How long can she get away with committing blatantly racist acts in the name of journalism?

she's literally attacking migrant ships and still using the 'yaaas free speech ' defense i mean cmon

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm going to commit a terrorist attack on her pussy if know what I mean

as long as shes /ourgirl/


I actually don't know what you mean but I hope you don't mean FGM... she's decent iberian pussy m8 don't fug it up

Daily reminder that she used to work as a call girl in Dubai.


*sips tea*
Sounds like my kind of girl user
*tips fedora*


She hates White people.

She's jewish...

Well now you've done it...

quickly, hide before he comes!

Forever because it doesn't fucking matter sage

>Sweden flag
Don't you hate white people also?

She has an ancestor that was a Danish rabbi.

holy fuck she looks disgusting here

She's a jew

Go pick your teeth up out of the gutter, Leftist.

Oh the White knight comes to the rescue. Are you gonna suck out the cum from her pussy after That Goy T is done with her? You defending this kike whore is beyond pathetic.


The makeup is starting to wear off.

My commie shill radar is going off the charts. Let's make one thing clear: Lauren is not jewish and this poster is posting disinfo. See pic and links.

>Maple leaf birthmark on the left

Oy vey. The Finno-Jewish Defence Forces to the rescue.

>said she is jewish
>parents fled from the naaaazies
>jewish last name
>ancestor was a rabbi in Denmark
Not jewish???????

That's not makeup, it's glitter that a nigger threw on her:

>said she is jewish
Never did that
>parents fled from the naaaazies
>jewish last name
You're fucking Swedish, you know it isn't Jewish
>ancestor was a rabbi in Denmark

I'm making fun of you for being Swedish. Because your country is the asshole of Europe.

Explain to me how that is white knighting Lauren southern?

>Swedish flag
nvm senpai you dont need to say anything

you know she will never sleep with you

Why are you lying Pekka? Everything I said was true except the call girl part - although that might be true as well t b h. She clearly stated that she's jewish and then she tried to jew her way out of it. Hell she even worked for the biggest kike.

Wrong, I already posted evidence debunking everything you said. I can keep posting.

M8. You don't have an argument and you're a mutt. Don't act all high and mighty. This just shows that Lauren is a kike. And I couldn't care less about some burger.

Btw. Your God Emperor is legalising all the Pedros now and won't build the wall. Good luck. Btw the stats isn't counting all the illegals that will get citizenship now and arabs etc. are counted as White.

It's also from 2010. It's a lot worse now.

who is this kindly looking old lady?

All memes aside you have no room to talk "M8"
You better start worshiping the quran and learning Arabic or your gonna be in a world of hurt within a few decades.

Take a Screenshot of this post and save it for when that day comes.

Your country is about 2 decades away from becoming pakistan and everyone knows it.

>said she is jewish
>w-wait I'm not jewish...
>h-here's this gene test I took go-... guys
Sad that you're shilling for this kike whore. She just wants shekels from dumb beta goys.

Stop pretending you care about demographic shifts, kike. You are here lying about a person who is trying to expose the white replacement in Europe to hundreds of thousands of people

/ourgirl/ wouldn't go around playing pirate she would settle down and have children.

She never said she was jewish tho. You repeating it won't make it true

>yet another lauren southern shill thread

it has to be posted by a mentally ill incel guy who is butthurt he will never get a gf who fights for western civilization

You wish. Thing is that Sweden is still about 90% White and a lot can happen in 20 years. Who knows, but I know this. There's 0% that the US will be White again and you will eventually be driven from the US. There's also no legitimacy for Whites in the US.

Btw only less then 2% of Swedish women are in relationships with people with a non-European origin. Compare that to burger White women...

Not going to argue with you anymore burger. Don't matter and I don't really care t b h.

Maybe I should come to sveden


Have fun kid! Sweden looking pretty good for you man!

