Why do foreigners think Brexit isn't happening?
Why do foreigners think Brexit isn't happening?
It is?
>It is?
Yes. Article 50, the trigger for exiting the European Union was activated 6 months. In early 2019, barring any extension given by unanimous decision by every organ of the EU, we will be out of the EU.
wow media doesn't say anything about that lol
but is it happening ?
They are going to destroy your country to an almost irreparable point this two years.
Well they wouldn't would they?
Yes. The process is underway right now.
A Louis Brexit special would be pretty awesome honestly
What happens if you don't meet all their terms? Why are you even arguing with them, don't they need trade with you, every bit as much as you need trade, with them?
If no deal defaults to "hard Brexit." This is what Junker and Tusk want, in case you missed every public statement they made before Macron told them to shut up.
Britain is leaving the EU. The negotiations are being construed by the EU as being a "first: you pay us money we think you owe us" and then secondly talk about free trade and all that. If we don't get an agreement on this stuff, we revert immediately in March 2019 to the normal rules most countries operate by, i.e. World Trade Organisation ruels - with tarriffs etc.
>Why are you even arguing with them, don't they need trade with you, every bit as much as you need trade, with them?
We're engaging with them because easier access to trade is good for our economy. But as you say, the UK is one of the biggest trading partners of EU countries and we have a massive trade deficit with them. Without free trade with Britain the entire, for example, German automobile industry would be hit hard and tens of thousands would be laid off. The European Commission, the unelected body in charge of the Brexit negotiations for the EU, cares more about EU member state solidarity and punishing us so that it discourages anyone else from leaving. They want us to suffer, even if it affects the EU's economy. They (i.e. Jean Claude Juncker) say that they can't let us succeed or else other EU countries will demand special treatment or threaten to leave. It is more political and ideological for them, than practical.
That is where the gulf between the UK and the EU has always been. The British, in the typical Anglo free trade entrepeneurial mindset have always seen it as a trade bloc. The continentals, and their socially liberal leadership, see the EU and the disintegration of the nation-states of Europe as quite literally the only thing stopping a future brutal European war. The EU would take a bad hit if Britain resorted to WTO rules, but they will take it for the sake of solidarity.
Color me shocked that the only Eurofags who actually understand EU politics are bongs.
Other EU fags don't even know the EEC bankrupted Uruguay to fatten the wallets of French farmers. And they get so sanctimonious about "muh protectionism."
The French have always been disgustingly protectionist, while pretending not to be.
>mad cow disease epidemic in Britain
>sorted out
>France uses it an excuse to ban all British beef exports to France for SIX years
>uses that time to use the Common Agricultural Policy money to boost the strength of their own agriculture and make them less reliant on British exports.
There is also a famous EU law case involving the French government turning a blind eye to French farmers destroying Spanish and Belgian imported agricultural goods to protect their own industry. It is is literally known as the "Angry French Farmers" case.
It isn't happening. Before it happens, they will (ruling elite) sign contracts and obligations - same ones as they would be in EU.
Which is good, since EU is free movement of capital and goods.
Ah. Barring any extension....
I said from the beginning that Brexit would be a collossal political fuck fest, and that the retarded baby which will result will please nobody.
If you think 27 countries are going to agree to allow us the kindness of extra negotiating time you're batshit and have no idea how much some EU countries dislike us.
It is happening. There is no soft Brexit or hard Brexit, there is only Brexit.
I haven't seen any claims that there will be serious long term consequences to either party. UK will suffer trade loss in the short term, EU will have prices raise in the short term. Things will normalize.
This is what happens every time a sweetheart deal comes to an end.
>Which is good, since EU is free movement of capital and goods.
and people
Actually no deal is what we want because WTO rules are fucking better than anything our shitstain of a government can put together. It will also almost definitely result in the fall of the EU if we get no deal and proceed to prosper.
everyone knew that from the start, retard. you're not special because you know politics is complicated and difficult.
