Syrians General /sg/- River Cruise Edition


>SOUTHFRONT Sep18 (Afghanistan)

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>DeZ Sep18
>Raqqa Sep14
>Central Syria Sep14
>E Salamiyah Sep13
>Daraa Aug 20
>E Ghouta Aug 11

Developments Sep18
SAA crosses Euphrates river using pontoon bridge, liberates Marat&Madhlum villages. SDF expands control over industrial site
2 cargo planes with supplies&equipement land on airport
RU media:US asked RU to meet and discuss future of DeZ
SAA liberates 10 villaged in NW DeZ. Ru Mod:50
Pentagon:RU bombed SDF!- RU denied:We bomb only terrorist&inform US of strikes
>3 Al-qaeda leaders assasinated in Idlib in 1 week
>BBC:Destruction of Raqqa exceeds that of Mosul
>Hama/Homs pocket:SAA liberates Um Tin and Al-Nabatiya towns
>Reports of jihadist build up near Golan Hights,SAA readies its forces
>E Ghouta:SAA detonates tunnel used by rebels in Ayn Tarma
>Reports:US forces withdrew from Az-Zaqf village near Iraqi border, part of US-Russian agreement on deconfliction zones
>RU Mod:54 rebels surrender to Gov. Small groups of IS fighters in DeZ also surrender
>journalist:Germany sent weapons to rebels via balkan route
>900 days of Saudi aggression:12907 citizens dead,21k injured, destroyed 15 airports,14 ports,1941 bridges&roads,296 hospitals&medical facilities,791 schools,114 university facilities
/sg Army 2017 album -


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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white Kurdish children.

Ass*d has already lost, diaspora dogs.



nth for ISIS comeback soon
Also post nasheeds

/sg/ is the last bastion of sanity on Sup Forums


back off.

The only reason i get here is for /sg/, and maybe /AHSG/ becuase is funny as fuck, the rest is fucking garbage.

So, where is you god now?

Wish they would come back in Saudi or Pakistan or some shit. Time for them to reap what they sow.

>describes a wartorn country where constant murder goes on by a lunatic dictator as "funny as fuck"
christ, you Ass*dists make me sick

You know what /AHSG/ is? Right?

Headshot compilation

Leaving for Rawa now
Into the night

Islam is a lie:

Damascus > Kobane

Houthis torturing a nigger. Probably a sudanese mercenary.

Reposting from previous bread.

I thought Iraqi parliament kaiboshed the referendum. Also, ISIS has lost 90% of it's effective fighting troops at this point. The rest are tired of war.

This is over, one way or another. This is also a huge morale boost to the Iraqi army, which is only just starting to get back on its feet. I see nothing but positives from this.

I get it. You don't want to see more people die because There are a few more ISIS to kill. I'd be more worried about corrupt military commanders turning into human smugglers, if I were you.


I think everyone is forgetting the fact that isis started in syria and spread in Iraq because dulaimees(a fucking tribe) are fucking retarded.
Those fucks worked with brits before against their own people.
Back to the point.. You can't claim that you are fighting terrorism if you provide them with air conditioned busses and help them reach another country safely to continue their terrorism.
Where are burgers with their muh negotiate with terrorist? Why aren't they using this to fuck iran shit up like they did with us?

>implying I said that
Those trucks sure got your brain cells.
Without Iran and Hezbollah our country would have been another US bitch like turkey and S.A and we would be happy with it. I am fine with being a bitch if that means I won't be seeing people's brains splattered all over family restaurants or lose 10% of the fucking population.
Another possibility is that the war with iran never happened and therefore only saddam can cut off our heads.

Not gonna lie, former Ass*dist here. This is fucking hilarious watching Ass*d crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the Oil fields.

>Asylum seeker

He is going to win. The US is already calling off most of its intervention in Syria.

>Without Iran and Hezbollah our country would have been another US bitch like turkey and S.A and we would be happy with it. I am fine with being a bitch if that means I won't be seeing people's brains splattered all over family restaurants or lose 10% of the fucking population.

