How do we solve the Millennial problem?

>Millennials are destroying civilization on a grand scale never before seen in history
>Civilizations have survived the bloodiest wars in history and remained intact
>Millennials destroy civilization without having to kill directly
Whats their endgame? Where do we go from here? Answers anons we need answers now
>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

I've got all kinds of answers.
What kind would you like?

the most jewish answer you got
answer of such magnitude of jewishness that I will willingly take high percentage loan and donate all my shekels to antisemitism museum
bring it on rabbi

how about the answers that answer the question?

I would require some hefty funds to get a proper answer for that

>generation that has continually demonstrated that they wield no power
>destroying the world

millenials are just a mass of useful idiots.

Millennials are the result of boomers milking the good times. Generation Z will avenge us.

as expected from synagogue of satan
here, catch those and tell me your millenial secrets

This. Baby Boomers are really fucking shit up.

>Millennial problem?
>not boomer problem
Thing is millennials have zero control over their lives and all social order was laid out and is continuing to be laid out by boomers.

The separation of Goyim generations is meant only to force Goyim to direct blame towards older/younger generations instead of demanding a change in economical stracture.

Millennials are just weak men living in hard times. Boomers created the Hard Times.

Those millennial politicians and bankers are sure fucking everything up.

thank you shlomo, you are my worst ally, but ally nevertheless
now go fetch me my WW2 reparations from germany, you will be allowed to keep some of those

>a change in economical stracture.
Change that would make real impact sound like this:
>abolish all laws made in the last 50 years
>strip civil rights and property from everyone who is 45+ years old
Boomers will try to argue this.

you are my worst ally
>you are my worst ally
you are my worst ally
>you are my worst ally
you are my worst ally
You realize of course this means war

bring it on, we do not have anything for you to steal anymore

You have hopes.
We'll settle for that.

based ashkenazi turkish mongoloid

pls no, we are good goyim, here watch this picture of african migrant in Poland, we don't need more diversity, but we definitely need mo moni for dem pogroms

Well, lets made deal. Germoney need pay denbt but they dont want, so we hire your brother as lawyer and later you as denbt collector ~ denbt will grow and everyone get some earn on germoney.

Fine but if we succeed.....
You make a thread about Israel being greatest Ally.


ok deal
for now accept this humble offering, statue of your grandfather who was gassed 1488 times in aushwitz but managed to get out
it is supposed to bring good luck, high interest loans and onions

Replace millennial with boomer.

> What are Boomers

>25 year olds eating avocado toast are destroying civilization

deport the illegals, no more avocados for the toast. 25 year olds go back to using butter. The end.

>implying OP isn't a fucking retard

stop posting anime for starters you fucking NEET weeaboo.

Will there be more konosuba?

Kill the boomers.

or what?

Fun fact: young boomers spent more on snacks than Millennials. Let it sink in for while

... I'm 25, and avocados are ok, not great. Guacamole is pretty delish tho

Kill Boomers and Xers
Remove Shitskin
Nuke Israel

>millennial bashing

It's about time for your 3 o'clock pain meds

Donn't blame mmillenials for thhe downnfall of ccivvilization. Civilizations come and go, rise andd fall, or eend. That has bbeen aa prooperty of eevery civilization that humans have evver built. The weest is no diiffferent. Millennials are tthe cause. Humaans are.


>20 and 30 somethings are to blame for the collapse of civilization

I liked this meme better when millennials were teenagers and 20 somethings and somehow the recession of 2008 was their fault.