Yes, but Juncker and Tusk want it too because they believe the EU is the only real civilization and the UK will turn into Russia c. 1995.
>make them less reliant on british exports
Do you even realize how tiny the British agricultural sector is, especially when compared to France? Britain can't even begin to produce enough food to even feed themselves, let alone export in any significant amounts. British products are not found in supermarkets outside britain. No one gives a shit about British food exports.
Yes, which is good. It is labour, which is commodity like any other, and if somewhere is shortage of it, it should be unrestricted amd flowed like any other commodty for benefit of market and all people.
Is Brexit still even a thing?
I thought it was just another Stupid Meme you're government made up to keep kids interested in politics.
Yes, feed on your anger. They aren't people, they're traitors to your cause. Wouldn't it be simpler if they just went away? Can you think of any more...permanent solution to make Germany great again?
Free markets don't actually exist. If you try to forge a free market, but keep the tarriffs, labor laws, subsidies, etc., then you're just another kind of protectionist building another kind of bubble.
Your first LARP as an ancap?
Has it perhaps occurred to you that the reason the British agricultural sector shrank so much is because of the anti-competitive practices of French agriculture, boosted primarily by the EU's reluctance to get involved. British exports were clearly considered enough of a threat for the French government to consider banning them for 6 years useful to their farmers. The reason the British don't export any produce is because you can't compete with that kind of behaviour.
Besides, agriculture isn't what this is about. I was just giving an example of continental hypocrisy. Nobody gives a shit about our food exports, but they give a shit about our 70 million strong market for all of their crap. French vineyards will be torn to shreds if the British consumer suddenly has to pay another 20% on top for their wines.
>it should be unrestricted amd flowed like any other commodty for benefit of market and all people.
That would be all well and good, if that wasn't the main reason why we voted to leave the EU. It turns out the only people that benefit from that unrestricted movement are English-speaking eastern European migrant workers. It's not like I could rock up in Bucharest right now and get a job.
It's not that, it just won't do anything...
the Muslims are already there, really concentrated right now but they'll spread out over time and it's a pretty small country sooo lol
I mean one reason USA is better off is it's just big
Take a wild guess
how they gonna do that chillefag? They won't have the economic power and they won't making our rules for us. Poland will be following us once the gibs are finished it's just going to be gemanistan and francistan left with a welfare bill they can't pay. Tbh not going to morn the loss of either of these cuntries
we do not care, pal
I wouldn't expect a Russian to know much about global affairs to be honest, but you are right. However the oft times I see Brexit being mentioned on here it always seems to be people under the misconception that it has in some way been "cancelled" as if it wasn't a formal legal process and negotiation that has already begun.
>Larping as ancap
Lol who the fuck does say that?
>Free markets don't actually exist.
Free markets - ideal free markets do not exist yes, because we do not live in fairy tale my friend. Only in fairy tales ideals exist, but we strive to get close as much it is possible.
>If you try to forge a free market, but keep the tarriffs, labor laws, subsidies, etc., then you're just another kind of protectionist building another kind of bubble.
Yes do they exist in EU, for external market, with states who are not part of EU. They are free to join, but they must have same rules.
>labour laws
Are product of a state and power influences within state. We can't get rid of a state over night, besude that, many private companies do want that good labour laws - it means you will have !cheap! labour infux.
>Article 107 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in that if it distorts competition or the free market, it is classed by the European Union as being illegal state aid
Try again.
European Union is not perfect, it is not ancapistan paradise, but it is better than national states with protectionist policies.
>That would be all well and good, if that wasn't the main reason why we voted to leave the EU. It turns out the only people that benefit from that unrestricted movement are English-speaking eastern European migrant workers. It's not like I could rock up in Bucharest right now and get a job.
It benefits society and market as whole. Market is beneficial for both sides. If you are selling potato to someone, and someone buys it, it is beneficial transaction for both of you. You get money, he gets his long wanted potatos - same is in labour.
