Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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It's less about control/power and more what they do to us, especially the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7, after we treated them as brothers and let them into our nations with open arms in most cases only a few generations ago. Essentially if I wanted to bribe people to destroy Canada from within it wouldn't be hard to do rather the opposite, but why would I destroy my own country? This act of destruction surely wouldn't make me exceptionally powerful or intelligent.
Remember Europeans could do far, far more damage than Jews ever could imagine but why would we destroy our own societies on purpose? The hard truth is Jews and Muslims will always be envious/afraid of Europeans and this is why they shouldn't be allowed to live in the same political unit as us.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
They don't push any of this garbage in their ethnostate.
>to cuck to use the swatstika
Obviously the control everything one. The Jew is hated because he sticks his oversized nose in everything, only works through dishonesty and destroys the goy.
Jews are superior, I never claimed otherwise.
But that's hardly reason enough for me to just stand around and wait for them to make cattle of my people.
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
Jews have been removed 359 times throughout history.
Just because you completely disregard morality, ethics and human dignity doesn't mean you're superior.
Hello 1 post by this id shill. For those who insist on bumping this; jews are not inferior. They are mearly self serving. This makes them a cancer on every society and state, their own included. Good talk, enjoy your .02
>a collective of inferiors will subjugate a bunch of superior individuals
>better be an individual goy
Muh almonds
I choose the 10
This presentation by a former Israeli Jew completely explains your apparent paradox you kike.
Now go fuck yourself you deceiving JIDF scum.
Jews are inferior in a moral sense (and physical, sense their so susceptible to disease). They cheat while others naturally play by the rules which over time has led to the cult amassing large amounts of power and profit.
a person by themselves is inferior, by working as a group you are superior. oligarchy is power
>1 post by this ID
Lol, do you retards who save that image even read it before you jerk off to it? There are random ass people in there. Editors, guest speakers, consultants, movie critics etc. How does this at all sound like a good thing to post to back up your claims?
The two are not mutually exclusive. Jews control everything because they are allowed to control everything by white people, because white people have a certain thing called 'empathy' that the Jews lack. So they exploit that in white people and everyone who is against them is a racist and antisemite (like this is bad or something). If the white men can awaken from his deep slumber, the 99% of the Jewish population can be eradicated in one day.
Psychopaths/sociopaths, people that lack empathy and morals are usually the winners because they can take the shortcuts normal people can't.
>constantly genocide people
>destabilzes every other area then refuses to accept the refugees it causes, lumping them in with African migrants
Inb4 you blame JEEEEWWWSSS for it.
When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
Why do you want to go backwards, Brit? Diversity really isn't that bad, it's fun exploring different cultures, my dude. Exploring diversity sexually, that is.
He just said it wasn't about the power you fucking moron, did you even read what he said? There's 14 million jews worldwide yet their tentacles reach every influential corner in our societies.
Once the goyim realize all these traitors share something in common the kike is removed. 359 times and counting.
>jews are inferior
>lol sex tho
It's influence, not power. The entire structure can be dismantled and purged in a matter of months if not weeks. It took Hitler 72hrs to destroy antifa once the critical mass was reached. He imprisoned the useful idiots in reeducation camps and had their Jewish leaders shot for communist treason and terrorism.
It's a fraction of the Jews, you "fucking moron." Most don't even associate with people outside their stupid little communities in NY, SF and Israel. I get it's hard to understand it's just "wealthy" people, but at least try figure it out. That's the actual "redpill." It's just rich people. It's always been rich people.
>Culture that prioritizes education ends up with a higher percentage in the political spectrum education causes
>color me fucking shocked
They fall for the same SJW crap all the other college kids do. The right wing Jews donate shit tons of money to people fighting against that, for example, Sheldon Adelson.
Try harder, Moshe. This is a weak bait, but since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you a (You)
That's the plan. But this time I hope the removal is *permament*.
Jews are morally inferior. They control things because they lack moral and virtue
Communism and feminism were invented by kikes, for kikes. Feminism even to this day is almost completely Jewish from top to bottom. Kike Trotsky, kike Lenin's chosen successor and the creator of the Red Army, was the one that created racism offenses. He executed untold thousands for so called antisemitism.
