actually is a prince hehe xd
>is it even him writing the story at this point


Rogersbase is that you

The newest chapter and the previous one focusing on only the players for the Whole Cake Island arc leads me to think otherwise.

triggering whitebeard that wasn't causing any fucking problem, a big amount of marines got killed in that war.
Even garp and sengoku (Shirohige war was his fault) doesn't support many inhuman decisions
I didn't say that akainu did something wrong, even if his methods are wretched, it was war.

Well, I'm black, and I don't like the use of that word, under any circumstance, so let's not be a hypocrite, ok?

As if someone from East Blue knows something about North Blue or the Germa.

I hope to see this fucker again tho, along with Krieg. Best East Blue villains

This is an interesting theory. Actually, I would love you to be right. What a tragic backstory Sanji would have. It would make his misogynist actions more understandable, though I don't get why he would be so traumatized over hurting a woman even though he has no problem hurting countless men in the worst possibly ways. I would love Sanji to use dual weapons with his arms on top of using his legs to attack. Attacking with four limbs is more effective than attacking with two limbs.

I don't know if I should believe you.

Trump won't be elected.
No, that won't make it true if you call me as such because thjis is what you are.

Wrong. This is about fighting vulgarity. No one must say things like "shit" because this is vulgar, this is what I meant, you misunderstood me completely.

Time for you to fuck back off to whatever pit of gibbering insanity you crawled out from.

Stories of G66 are published worldwide in comic form. Oda said he would be back.

You are not harmed. I am helping you to become tolerant of others.


Anything could happen, this is Oda we are talking about, the one who made Kyros win against Diamante despite standing on a single injured leg.

I bet that spoiler is real since Oda loves shitting on Moria.

>Rebeccafag is black
Well color me surprised!

For fuck's sake.
Just report and ignore this flake guys.
Don't give her the attention she craves.

Akainu was wrong. War isn't a pretext to kill people. Violence only creates more violence. I remember a very famous black american person saying that, and he was right. Gandhi solved problems without violence. He wouldn't have wanted you to think that the end justifies the means because the end never justifies the means if the end is death.

Your exact post was
>If you're a girl then you shouldn't use words such as "take a shit"...
>If you're a girl
>Meaning it is different if you are a guy.
Double standard.
You are changing what you are trying to say.
And now you attempt to speak for someone else? Deciding if they are harmed or not is not something that you have a right to decide, only he can.
You speak as if you were quite the misogynist yourself.

>I am helping you to become tolerant of others.
I don't know about him but you're pissing me off.


I didn't reply but I don't say I am not black.

I want to talk about One Piece. What do you disagree with me about? I think my theory about Oda's analogies is right. Is something wrong with I wrote? Do you think that Oda isn't trying to denounce Japan's hate toward multiculturalism? He obviously is.

Lel how uninformed are you. He leads Hillary in plenty of polls. He wants to appoint Ben Carson, a black man, as head of department of education. Also I like how you ignored my point on Venezuela. Go to bed man, you're obviously underage.

>let's not be a hypocrite, ok?
What do you think we are a goddamn hivemind? Fuck off.

I'm not black and I say nigger all I want.
Fuck off.

That's some ugly charact design.
When will oda stop drawing like some devisntartist?

You shouldn't use these words, especially if you're a girl because it makes you look like a misogynist and I would hate a woman looking like a misogynist. Because, you know, I hate misogynists more than anything except than racists.

Who are you, to say he isn't harmed?
You are too gullible. This is why you keep believing in Trump's lies.

I don't want to annoy you.

Go back to your safe space nigger

You say Trump leads Hillary in plenty of polls, but the truth he's been losing for a long time.
I don't remember you making a point on Venezuela.
Anyway, Trump is very similar to Akainu. He wants to use force and cruelty to get the so-called peace he wants.

Its still decent at worst and the point of One Piece is the story not the art

What a complete fucking lunatic you are. I hope you're a troll because you are the definition of regressive shit-stain retard.
Go back to China or Saudi Arabia where speech is censored. Faggot.

Prove Trump is a racist. He hires illegals

>this is an one piece thread
Worst fanbase on Sup Forums confirmed

>especially if you're a girl
So you hold women up to higher/different standards than men?
Double standards are not healthy.
>Who are you, to say he isn't harmed?
I am that poster, and thus it is my right to say I was, and continue to be harmed by your posting here. You are intentionally harming me, which is even worse considering you said
>If you ever feel harmed, please say so and I will act accordingly in a way that will make you feel everything but harmed
I explicitly stated what you oh so graciously said you would do.
And yet here you continue to be.

Leave, racists.

I even think the art is very good.
Anyway, someone who can't draw mangas doesn't have the right to judge people who can. Try to draw mangas if you think you're SO good.

Get out.

When did he say that?
And Venezuela is in shambles right now. Learn something before you talk.

Just show us your ugly tits instead of samefagging you landwhale. We all know its you.

All I see is violent burnouts.
It amazes me how delusional you college imbeciles are.

Leave you fucking spic

Youre never going to make Sup Forums a safe space mizzou equivalent. You are free to leave if youre too sensitive.

>Oda isn't trying to denounce Japan's hate toward multiculturalism?
Oda and Japan aren't suckling at the poisonous teat of Intersectionality and identity politics. It's only a deluded, narcissistic Yank who can only see the world through their own myopic lenses, that think the Japanese give a flying fuck about multiculturalism.

Also, I'm not American but if I were, I'd vote for Trump just to piss you off.

Now take your moronic bullshit somewhere else.

What spoiler?

You don't like China and Saudi Arabia? Well, I'm pretty sure they hate white racists, so I would rather live over there than living in the same place as you. However, I will stay in the countries of the West because I won't move just because you asked me to do so.

Racists always say they have a black friend to pretend they aren't racists. Take a look at Aokiji, who used to be friends with Akainu and Kizaru.

Wrong, I said they were the same, but women don't have to look like misogynists. Like men mustn't be misogynists, it's the same thing.
You aren't harmed because I say so. I know you aren't harmed, people who say they aren't racist are also racist, your lies don't deceive me because I have experience. I used to study psychology. I see through you. You aren't harmed, I will say that again, you aren't harmed.

Fuck off nigger. Back to Africa.

Libs operate on feeling instead of logic. This is why you have inexperienced 18 yr. old children preaching about how the world should be. Once they get out of their suburbs, they will change their tune but until then it's hopeless.

Fuck off cancer. Take your faggotry to tumblr.

hilarious how these liberal faeries believe Japan isn't hands down, the most xenophobic place on the planet, following South Korea and then Vietnam...
I would love to see black people go to these countries and denounce the racism that exists there so I can laugh myself to sleep.


I reply to many posts, do you mind quoting the post where he talked about Venezuela? I don't see it.
You are very rude, by the way.

I am only and . You are wrong.

What if you were the imbecile?

I won't leave.

Does other people being sensitive hurt you? I think that makes you almost as sensitive as me, though you still lack in sensibility.

No, Oda is aware that monoculturalism is a real problem, Hattori told him about it. Japan will change soon thanks to the revolution that Democrats are bringing forth.
I am glad you aren't American.

Oh they know

They're even bitching about their rampaging sexism too

Because she's a barely closeted dyke.