What is this bozo doing in the UN?
What is this bozo doing in the UN?
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His presence makes the snake recoil.
Running it
Bozo is offensive to the Jeff bezos of the world. Don't be anti semetic, goy.
Spreading awareness. White male lives matters.
shutting it down
Bozo is going to get nuked desu
There's a middle east treaty in the works.
Reporting for duty, SAH!
He's gonna bring peace to the entire world.
You watch.
Everything about him is so fucking chad-like. Look at that pose, it's so fucking alpha. How can one man be such a chad?
Hopefully deporting them all
Showing the World whose in charge.
Warning people that people in California are retards.
We won, you lost. Get over it, stop shilling or risk losing 2018 midterms by a bigger margin than already forseen.
jesus you people are idiots...
the "notice me senpai" of welfare queens
we might have to take over europe if the eu/un kikes keep ramping up the white genocide
Leading it.
He's just trying to find the purpose of the UN