>Top kek

give it up..we all know our queen isn't a jew
>but you are

Mene T Ö I H I N

Any of the other Nordic countries is more white than Sweden. Baltic countries are even more white.

Yes. All the muzzies are in a few areas and if you're a jew you can't walk there. Now try walking in Detroit as a White man... Yeah. Not that it's anything like Detroit. Still doesn't matter burger. There's zero hope for Whites in burgerland.


sven, you have no fucking business pointing fingers and staying optimistic, get your shit together before the rest of Scandinavia will have to genocide all the cucks and muslims in your country and take what's left of your non-insane feminist women for ourselves.

Monesko kerta tämä on? Kolmas? Noh, neljäs kerta toden sanoo, ehkä sitten sun spergaaminen alkaa vaikuttaa minuun. Nähdään seuraavassa langassa.

honestly mod should start banning spammers its fucking ridiculous

I'm always optimistic and I'm always going to point to facts. I'm not a country and I will always tell the truth. Doesn't matter what my flag is.


>I will always tell the truth
You have told several lies in this thread alone.

No. I jk and said she's a call girl in Dubai, since she took so many pics with muzzies.

Still Sup Forums is full of kike shills shilling for this kikess and when the arguments end the insults being. muh flag etc.

By the same standards burgers should never say anything. Using flag as an argument is a "not an argument" and it shows that you're wrong.

In a few decades you WILL be beheaded in your own country.
*sips tea*
*Tips fedora*
>twas good knowing thy sven

>the eternal swede

the rabbi named simonsen didnt have any children you dumb fuck. and simonsen is a very normal surname in DK. You can't distinguish between facts and jamals cock, you utter imbecile.

how many hours per day do you spend defending lauren?

you wish she was a jew..but instead she terrifies you

submitted a *tip* to the fbi

>claimed she is jewish
>claimed she had a jewish rabbi ancestor
>claimed she banged ThatGuyT

All lies

Neither burgers nor swedes should point any fingers when it comes to the demography of their country. At least the americans are putting up a fight, you swedes are just fucking pathetic. Like the panda, you have given up on existence.

Canadians can't have that. What American was she fucking?

Sven doesn't care about truth. He just wants his Lauren Southern BLACKED fantasy so he can jerk off.

>the rabbi named simonsen didnt have any children
So now you're admitting that she had an ancestor that was a rabbi... Oy vey. Maybe she's just culturally jewish or maybe she's also genetically jewish.

No, but you want that. Because you're a sad NEET without any future plans. You see that there's no hope for Whites in the US and that you have no legitimacy there. There's zero change that Whites will survive in the US. Times in Europe are hard yes, but there's at least a chance here. To psychologically deal with your situation you attack other people. You're a typical bully - weak and insecure without a future. Maybe you have even convinced yourself of what you're saying - staying too long in an echo-chamber will do that. Anyways I have nothing more to say to you burger.

we have many of her
many nice milk bags up here

There's many Swedes fighting and you're genetically the same. Scandis going after other Scandis is just pathetic. Do you want to impress a burger? Anyways Trump is doing the exact opposite of what he said and almost 100% of the ones that voted for him are civic nationalists. Sup Forums had no influence over the election and does not reflect the views of the average trumper.

No that's not what he was admitting at all. Simonsen is a common surname in Denmark, the fact that some jew had the surname too is about as relevant as some Jew having the surname Smith or Johnson.

>but there's at least a chance here
Be honest with yourself for once kid. there is no chance for swedes.


Also i havent read any of your posts btw just skimmed over them.

>migrant ships
you mean invader warships. fair game

Don't care. Good bye.

Also sven when you are killed outside of your house in your own country by mohammed and friends ill be there to laugh at you.

Your country will follow america and south africas fate but this time at a much faster rate.


then they would chuckle and say "nice" niiiiiccceeee

You can't read for shit jamal, go back to your cuck porn.

false, simonsen is a jewish surname

So could we put a picture of Lauren up over a spotlight and use it like a bat signal to attract the the Finn to fight crime?

