Stop infringing copyright by posting Pepe the frog

Stop infringing copyright by posting Pepe the frog.

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This pepe didn't appear in any issue of that book, therefore the autor of that book it's not his owner

My pepe is an oc therefore my own

>It is illegal to draw frogs

>infringing copyright

Sorry, parody is fair use.

OC therefore free to use. Now go fuck off shill

Illegal memes are the best memes

>infringing copyright

If anything Furie has made clear the way Pepe is used is way outside the original context, he hasn't challenged mass spread or adoption or even tshirts and merch of Pepe that have been out for years. This means his IP is dogshit.

This is why Disney anally rapes everyone they can over misuse of their IP. Even so they can't stop people from parody or fair use.

1v1 me fucker

>boys club
wtf sexism





That's not how it works.

Antifa B Gone

they were crudely drawn comics. land wolf is cooler than pepe anyway.

Trying to get someone I hate in trouble with disney dor painting disney murals and getting paid for it.

It didn't work.... Disney doesn't care.


Exactly. Bill Waterson lost his IP for Calvin and Hobbes precisely because of this. Keep on keking.

It is parody.

what is the name and the power of the other 3


Sup Forums has done more for the character's exposure than whatever that cuck could've ever done.

It's wishful thinking calling a webcomic a book...

Post rare steves pls...or whatever the fuck those other things names are

And why does blue Pepe have a ear tumor?

Exactly. He should be paying Sup Forums if anything.

>Trying to get someone I hate in trouble with disney dor painting disney murals and getting paid for it.
>It didn't work.... Disney doesn't care.

Either it's smalltime or Disney is getting lax. Or.. judging by your flag - it may be different copyright laws.

It's really going to fuck them here. We don't follow the eternal Mouse IP right extension plan.

Reminder: Mr. Furie has authorized everyone to make and post Pepe memes. Just put the hashtag #SAVEPEPE in your post to remind your readers that your Pepe meme has been authorized by Mr. Furie.

Pick one, faggot.
Nobody has ever "owned" an idea.
>inb4 a group of people threatening somebody, for using the wrong thought to their benefit, denotes "property"

can we just steal the rest of his IP too so he shuts the fuck up already?

What are the origins of this meme?

Sue me, whatever your name was, i froget it all the time, faggot.

nice regional

His name is Blepe. He was a /bant/ meme that lasted like a week.


Its time to hijack all of Furies "art" Where are those Guys Club memes Sup Forums?

Actually, no. People can, and do go to jail for bootlegging Calvin and Hobbes merch all the time.

The thing people don't realize is, though it's not illegal to just show someone (post) a copyrighted image, it is illegal to take it as your own and sell it. The owner of it is well within their rights to take legal action, and in the case of Baked Alaska, he doesn't really have a leg to stand on. If Furie wants to sue him, he's probably going to have to pay.

>if it exists, there is a pepe of it

Sup Forums thought the comic was funny so they made a parody version. It started as "sad frog"/"Feels bad man", I believe.

Reminder: Matt Furie is encouraging people to make and share Pepe memes. Just include #SAVEPEPE in your meme post.

>parody's don't infringe on copyrights

pepe was born from the womb of Sup Forums and we have the power to kill him too when it pleases us

Someone should edit that to say "kool kids klub"


I don't know what you're talking about, Pepe is based on a Public Domain image:

WILMER HALE is the law firm. They loooove to try to intimidate people.

I've been bored, dunno about you guys... never even a Pepe meme sort of cat.

But fucking with overpriced lawyers trying to intimidate people and attack parody and satire while crying 'hate' because Al Qaeda-arming Hillary is involved?

Now, that's interesting.

You fellas reckon any WH lawyers have interesting secrets?

think any of their IT guys might be Sup Forumstards?


Aren't they the ip idiots who got btfo by a judge a year ago?

The new Pepe is nothing like the original


Tfw they don't realize Pepe himself is a canvas.

I actually made some decent money selling rare Pepe's on blockchain technology

Come get my PepeCash faggots