It's protectionism on a European scale. Countries in the EU are not allowed to make their own trade deals, have to put up certain tariffs, and are forced to subsidise the poorer shitholes like Romania and Bulgaria.
>It benefits society and market as whole. Market is beneficial for both sides
No. It benefits the market. It destroys society. 10 years of mass migration from Eastern Europe was all it took to destroy 70 years of post-war consensus in Britain, and thankfully turn the country back towards a more right-wing one. Honestly I would thank the EU, but it came at too high a cost. All it took was a few Poles sending benefits money home and building massive houses with it, bringing their families over for free health care and undercutting the white working class' wages.
Free movement would have worked if the EU had remained a purely Western European phenomenon. The federalist Eurocrats just couldn't help themselves though.
>dude just enlarge it lmao
>it is better than national states with protectionist policies.
The EU is incredibly protectionist. The very fact that they don't want to have a free trade deal with the UK speaks volumes about their willingness to engage in free trade.
The British Agricultural sector is shit because of your stupid laws on landowners having to be lords, it has nothing to do with France or the EU. Most farmers have to pawn the land they use for so much money, they can only really keep sheep (cheap as fuck to raise, but you can't make money with them).
The French have a chip on their shoulder about their "cuisine", that's the only reason they do all that shit. They just love getting special treatment as far as food shit goes (stuffed geese and wine laws, etc.).
You're right though, this isn't about agriculture. This is about the collapse of the EU because one little shitty economy is leaving the trade union. Worry about your stock market instead, that's what's really important for your country.
I really love how this kraut thinks he knows how English farmers work and that we only keep sheep.
Fucking mind boggling.
>because of your stupid laws on landowners having to be lords
As a lawfag, what the hell are you talking about?
>Most farmers have to pawn the land they use for so much money, they can only really keep sheep
We have a agricultural sector, and the average farmer is pretty damn well-off due to absurd subsidies given to them. The whole thing is incredibly mechanised.
>This is about the collapse of the EU because one little shitty economy is leaving the trade union
We can only hope. Perhaps then we can get back to competing with each other fairly and squarely like reasonable peoples.
>your stupid laws on landowners having to be lords
You fucking what? It's not the fucking dark ages you moron.
Awww I'm sorry sweetie.... hasn't anyone told you yet?
I'll bet you didn't.
I fucking hate louis. The arrogant fuck, at leadt ross kemp gets shot at. Louis just gets on hia high horse and passivley tells cunts to not be bigots.
That Vince has dementia?
Don't believe me, check out his interview with Marr
Louis Louis ooooooh no.
I actually like some of that guy's work.
Oh you'e a pro-EU ancap? Lol. Real believable. Socialism is diametrically opposed to ancapism.
21st Century German intellectualism, ladies and gentleman. No wonder AfD is going to get opposition party status.
>I'll bet you didn't.
Here's a list of organisations and people that said Brexit was going to be difficult. The fact that the Establishment, both at home and abroad, shitposted the idea of leaving to death was half the reason why the British people voted to leave.
>European Central Bank
>World Bank
>World Trade Organisation
Plus the President of the U.S, and our own Prime Minister.
In fact, here's a full list.
This contact mantra we hear here in the UK that "the people didn't know what the consequences were going to be" has always been a load of bollocks. It turns out most British people would cut their own hand off it it means saving the NHS, schools and their own livelihoods from Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians.
Fuck off kid. Louis Theroux may be somewhat of a BBC cuck, but he's probably one of the best documentarians currently alive.
Because with the way your government is trembling, you're going to have elections in 2018, and one of the points will be reversing brexit. Because the political landscape will be in total shambles and so are both your major parties, and also because Nige is gone, you'll end up with people who will try to reverse brexit.
Are you actually, non-ironically retarded?
Labour would get crushed in another election campaign. They won 40% of the vote because they promised people they'd follow through with Brexit and would bring us out of the Free Movement Area. They've already gone back on that promise.