Is that schizo Iraqi still here? Hezbollah are heroes and the only fighting force ever to defeat the IDF in combat.

We're still winning, you just keep on shilling

Here at 2.50 are they using a drone or some kind of unamanned vehicle to shoot?

Yeah, we have nothing to do with ISIS mate.

>ass*dists actually believe this


It's sputnik, but interesting if true.

>Some 35 Armed Groups Side With Syrian Government Forces in Idlib - Russian MoD

>Thirty-five illegal militant units have confirmed their readiness to switch to the side of the government troops in the Idlib de-escalation zone in eastern Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation said Monday.

>using violence against children as staple for your pro-Ass*d propaganda

Idlib will be a shitfest

This isn't over. There are less isis fighters but the number of `civilians` is equally getting bigger.
The ME will never be stable not Iraq, at least.
Also, the military is the last of anyone's worries.
The `military` is just.. an image. We are back to fucking tribes now.
The military and police are there to be targets for explosions only. They won't do shit if they see a bank getting robbed or a person getting murdered.


Yes, totally disregard the manpower pool and the amount of fighting, as well as the amount of factories and equipment in stock. But hey, don't let me burst your socialist bubble.

not an argument

What is non-isis flag?
Don't understant arabic. What they're saying.

Absolutely cucked

I'm curious if the US is going to back down like cucks again and let the SAA stay on the eastern shore of the Euphrates, would make it seem like they're just throwing empty threats again after trying to rebuild their credibility

>Non-ISIS flag

HTS flag

And it said about Sudan mercenaries killed in Najran.

HTS flag

Imagine what could have been...

Don't fucking bitch about 300 worn out apes being transfered from western Qalamoun to Bukamal when until now Abadi hasn't done shit to fight ISIS on the Anbar front. SAA and Hezbollah fought back ISIS, al-Qaeda and USA over 60,000 square kilometers when Abadi did next to nothing in half a year and you bitch about 300 fighters MAYBE crossing to al-Qaim. Fucking son of a whore crying behind your computer, i'm happy there's decent Iraqis calling out your Abadi cocksucking irl.
tfu on you

>al*wite cuisine

But parts of the PMU, including Christian and Sunni tribes are going to be incorporated into the ISF. This is happening three years after being crushed by a much smaller force in one of, with all due respect, the most humiliating routes in history.

you have to give it time. The ISF is only just getting back on its feet after what happened. You have to remove all of Maliki's cronies, and instill an ethos of trust in the military. Then this has to get filtered down the public so they have something to be proud of.

It's all baby steps, but its gotta happen slowly and carefully. You're living in interesting times politically for your country. I. however, do not envy your position.

Those crazy zipperheads will eat anything

What do you think muqtada al sadr meeting with the Saudis and how will this affect Iraq politics

It's him, i'm pretty sure

>tfw ass*dists will never realize they are on the wrong end of history, all while supporting a dictator worse than Hitler

yes, he sounds the same, whiny bitch

>I think everyone is forgetting the fact that isis started in syria and spread in Iraq because dulaimees(a fucking tribe) are fucking retarded.
The hell are you talking about? ISIS is Iraqis military literally, once your generals sold your country to US instead of fighting for it vast amount of military were pretty much forced to join terrorists, AL-Q at a time, then anounce project IS.

>You can't claim that you are fighting terrorism if you provide them with air conditioned busses and help them reach another country safely to continue their terrorism.
First government must stick to given word even if subject is terrorist. Second border region isn't your country, they could and probably will stay in Syria part and fight against SAA so "glorious kurds" could grab more land.

>Where are burgers with their muh negotiate with terrorist? Why aren't they using this to fuck iran shit up like they did with us?
You are joking right? Muh brave mujahadins doesn't ring a bell? US literally work with pretty much all terrorist orgs, even few weeks ago they evacuated 20 ISIS commanders from Dez area. You think they will send them against you or kurds? Don't be naive.

