"Nazi" gets knocked out in Seattle

So this happened last night. Apparently someone spotted this guy on a train and decided to broadcast his location and face to "anti fascist" twitter and within an hour the guy was confronted and assaulted by this hooded guy. Anti-Fa are quite pleased today.


Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds kinda fakey

There's over 10 threads about this already. Learn 2 catalog and fuck off.

Obviously set up. People in Seattle are too pussy to actually fight

You forgot to check the catalog

>check the catalog

You mean.....
like a Goy......?

Seattle actually has mutual consent to combat law. Thats how Phoenix Jones got away with kicking the shit out of people. This just reeks of fakery though. At the very best this guy is an autistic LARPer or he lost a bet or draw of straws and had to play the part of "nazi" fo dem clickz

>Be fat lonely far-right man with little money
>Know you're allowed by law to atleast wear that shit but know people hate it
>Walk around until you get a retard to hit you
>Sue for damages or get money out of the puncher.

Guy was a moron or trying to make money by tricking retards to beat the shit out of him over a hate symbol.

Yeah, people were following him for a hour or 2 before this happend. Good riddance larping shit

Seems pretty fake and staged.

The guy was not even wearing his armband on the correct arm.

>normalization of violence against [insert target group].

my life before the red pill was better. i could just think "yeah give it to him" and feel good about it.
now i see how ((they)) influence peoples behaviour, and most follow blindly, they dont realize they are getting brainwashed! just sad. how do i get back to ignorant life? i tried alcohol, didnt work, i tried weed, didnt work, i tried sports, didnt work, i tried gf, didnt work.... its like once you see it, you cant unsee it anymore, like a tatoo in brain.

Hi leftypol.

Still can't find work huh?


wow that national socialist got blown the HECK out!

That doesnt even add up. If you were gonna pull an insurance scam are you gonna get hit by an 87 cutlass with a different color sidepanel, or would you stop short on a Mercedes-Benz? What do you think that punchers net worth is? This is fake. And gay.

gee I wonder why an American punched a nazi. gee it's not like ww2 had the americans fighting against the nazis. autism. Saging this post

He had a weak chin

>wearing a swastika in public

The articles I've read say that this happened because of antifa twitter, yet the guy who knocks the "nazi" out doesn't look like your typical antifa guy. He's not even trying to conceal his identity.

swastikas are cool you pussy

implying niggers even know WWII happened. We were the bad guys in that war anyway.

Reddit sends their regards ;)

>Walk around with a nazi armband
>Get knocked the fuck out

He got what was coming to him. Talk shit, get hit.

That was a solid punch. Landed flush. Would have knocked anyone out. Dude was tall.

This is what happens when Sup Forums decides to leave the basement to go redpill the people.

Yet it's real.

>blurred lines
> 20 years of this shit
>thirty years of this shit
>this is just like Harry Potter
>i have to eliminate the sith
>there is no god
> i am the decider of my fate
> life is like star wars
>>>>>>>you are heregets shot by cops

The absolute state of leftist politics.

Id on the "nazi" who got punched?

Because for some reason in the lefts frenzy of doxing "nazis" the obviously fake plants never get outed...

So how long until weapnized autism tracks this coon down and puts him in prison? Get to it pol.

who the fuck LARP around as a nazi alone?
the fuck is wrong with him?

>armband on the right arm
ok Rabbi

I never said his political views should be illegal, just that they are inflammatory and insulting. If I walked upto a bunch of marines and disrespected the corp, they'd want to fuck me up. If you walk around with a nazi armband knowing full well about the holocaust and nazi beliefs about race, don't be surprised when a jew or a non-white knocks you the fuck out.

Great. So has the nigger been arrested and put where they belong?

People like you are the real heros

Probably has mental health issues. Oh well, punch him.

t. libtards

Has Sup Forums found an ID on the Nazi yet??

Nothing excites people more than the prospect of justified violence. They get to feel all warm and fuzzy inside about expressing their most base instincts.

>i-its f-f-fake!


Lmao is that the country you want?

The guy that started it all is:


Pussy Nazi. Come around my town and get BTFO ;)

Want to know how I know you're a kike?

>Random asshole punches a random asshole

Why shluldany of us care

Found him

I'm in your town faggot. Me and about 50 other nazis are in your town. And I carry. So, good luck finding me. I won't let some faggot homeless meth head get within striking distance either.

>video removed

Video removed for bullshit reasons
>sexua content

Your responsible for the words that come out of your mouth. If you call non-whites subhumans and jews "kikes", don't be surprised when they beat your ass. How does believing that make me jewish?

It's the (((holocaust))) talk. Literally the only animals that bring it up without being prompted are Weasley smelly unwashed kikes.