Sigh, like fucking clockwork. Anytime someone points out you're being fucking retarded, it's instantly a kike. That's nigger tier logic, you faggot. "It's whitey's fault I's is a failure! It's duh racism! WE IS KANGS but DUH WHITE MANS be keeping us down!"
We're used to being raided by you inbreds. I've seen very few make it more than a week.
Also nobody cares how Jewish the media is in Israel, or that there are fewer Christian papers now than 100 years ago under the muds. You're guests in our nations ratboy, the Americans have treated you better than their own sons and daughters yet you still turned on them. Hitler warned this would happen.
It's not about being inferior, it's about being the enemy.
The idea that your opponent MUST be a lesser creature than you is a Leftist idea.
He executed thousands of Jews as well, you fucking idiot. What was that? A massive ruse? A single group of individuals isn't all of the Jews. You found a select group and are strawmanning them as all Jews as a weak ass fucking argument. Go back to stormfront.
You stormfaggots were raiding this place long before anyone else. Literally on your stupid little website that you're trying to. Long before there was any large scale shilling by the likes of CTR and Russian shills, there were you little faggots shilling first.
The largest, most watched network in the states is majority owned by Sand Niggers from SA, you retard.
What's your point? Kikes have been removed 359 times throughout history and in virtually all modern times they spent the last few days robbing themselves. Israel has the highest corruption rate in the OECD. Kikes burn their own all the time. Look at Madoff.
>You stormfaggots were raiding this place
You're on Sup Forums faggot. No amount of JIDF stormfag posting is going to subvert and change this board from being aware of the Jewish issue. That was the whole purpose of this 'containment board' in the first place.
Your "paper of record" is almost wholly Jewish.
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
Meanwhile the kike ethnostate with their 50%+ atheist kike immigration won't even allow an American Christian man to marry an Israeli rat. Even if he has the intention to convert. Jewish racial supremacism.
The containment board was created before you faggots tried to colonize. It was to lock out the conspiracy retards first and foremost. Once you saw it existed you saw a ripe spot to spread your tentacles of shit. Sup Forums has had left wing stints, right wing stints, and even libertarian crap dominated at one point.
New nations always have corruption issues, tard. Look anywhere where a new government gets formed. Popular people rise up, suck the country dry, then they force the country to start over. Every govt. of South America and Africa has the same issue.
>1 post by this ID
Saged, Reported and Hidden
You're on Sup Forums ratboy
Are you retarded? There's thousands of Jew / non-Jew marriages in Israel. Maybe you read some stupid shit about the ultra-religious Jews in Israel. Which, in case you haven't read the news, have been a thorn in the side of Israel since its founding.
Keep pretending what I said isn't true, stormfaggot. I know it's odd for you to actually get called out for your shit, but it's not a hidden secret. Most on here are LARPers and people memeing. You thought you were in good company and came to colonize.
My point is Israel completely destroyed the chosen race meme and that kikes burn their own just as easily as they burn the goy. It's nepotism and corruption, the same shit you kikes have been removed for 359 times throughout history.
Cry more ratboy. This board will never ignore the Jewish problem. It was created to contain it. They even tried deleting the board but a new one popped up that didn't censor the real issues so they had to bring it back.
>The containment board was created before you faggots tried to colonize. It was to lock out the conspiracy retards first and foremost. Once you saw it existed you saw a ripe spot to spread your tentacles of shit. Sup Forums has had left wing stints, right wing stints, and even libertarian crap dominated at one point.
It was to lock racism out because it was over the whole site. /new/ was deleted because shit got way too racist for moot, but after the mass exodus that followed because of his actions he brought /new/ as Sup Forums. Short version, you dumb shill, don't have any idea what you're talking about. Sup Forums has always been racist as fuck and nigger wasn't "just a joke bro". You should work on your subversive attempts at shilling because they are weak.
Morally inferior, OP. Jews are morally inferior. There's nothing more despicable in the world than a kike.
As long as you're willing to admit that I've correctly called you out for your game, buddy. Keep spending your time trying to "redpill" memers. Nobody tried to delete the board, faggot. Moot had to sell because the value couldn't keep him afloat because you little neckbeard "cucks" shit it up.
Where did I say /new/ wasn't racist, faggot? Of course it was, that's why they made the containment board. Then the little stormweenies like this leaf (and probably you) showed up trying to colonize. Again, not a secret.