Where have I heard this argument before?
Probably not the libshits and cucks shilling for Hillary and the neo-cons in the 2016 elections

On a second though, We could have been the bitch that can demand more. Now we are just the bitch that silently follows the one who pulls the strings harder.

>things get better slowly
The weeb inside me wants to get back to its safe zone. YAMEEEROOOO
Tools.. Fucking tools. All of them. NO! ALL of YoU. ALL OF US


Really makes you think

>Back in August during the Suknah OP Anna News Reporter Oleg told me he couldn't wait to give Issam Zahreddine Odessa flag
>Oleg has carried this flag throughout missions in Palmyra (Twice), Aleppo, Damascus, hama, Al-Tanaf, homs & Sukhnah & now DeirEzZor

The Black wind howls... among the SAA will shortly perish.


Ignore my previous comment, my account has been hacked. Muqtada daisuki. Muqtada our lord of chromosomes and saviour.
I should get offline quickly

al-Sadr is a retard that fancies himself an emperor. He won't get his wish.

If you want something, you have to go out and get it. Sometimes that shit is hard.


New shitmap when?


It's not howling, it's whistling.
Look up Kurdshill, it could be a B A S E D barrelbomb

Nah, I bet he's seriously piss drunk.

>Without Iran and Hezbollah our country would have been another US bitch like turkey and S.A and we would be happy with it. I am fine with being a bitch if that means I won't be seeing people's brains splattered all over family restaurants or lose 10% of the fucking population.
Man you are special. You are US bitch but you are not France type bitch, you are ME shithole type bitch and your job is to die and/or produce idiots which will continue join ISIS or another terror org so US can have their "war on terror" which made some of US citizens filthy rich and they won't stop milk that cow no matter what your opinion is. Ask your father if he is alive why he didn't fight for your future or if he died during invasion then why do you still alive?
Your choice as a bitch is comply or fight against it, not whining here.

>USA wants meeting with Russia to discuss future of #DeirEzzor


>pls don't cross the euphrates and take back your oilfields
>lmao no


Are you that weeb from Mosul who had to flee to Kurdish territory early on in the war?


Old photo from Muricans having a laugh

Been gone for a while; lay all the latest, spiciest memes on me, /sg/.

>*crosses river*
>H-Hey Ivan! Y-You're still not mad about us r-right? W-Wanna talk? P-Please Ivan, don't take the oil fields...

post yfw they talk to the Russians, and the SAA stealth gainz the rest of Euphrates in the middle of the talks

You've some isis in Pakistan.

And they attack us

>mfw Putin and Assad piss on Trump's face

Not even your country has `war on terror`. cut the crap already patriotfag.
No clue.

I bet you're fun at parties, Hafþór Innræktius.

That's because you're savages who like tp kill each other. Taliban and ISIL in Pakistan are almost or fully native.


We will liberate Syria! Every inch will belong to /ourguy/ Assad!

Chechnya and Dagestan ring a bell? you worthless worm

Czech'd and well said Snus.

>US and Afghanistan
You sure got me with those arguments.


>isis started in syria and spread in Iraq
You're full of shit motherfucker, it's common knowledge that many of Saddam's old generals went on to form AQ and ISIS.
Fuck off with your shilling, you are just talking out of your ass right now.

This fucking disgraceful piece of shit is making me so fucking mad thinking Iraq is the only victim.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


>Align yourself with greatest known backstabber in world
>Attempt referendum
>Surely, we've killed enough ISIS and ASSadists, they'll back us up!
>"US, UN Pressure Kurds to Delay Independence Referendum in Iraq"

>sympathizing with isis
>implying Abadi has any power
Get truck struck, sven.

Chechen terrorists on a string enjoying an helicopter ride in Chechnya.
No source.


>Chechnya and Dagestan ring a bell?
Well Putin ordered to blew up a few Russian apartment buildings to have an excuse to invade Chechnya.