Is porn responsible for the population collapse in Japan

Is porn responsible for the population collapse in Japan.
Adult diapers now outsell infant diapers because porn appears to have damaged people in Japan so badly they can't even reproduce
From "Your brain on Porn"
>Loss of attraction to real partners ‘Young Japanese men are growing indifferent or even averse to sex, while married couples are starting to have it even less,’ reported the Japan Times, citing a 2010 poll that revealed a striking trend. More than 36% of men aged 16 to 19 had no interest in sex, more than double the 17.5 % from 2008. Men between 20 and 24 showed a similar trend, jumping from 11.8 % to 21.5 %, while men between 45 and 49 leaped from 8.7 % to 22.1 %.[28]
>Effects on libido, romance Relationships, too, are affected by porn use, which makes sense. Too much stimulation can interfere with what scientists call pair-bonding, or falling in love. When scientists jacked up pair-bonding animals on amphetamine, the naturally monogamous animals no longer formed a preference for one partner.[30] The artificial stimulation hijacks their bonding machinery, leaving them just like regular (promiscuous) mammals – in which the brain circuits for lasting bonds are absent.
>Research in humans also suggests that too much stimulation weakens pair bonds. According to a 2007 study, mere exposure to numerous sexy female images causes a man to devalue his real-life partner.[31] He rates her lower not only on attractiveness, but also on warmth and intelligence. Also, after pornography consumption, subjects of both sexes report less satisfaction with their intimate partner – including the partner's affection, appearance, sexual curiosity and performance.[32] And both men and women assign increased importance to sex without emotional involvement.

Other urls found in this thread:

[28] Yuri Tomikawa, "No Sex, Please, We're Young Japanese Men," The Wall Street Journal, January 13, 2011.
>[30] Yan Liu et al., "Nucleus accumbens dopamine mediates amphetamine-induced impairment of social bonding in a monogamous rodent species," PNAS, 107/3 (2009): 1217–1222, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0911998107.
>[31] Jennifer Viegas, "Flirty strangers sway how men see partners," Discovery News/ABC Science, March 26, 2007,
>[32] Dolf Zillmann and Jennings Bryant, "Pornography's Impact on Sexual Satisfaction," Journal of Applied Social Psychology 18/5 (1988): 438–453, doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.1988.tb00027.x.

Japan is an example of a high tech society, high stakes dog eat dog culture. If you can't make it in the corporate/academic world, you're pretty much fucked, and even if you make it in the corporate world you work 16 hours a day and don;t have time to date anyway. Many men drop out and they have all this tech and entertainment to keep them occupied, creating a nation of young men with no stake in society remaining eternal children because they have the technology to do so.


That shouldn't prevent young men from even wanting to have sex with women. If you read the post, the older men are, the more sex drive they have.

Sluts are pretty damaging to relationships.

Birth rates in most of Eastern Europe are even lower than in Japan and I seriously doubt that Slavs and Romanians beat their meat off to porn all day.



stop shilling your book here

Everyone needs to read this.
Your seed is holy and is your spirit, don't waste it by releasing it in socks and tissue papers. Hold that shit in forever

Einstein was a notorious sex fiend. As were most presidents. So was Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle....

>This is why you don't trust random idiots on Sup Forums and use screencaps as profound statements.

Being against porn, does not mean you are against sex. There was nothing like today's porn in in the day off Albert Einstein.

I would argue monogamous relationships are better for children because when you bring people into their lives who aren't their parents you increase the risk of child abuse, whether through beating or sexual abuse.

Humans are like lions. If a male lion dies, his replacement will kill his young.

There's no genetic advantage to taking care of a child who is not your own.

>Einstein was a notorious sex fiend
He told his wife not to disturb him during his productive periods.

>Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle....
Wrong. They valued conservation and chaste behavior. Socrates in old age said "alas, I am finally free of this mad dog", the mad dog being the sexual drive.
Plato said "The first and most noblest battle is the battle over self".

Western Civilization was founded on sexual abstinence.