Because you claim that /new/ and Sup Forums were created to contain 'conspiracy theories' which is quite simply not true. Then you got massively butthurt about the Jewish redpills and suddenly started sperging about how Jews dindu nuffin all the while pretending you're one of us. There are 3 likely scenarios here because you obviously have no idea about this board's past and current culture or its history:
1. You're a shill from /leftypol/ that wants to portray yourself as one of us, but at the same time subtly shill your way out with things like "Look at these Nazis embarrassing us, they are so bad, this board used to love jews and black people. We should return back to the old times
2. You're a newfag redditor (specifically from the_Donald) that found himself on the wrong side of the internet.
3. You're Schlomo.
So which one of these is it?
For all you're little bitching about how sneaky and tricky Jews are, you sure do a lot of it yourselves You've been practicing the same subversion tactics you cry others do, and you've done them for YEARS. Crawl back to your little stormfaggot circle jerk.
Sup Forumsharbour ratboy
Again with the same old Stormfaggot tactics. Deflect and accuse of being an "other." You at least should update your little faggot handbook every now and then, it's getting stale. And yes, it is true. Again, don't pretend you know what was going on, it's clear you're using the same tactics every other stormfaggot does on here, you little bitch. Note your use of "leftypol" and now deflecting that I'm a "LE DAHNALD" member.
Same to you, stormweenie.
The board used to be about being edgy, attacking everything in an effort to be "incorrect". You little faggots saw that and decided to try plant your little seeds here in the hopes they would grow. Now you permanently reside here, shilling to memers and now kekistan army virgins.
You're onto something here. You will receive a taste of your own medicine for sure. After we relocate you inbreds to your desert ethnostate.. wew lad. Every Jewish boy will be expected to be transsexual. African mates will be mandated by law for all Israeli women. The men will be drugged and emasculated.
Still won't be as bad as modern day judified America but yeah, you're going to reap your harvest for sure. That's if the Muslims don't drive you into the ocean the moment the white man stops protecting you from extinction.
Only newfags, redditors, and shills say "stormweenie". At least fucking try to blend in.
This JIDF stormfag shit only makes us hate you inbreds more than we did this morning. You're on Sup Forums. This board was created to hide away the JQ shit. It's been full blown counter-semitic since day one.
This. The failing of the Jew is a moral one, not an intellectual one.
Hey buddy, just keep bumping the thread. The more kekistan faggots that get to see what happens when you go off script, the better.
>Hehe the Jews and niggers hate it when we call them kikes and niggers
>Wahh don't call me the mean name, it's not cool!
Keep going off script, autist. Keep repeating "you're on Sup Forums."
I'm beginning to think you're a weak troll because this seems way too forced. Words like 'stormfaggot', 'stormweenie', putting redpill and cucks in quotation marks, believing in "Russian shills", "back to stormfront", blaming white people for what's happening in the Middle east, being massively butthurt about the Jewish question... it's all just so fucking obvious. You /lefties/ really, and I mean REALLY, need to improve on your shilling skills because with your current skills you're never going to convert anyone here to your cause.
Also, my last reply to you. Saging this thread.
Honestly if you kikes didn't try to subvert this board so hard we wouldn't be where we are now. On the unstoppable path to assbooting #360. I started collecting memes and polishing my arguments when the South African kike and the Austrian kike kept raiding /nsg/ and posting holohoax threads all day. Nationalist View the Portuguese kike and his shilling nonstop created a tox group with now tens of millions of YouTube views.
Clearly made by a fucking Jew.
You know why they're inferior?
Because they have no ability to have a society without leaching off of the rest of us.
That makes them inferior.
That don't produce, they leach from those that do.
They aren't inventors, creators, they're liars and leaches.
They are dishonest, they are without any honor at all, they are the world's slavers, gangsters, and Jewish supremacists.
They put onto their enemies what they actually are.
Jews are literally told from birth that they are the 'chosen of God' destined to rule the world.
If that doesn't make you a fucking supremacist, what does?
Hahahaha there it is!
"Ah fuck he's right! We ARE bumping the thread and showing what happens when we go off script!"
Sage all you want.
Thanks again for bumping! Get on the same page as your butt buddy, though.
>Hehe the Jews and niggers hate it when we call them kikes and niggers
>Wahh don't call me the mean name, it's not cool!