There's no wall. There's not going to be a wall. All the dreamers are going to get legalized. You're doomed. And yes I want you do suffer. I want you to burn - I want the world to burn. Burgers and bongs especially.

You're a cuck for protecting your little burger. So silly.

Can't DS the LS

You're a liar. Simonsen is the 34th most common surname in Denmark. There are over twice as many Simonsens in Denmark than there are jews in total in Denmark.


By the looks of it you might actually get burned within a few years maybe a decade.

You're so cool burger. Such a cool shitposter. I do want the world to burn though and I'm a very autistic bio phd.

>it's a swede with postmodernist nihilism syndrome

To be a dane, man. Swedecucks to the east. German autists to the south. Surrounded by enemies. Thank god for our based government who takes pride in sending home somalis by the dozen. The swede only takes pride in her own destruction.

Let's hope the danish, norwegian and finnish government gives the order to swarm your pathetic country and kill on sight. If you want to burn so bad, at least let it be by your own kin.

>and I'm a very autistic bio phd.

Doesn't mean shit when your country becomes an islamic state bucko

Good luck :^)



Well that's not going to happen and we both know it. I'm disgusted by you btw. If I saw you I would kill you on sight. I know that people say that but I'm 100% serious. I would enjoy it too.

Why are you hiding your flag?

The muzzies are getting nukes and dirty bombs. Trust me people will burn and it will be great. Let everyone burn. The whole world.

The cool thing about Sweden is that all that libcuck trash controlling your government will eventually push every logically minded Swede to the point of violence. Police sick of their bosses telling them not to go after muslim criminals just because they aren't swedes. Vigilantes will start spilling blood in the streets in the name of Sweden. A revolution is coming there. The Swede will awake before they are destroyed

Maybe I would just poison you. It would be a lot more fun in the long term, löl.

You wont do shit, internet tough guy. HAHA
>the absolute state of swedistan

The one and only thing you enjoy is the islamization of your country. Fucking kill yourself and be done with the shameful display that is your life.

Talking alot of shit behind that keyboard kid, Bet if some muzzies set your parents on fire you would cry like a little bitch.

>You're so cool burger. Such a cool shitposter. I do want the world to burn though and I'm a very autistic bio phd.

>You're so cool sven. Such a cool shitposter.

calm down ahmed

no im not

I never eat swedish food, it's fucking gross. And your beer taste like piss. Maybe you had luck if you poisoned a cute blonde swede pussy, that's the only swedish thing i get anywhere near off. But you probably never seen one in your life, and wouldnt know where to find it.

I would. I'm serious. You're an extremely autistic biochemist.

> islamization of your country
Maybe, maybe not. I'll see. At this point however I don't really care. I stopped caring a few years ago. I just want the world to burn. Including Denmark. I want you to suffer for what you've done.

This is going to happen btw. 100%.

You won't do shit with your stupid toothless threats you fucking swedcuck Test me bitch. I know how to defend myself too, I'm a biologist. I'm not stupid. I don't want shit to escalate to that level, so don't push me to it. My endgoal is peace. Yours is stupidity. Don't be fucking stupid, Svenn. Guns don't scare a man who can genetically modify microorganisms. I don't hate. I don't want war. So watch yourself. I don't want death on anybody. So watch how you threaten. I'm a scientist. I was raised around firearms. I know how to make projectile weapons from anything. I'm not stupid. I took organic chemistry. I know how to make high velocity shit. I know how to genetically modify bacteria. I don't want to hurt anybody. But I do believe in the second amendment, I do know how to fire rifles, I do know how to make explosives, I do know how to defend myself. Simply put, don't be a shithead to people, and people won't be a shithead back. I know you probably think you're impressive, but you're not, and all you guys making threats don't intimidate in the least, you're not scary at all.