May would be gone if there was another election and someone who was somewhat competent would replace her.
Yes it does benefit society as whole! But you don't see it from your perspective of an individual. Market allocates resources where they are needed for benefit of society. You are observing from your national point of view, which is regressive - do know, that UK leaving EU is just a small setback, a small "correction" in market forces. In future, UK will be mixed society (indians, pakis, poles etc.) and you can say good bye to your "British" fake nationalism. It might just happen that in few years, UK will join again EU, since it will just go downhill for UK. My point is, Progress is inevitable.
>The EU is incredibly protectionist. The very fact that they don't want to have a free trade deal with the UK speaks volumes about their willingness to engage in free trade.
I replied to some other dude already. Yes on outside! becasue those countries do not play with same rules! There are whole set of treaties, rules in EU. One of them - most important is about subsides
>Article 107 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in that if it distorts competition or the free market, it is classed by the European Union as being illegal state aid.
So of course it is protectionist on outside. Join EU, play on same rules without destroying market with subsidies and you can join and we can freely trade. Is this so hard to understand?
& thank God UK is leaving, because it did not play by same rules (currency). In future, it will try to join, but it will have to play by the rules and lose the pound or two.
Sorry that was an obvious hyperbole, I thought brits were good at wit. You do keep a shitoad (comparatively) of sheep though and underproduce cereals, arable crops and pretty much everything else.
Farmers are subsidised here too, obviosuly it's mechanized, you're a developed country, doesn't change the fact that your agricultural sector is tiny and doesn't export in significant amounts.
Once again, why do you give such a shit about a trade deal anyway, if most of your economy relies on the stock market and banks in London.
Despite some wishful thinking and the prospensity for Tories to cannibalise each other, the fact that they know their majority is on a knife edge means they will not risk any election. This government is going to be in until 2022. Conservatives like power, it turns out.
>also because Nige is gone, you'll end up with people who will try to reverse brexit.
Nigel Farage has never been an official part of the British political scene. He has only ever been a member of the European Parliament, a body which he has spent 20 years trying to get abolished. Nigel Farage has more influence on his LBC radio show than he has ever had before. He is helping curate the public perception of Brexit massively and proving far more effective than he ever did sitting in that chamber in Strasbourg. Nigel never had any formal power to get Brexit going. It's on the people actually in the British Cabinet to push it towards a hard Brexit, which is exactly what has been happening in the past 3 days. Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, David Davis, Dr Liam Fox etc.
Okay fair enough. I'm looking to move to Scotland so I'm following it more from there, I didn't think labour did as bad. We've had news about Corpsebin appearing on some festival like a superstar. I feel like the SNP might try to pull what I described though.
>Oh you'e a pro-EU ancap? Lol. Real believable. Socialism is diametrically opposed to ancapism.
>EU is Socialism
Are you retarted or just murican? oh you are both. :)
>LBC radio show
Didn't know about his show. What does LBC stand for? Trying to google it.
Godspeed, britons. I hope one day my shitty country's politicians will find their balls and get us out of the "EEC is totes not EU, you guys! We only have to put everything they say into law" bullshit they snuck us into.
Where are you to moving lad?
And Comrade Corbyn is a complete demagogue, he managed to shock everyone on election night because the students turned out en masse to vote for free Universities. Fucking disgusting in my opinion that a supposed "man of the people" would push for a policy that shifts the burden of tuition from the middle to upper class students to the hardworking taxpayer. His shadow chancellor is a fucking toe rag too, calling for an insurrection.
Leading Britain's Conversation. It's a pure talk show, now music. Pretty comfy desu.
Here's Nige and Moggy together youtube.com
>doesn't change the fact that your agricultural sector is tiny and doesn't export in significant amounts.
My point was that the French used the EU to damage our agriculture beyond repair.
>why do you give such a shit about a trade deal anyway, if most of your economy relies on the stock market and banks in London.