Wrong, that's not the point. You are a newfag and a shill. People who have been on here for any long period of time say other shit besides "weenie". It's the most inoffensive thing that you can call us.
I'm showing you the stats of this board ratboy. Nothing you can do will stop us from talking about the Jewish Problem, the key problem plaguing us. You raiding our obscure board just proves that deportations won't be enough to solve the problem. A more complete solution will be needed if we are to neutralize your overwhelmingly negative influence.
It's an old JIDF garbage. They spent years trying to convince us to talk about anything but the rat, it's really what built this board into what it is today.
If it were an echochamber without kikes trying to subvert it all day there would be infinitely less material and memes. JIDF built this board in the first two years and therefor its offshoots. They created an unstoppable force.
We've already gone over your stormweenie strategy of calling everyone kikes and shills. Please do keep up. The fact that it gets you so upset shows it's the perfect choice of word. Gets more of you out of the woodworks to back up your buttbuddies.
Keep on bumping, buddy. Oh sorry, stormweenie
IP can only bump a thread once every 10 minutes ratboy. Sup Forums 101. You have to go back.
Keep on going, buddy.
>he thought every post bumped
>he thought that my intention was to keep the redpills buried
I miss the old JIDF raiders.
>It's an old JIDF garbage. They spent years trying to convince us to talk about anything but the rat, it's really what built this board into what it is today.
Yeah, I was there when they were pulling this shit. I just think it's fucking pathetic how they think stormweenie affects us in any way, even after we've gained so much ground since they started spamming it.
I miss that one Macedonian dude who went in all of the Holohoax threads and just destroyed all the shills inside them. I wonder where he is now, it was fun posting with that dude.
>Op is faggot
Managed to get 2 of your butt buddies to bump as well as us 2.
Maybe I SHOULD get paid for this, it's way too easy.
This guy won't even reply to his own post, why should you?
We've smited many JIDF along the way but plenty of our own have retired as well. Bulgariabro, the Macedonian and Ukranian natsoc guys. A few Mosleyite britbongs. JIDF and their anti-slav shill threads did more to unite Europeans here than anyone else could have.
Jews are above everything, in the sense that they have usurped authority over pretty much all spheres of economy, culture and politics; but they are also inferior, in the sense that they are rotten to the core and have no value in the eyes of a just and merciful God.
"Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
Note : tares grow slightly higher than wheat when mature (wheat bends because of the weigh of it's seeds), indicating Satan's minion (tares) will be "above" God's children (wheat); yet the tare's seeds are a mild poison, inedible and worthless to any farmer.
Keep fighting the good fight.
F to all who helped along the way.
Slavs arent even people, let alone white
fucking this.
afraid of the windmill of peace.
how pathetic.
>Jews control everything
its obvious for me
nobody believes both of these contradictory statements are true
Whites are the only ones with empathy, or one of the few anyway. You could argue that something like Indians have it, but they have it more from religion and an idea than innately.
Whites conquered the world because they could. They always gave almost all of it back, and always treated its subjects with (relative) respect. If, in fact, whites had constantly "genocided people", we wouldn't have these problems. It's not that we ever faced anyone that we couldn't eradicate from the face of the planet, it's that we chose not to.
In the middle east, in africa, most of asia, any time one takes over another, they kill(ed) everybody. Women, children. If you're thinking of that movie line; "Even women, children?" that's only a thing because whites feel some level of remorse, even when what they're doing is unavoidable. It's widely acknowledged that whites are the only ones (except hindus, who again, have it more as a religion/belief system forced from above, basically to curb their innate animalistic impulses of raping everything that moves) that give even the slightest shit about the suffering of animals.
Not caring about animals, even being able to watch them suffer without feeling bad, is a sign of psychopathy, or on a larger scale, lower emotional intelligence.
It's a specific type of intelligence. Asians can be smart (NE), but their emotional intelligence is lower still. A Chinaman will happily watch a dog squirm as it boils alive - he won't even grant it the courtesy of killing it first, because he lacks the emotional abstraction required; what if I was in the pan, and the dog was boiling me? What would I feel?
This is ultimately a handicap for whites, and jews (mostly psychopaths from centuries of intense inbreeding, manifested in their high rates of mental disease) take advantage of it.