Post nose


>Fat Amerimut nazi larper wears swastika outside and triggers lefties to knock him the fuck out.
Serves him right, shame lefty faggot didn't kill him.

>bideo is nod abaidable


Choose one.

looks kinda fakey

I wish there was video of him throwing the banana right before this happened.

Obviously fake. I have never seen anyone wear an armband like that


>Fat manlet larper gets punched in the face
Why would I get a shit? I don't care if I agree with them about NatSoc shit, if they're a fat out of shape bitch then they're not practicing what they preach.
Fat wigger is just as bad as the commies in my opinion. Disgusting slob.

Why do you get triggered everytime someone brings up the holocaust when discussing the nazis?

found another upload


Another Seattle Nazi reporting in. I know there is a lot of us because I frequently see them post on Sup Forums and reddit.

Converted to webm.
FUCK wh*Te subhumans

Any way to dox the "victim" to see if it is a set up?

I wouldn't wear a swastika unless I was packing heat and prepared to use it. Might be a good way to blow away some commies. Just be like "hey I was just defending myself"

Not you again...You know you aren't black

Oh look another white man had his ass beat in public? Please tell me about how you should just get a gun instead of getting in shape and learning to fight hand to hand?

It's like the white race wants to be genocided. Fucking pathetic display as usual. Typical alt-right, nu-Sup Forums faggot like everyone else on this board.

Go to infinity chan

Thanks m8

I bey you don't walk around with a dumbass armband on either, do you? You ever see this 'nazi' before? I sure haven't.

Also, if you don't carry, start. It's easy to do. Go get your permit, walk down to outdoor emporium, get a m&p shield for like $250, and walk out same day by using your permit. Buy $20 worth of federal hst hollow points, badabing, badaboom. No nazi bashing by meth heads looking for something to feel good about for the first time in their shitty lives.

You wh*Te subhumans will never divide us TURKS from BLACKS despite your countless divide and conquer efforts.

His armband was on the wrong arm. There is no way this guy is a nazi.


Is this dude a retarded manchild? I wouldn't be talking to niggers unarmed even without a nazi armband.

And not carrying.. seems legit bad idea if your in a liberal shit hole..

Triggered? I'm just bringing up the fact that nobody cares about the lolocost except kikes. Why do you keep calling me a Nazi? I hate socialism in all its forms. I just hate kike subversion more. Hating Jews is as American as Apple pie or, baseball. It's only been like what 40 or so years where racism hasn't been mainstream and, that's already starting to backfire. People are getting sick and, tired of race-baiting faggotry.

Dude, if this guy was a real nazi he would not be going out looking like a slow with his underwear showing, he would not be FAT, and he would know how to speak and compose himself with confidence, and he would also know how to defend himself to a degree.
This guy is 100% LARP

Ok why would someone wear a swastika in public, unarmed, for no reason?

Then he magically gets "doxed" by antifa within an hour and they find him? Lol?

The dude doesnt even look white

It's almost like it's staged, hm.

Looks like a fucking redneck walmart shopper


By all means.

I'd love to put down a spree killer before they can get started on their rampage.


>wearing a swastika irl on the wrong arm

fake as fuck

yes we all know that roach faggots love to suck the bbc

He's a neo-nazi

Alright see you in Chicago Tribune or whatever ;-)

This. If this is real, antifa would have gotten his wallet and photo'd his license and put that shit all over the internet. Articles would be written about how Jonny B Nazi lost his job at Staples.

How to tell if something is staged:
1) Subject of group hate is attacked by liberal in-group
2) Attack is applauded
3) Subject of attack is never identified, he just remains, "a Nazi" (aka, an actor)




>had the americans fighting against the nazis
They mostly didn't. They fought the Japs and many were reluctant to kill Germans or be involved in Europe at all. Most knew that COMMUNISM was the real threat between the two ideologies and if they were able to choose who to support, most would've easily picked Hitler and National Socialism. That was especially true after the war.

Yep. How are you gonna deal with it flat on the ground? Lmao.


Your bait is of poor quality


color me surprised.

someone really wears a nazi symbol in public?

We don't love sucking BBC we just love BLACK people, it is you wh*Te subhumans who love to suck BLACK dick. now GTFo before I run truck into you wh*Te infidel subhuman.

swastika on right arm? Me says fake

just an fyi, the holocaust is one of the biggest reasons why the nazi's are so hated today. If you get this upset everytime someone mentions it when talking about the nazi's then you have issues that you need to work out.

>Hating Jews is as American as Apple pie
>nobody cares about the lolocost except kikes
>I just hate kike subversion
>Why do you keep calling me a Nazi?

For the record, I never called you a nazi before but I can see it as a fitting label now. Stop being a pussy and come out of the nazi closet.