It's mostly about importing. Nobody wants to have to pay an extra 32% for a bottle of wine, which is what the World Trade Organisation tariff is on wine, or 10% extra for a Volkswagen It would fuck everyone up.
But as you say, banks and the stock market and all that want a trade deal because it would ensure that there are no barriers to entry for financial services, accountancy, law etc. between here and the EU. Trade deals are not just about physical exports.
Used to be London Broadcasting Corporation, but not it's just LBC or "leading Britain's conservation". It's the biggest talk radio station in the UK.
Nigel Farage's radio show is popular as hell. It is regularly posted here on Sup Forums so you can listen to it.
>I'm looking to move to Scotland
Thanks, will check it out.
Moving to Glasgow, or another town in the lothians. Depends on the NHS.
Tell me more about how your welfare states and policy of economic interventionism aren't socialism. Or are you one of those folks who think socialism and communism are interchangeable terms?
Wishful thinking. They want access to your resources and fear a Britain unshackled by EU regulations calculated to create stagnation.
they are either deluded or just jelly that our nation dares to dream,that maybe we could restore our former glory of empire rather than become a vassal to brussels
this flag still challenges the winds of destiny! this flame cannot die! our people are invincible! the soul of empire is alive and once more britain dares again to be great!
False flag?
Flee while you can.
My entire country only exists because the EU is planted here. Don't become us.
no user,this flag
Part of why Bongland doesnt grow more of its own food is the EU CAP jewing actual farmers out of land which people like myself (I am a banker) own and get paid on to leave empty. I collect my EUbux every year on it.
Secondly you cant talk a about farming in Bongland without talking about the supermarkets who have got the farmers by the balls. In order to "fix" farming in Bongland, you must first sort out the supermarkets. What is it? 1 pound in 3 spent in tesco? More now?
Finally, 70% of land in the UK never changes hands. Ever. And never will while the EU subsidy for empty fields exists. There is simply no reason to ever sell it. 70%. Taken out of circulation forever.
Good post. The biggest irony is that New Zealand's removal of their state subsidies for farmers in the 70s was the greatest thing that ever happened to them. The CAP is a destructive and sloth-inducing force that has helped fuck us at the expense of the French and Germans. The race to the bottom in supermarkets definitely isn't helping.
Yeah, they're going to try. They'll succeed to a degree too, but the other useful truth is that a lot of what's here needs to die anyway.
It's going to be two birds with one stone, and we aren't even going to need to throw it - they'll do that for us.
>Bonus desire for revenge with the remaining populous.
It honeslty couldn't work out any better.
i created that meme im glad to see it getting air miles still lol
How is your fairy tale world? Where everything is black or white?
>economic intervetionism
EU is really not a example of it. It is frowned upon and allowed only in certain situation. Go read EU treaties. USA is more economy interventionist than EU.
>are you one of those folks who think socialism and communism are interchangeable terms?
What? I do think you have no idea what is Socialism, you probably think Denmark or Sweeden are socialist counatries :D
heres another oc i made at the same time
They really are damaging themselves in their attempts to intimidate our negotiators.
When the average "little Englander" sees headlines like this it tends to reinforce an acceptance of any harsh and punitive outcome to this whole thing. The EU may be inadvertently making the British be more comfortable with getting fucked by any negatives of Brexit. This will make leaving the EU look far more acceptable to Eurosceptics.
>Fuck off kid. Louis Theroux may be somewhat of a BBC cuck, but he's probably one of the best documentarians currently alive.
He's an antagonistic dork, not a quality documentary maker you fucking retard. Grow up.
>South American
why do brits think it's not happening.
Top work user. Had me in stiches when I first saw it.
Only a tiny minority of globalists that own French holiday homes.
Pic unrelated.
Nobody cares because it will change very little. I'm sure deep down even the British understand this.
Britain now EIGHTH largest industrial nation as it climbs world rankings in Brexit boost
>telling lies on the internet
you don't know how EUbux actually work
It's a ploy by the media to try to meme it into reality