i live 5 minutes from there and got the alert too. what do?


Nothing of value is lost.

Ok faggot?
Im not searching that address because my time is to valuable and I am above it, list the city and state its in for me you pleb.

A flying HIV monster has appeared. Lock your doors. Stay inside.

Find out what direction the wind is.

go outside and stream

Baltimore Maryland, already secured the leak but we can hope it still gentrifies the community

i dont smell anything strange. theres a million helicopters though. it sounds like a tornado from how many there is


Gee, I sure do hope it kills all the black people but genetics in white people somehow keep them alive.

also spics and chinks have a 50-50 chance or something

nice meme

RIP user you were a good boy

Baltimore, Maryland

can someone summarize the happening please?

Idk probably just Rosie O'Donnel farted

I checked it earlier on twitter, and it didn't seem like a fun happening.

looks like some niggers spilled chemicals and they had to shut down a single road for like 30 mins and now its over lol. its nothing

WTF is corsafonic acid?

>plant spills chlorosulfuric acid
>gets wet
>makes sulfuric acid and hcl fumes

1:30PM: ALL CLEAR. Situation in Curtis Bay has been resolved. Shelter in place is lifted.

>Some south Baltimore residents asked to shelter in place
>Fairfield residents are encouraged to go outside and play - the Baltimore PD will be handing out free snorkles and water wings.

>my time is valuable
Nigger you're on Sup Forums, typing this response takes longer than highlighting and right clicking the link.

one and true anwer

you better inhale some of that stuff user

Go for a jog fagget.