>Continence is beneficial to the brain (for conserved lecithin from retained semen is a true brain food.) Hence some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led continent lives. These include Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer, etc. 6. Recent physiological evidence, pointing to the fact that the seminal fluid contains substances of great physiological value (such as Poehl's Spermine, which is a nerve-stimulant, lecithin, cholesterin, vitamin E, male sex hormones, etc.) supports the idea that continence is beneficial to health, as do the experiments of Prof. Brown-Sequard on the vitalizing effects of testicular extracts and those of Prof. Steinach on the rejuvenation that follows the enforced conservation of semen through ligature of the efferent testicular duct. 7. Leading physiologists, urologists, genito-urinary specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists endorse the physiological value of continence. Among such authorities are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

>Dr.John Harvey Kellogg, points to the fact that many of the famous Greek athletes of antiquity (as Astylos, Dopompos and others mentioned by Plato) practiced total continence during their training, which contributed to their extraordinary vigor

Makes sense. Dog eat dog for now. Grind hard and when you're an old retired nip you can get poontang. Who cares about passing on your legacy when you live in robosociety Japan

Does have anyone here addiction on bondage porn? What do you think about it?

>>This is why you don't trust random idiots on Sup Forums and use screencaps as profound statements.

Would you trust Philip Zimbardo, who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Would you trust the American Urological Association?

Nope Fukushima is responsible.

Japanese don't want to bring kids into a world where 50 years from now they will still be cleaning up that damn sword of Damocles up in Fukushima prefecture.

Now if they would just sink the Russian navy and invade china again now that would be worth procreating for the emperor.

"productive periods"

you mean the time of the day his ballsacks were crying out to be emptied into at least half a dozen different women, h'uh

Pretty much.
If you think about it:
>Get the highest Technology first
>Suddenly Young Men stop Breeding
Makes sense.

>Nope Fukushima is responsible.

Nice try, but their population collapse started before Fukushima.

More like the weeks where he was in isolation and the only contact he had with his wife was whenever she brought him in his tea or some food.
He told her not to touch him and had her dress modestly.

Honestly Japans problems are pretty deep rooted socially, and I wouldn't be surprised if it all stems from overpopulation. We all know the le beautiful ones rat experiment. Japan has an absurd population density, the houses are shitty and made out of cardboard with no insulation. Their work ethic is stupidly hardcore, 12 hour days where you stay late and do nothing just to show your bosses your commitment, then you HAVE to go out drinking with them for another 3 hours after.

And before work, its not much better - long school hours, summer involves cramming schools to prepare for the big exams that make/ruin the rest of your life.

They just have too much stress as a society, and that stress results in failing birth rates and people disinterested in forming partnerships.

both articles sum it up quite well.

This time the answer is society - for real.

> be man
> slave away hours in HS then college then work
> get a wife cuz it's the norm
> work 18h days
> wife hands you the equivalent of $ 400 because money is not men's business
> Sex is non-existing because you are either over-worked or wifey has a head-ache
> kids see you as an ATM for their cycle in this hellish life, you lived

>ask yourself - does no wife a 6h job and constant porn, computer games, anime and other activities to your hearts content offset this life?

Just as an experiment, try giving up porn for two months. Masturbate all you want, but try to do it without looking at porn.

See if you feel the withdrawal from addition.

See if your perception of the world changes.

Do you really have the control over your life you think you have?

Is someone supplementing your income and you are taking advantage of that?
What will you do when they are no longer there to support you?

It's probably a combination of porn and the societal norms in Japan. More due to the latter than former if you ask me

Fuck off with this attitude. You sound like a MGTOW and every single one of those filthy cunt degenerate losers needs to have a long hard look in the mirror and then kill themselves.

I'd say so. Japan is a perfect example of the dangers porn have have on society.

He's talking about Japanese society you utter nonces, not whatever (presumably) Western nation he's living in. He's absolutely right that life in modern Japan is complete and utter shit for your average person because of their fucked up working culture that completely and utterly dominates virtually all of a person's time.

It's the reason why you see so many young Japanese people, particularly men for some reason, deciding to just completely opt out of 'conventional' society and spend their time swimming in escapism instead. Japanese working culture makes Western work look like a fucking joke and I believe that if it doesn't change then the amount of young people giving up on it completely will only increase.

You might find Chris Rock's perception on porn interesting

If porn is responsible and things like free porn and sexbots are making it way easier to make the pop count collapse, why is the Japanese reproduction rate improving?