We can take actions to minimize government action even if we concede gorebal warming is happening. Like denying it is anthropogenic or asking if people really think the government can control what the weather will be 100 years from now.
Is it time to admit global warming is real after hurricane Maria?
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Nope. It's fake.
Huehuehue Nice.
Global warming is real. So is global cooling. The question that nobody is able to answer, is to what extent is mankind responsible? We know we mi
We know we have some sort of influence on the way the world works. Just not to what extent
There were hurricanes before humans on earth.
There will be hurricanes after humans on earth.
Op has head stuck up it's ass. Plz kys.
They could stop chemtrailing right off the bat, that would stop a lot of the weird weather. They are actually TRYING to create weird weather to set a pre-text to start carbon taxes and other controls on business. Also they use climate alarmism to guilt people into not having kids, which ends up being white people as they are the only ones dumb enough to believe it.
I wonder if the next hurricane is named Jesus
I will just drop this here...
>LHC couldn't break the abyss, so they need HAARPicanes to do it.
Come on Beast, wake up! The year is one!
earth doesnt exist retards
Fuck off, retards.
Well here is the naming list.
hurricanes work on a cycle, they were pushing the same thing after Ivan / Katrina
This is a stupid thread. Tanking a single event or even a single year and use it to establish a trend it's lazy and illogical. It's bad enough when it's a post on Sup Forums, a blog or twitter, but it's simply pathetic when even "scientists" do it in "respectable" publications.
While it's a reasonable hypothesis to say that if global warming is real it should lead to more hurricanes, a simple look at the historical data shows that there is no trend regarding an increase hurricanes. Given that you are to lazy or dumb to look it up yourself, see pic related.
post yfw puerto rico gets hit with a cat 4 hurricane immediately after Irma
>burgers have a list of the all the next hurricane names
>Coldest winter in years, global warming must be fake!
>That's anecdotal evidence, not science!
>Worst hurricane season in years, global warming must be real!
>This isn't anecdotal evidence, it's science when we do it!
We know exactly how it works, and what we're doing to it. The window of energy from the sun that makes it off the planet is being closed by the added CO2. We've known how this works for decades. The oil industry has known since the 60's. Committing planet-wide harm to ourselves so a few fucks can earn a dollar. Fucking insane.
>>Coldest winter in years, global warming must be fake!
>>That's anecdotal evidence, not science!
Unusual weather from global warming is sometimes colder. If the whole planet cooled off over the year you might have a point, but you fucking don't do you?
All those idiots calling these hurricanes proof of anything are fucking retard.
And I do think global warming is real as fuck.
Cat 1-5 is fucking retarded measurement.
You should measure it power.
Aka how much energy is transferred to air molecules in total.
Add up for each year, and show me a trend.
protip: you can't.
Remember a week ago when you all were wrong about global warming making Irm into a florida sinking catastrophe?
And yet Donald Trump, Anne Coulter, and Rush Limbough's houses are all fine.
I'm gonna say warming advocates should wait a few months before trying to make claims to the intellectual high ground again.
To prove global warming you have to prove:
* that the earth has been warming. Data that supports this currently, appears to have been fabricated
* that the warming is caused by CO2 in the atmosphere. Data shows CO2 increasing after the earth warms up. Not before or at the same time
* that this increase in CO2 is caused by human activity. Even a single volcano can eject more CO2 into the atmosphere than 10 years of all human activities combined.
* that human beings can do something about it
* that doing something about it would bring adequate benefits that would justify the expenses
* that it is catastrophic
* that the benefits of having a warmer earth wouldn't be greater than the disadvantages
Those are just some of the points that you would have to prove for us to care about agw
This hurricane season is nothing compared to 2005, fuck off.
First one is not very convicing mate.
>Seasons with the most named storms.
10 out 15 in last 17 years:
2000,2001,2003,2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012
Call when the 2005 hurricane season has been topped.
Not until all the subhumans are dead. Then the whites and the east asians can collectively find a solution in about 3-4 weeks.
It's time to admit its hurricane season dumbass and this is what happens during hurricane season. In prior years there was an abnormally silent hurricane season. The earth has cycles faggot. Wax and wane dipshit. Were in the waxing period... It started on 8/21. Try not to get your panties in a bunch and/or assume you can change a single thing about it. It's beyond your control. So, deal w/ it.
That's because we have better technology to see every single storm, even the ones that stay out at sea or hit a literal who tiny island.
>wow there's a hurricane
>we've never seen these before
>it must be global warming
it's not real, barron just found the hurricane machine in the basement and decided to genocide beaner island.
>global warming started just a few years ago
>all climate deviations from normal are man caused and not natural and the only way to fix it is the elimination of all cis white males at the hands of global Marxism thread #6,843,721
>hurricanes during hurricane season
>hurricanes larger and more frequent back when BlackBeard roamed the Carribean have been documented
>global warming
I'll only admit it when we get to Hurricane Zsa Zsa
Flat earth believers are just die hard trolls, literally no one thinks the Earth is actually flat.
Then hurricane Aardvark, then hurricane BBKing.
>Imagine being this myopic
It's hollow m8
That isn't on the list of insults that have a context here.
Or it's time to admit that HAARP weather control is real.
No not that, chemtrails are the realm of retards who don't know how fucking air works.
You can't attribute any characteristic of individual hurricanes or even a particularly active season to Climate Change. This season isn't even that active. Stop making these fucking posts.
Source: Degree in fucking meteorology
Having average temperatures for those years would be interesting too
>15 hurricanes in 2005
>only 3 so far in 2017
Explain how global warming pls.
Remember to call it climate change and not global warming!
--your friendly neighborhood Jew
that alarmist needs to lay off degrasse
Yes it is real. We must worry about ecosystem stability and the species logarithm curve. Corporations lie to us about the harm of emissions and liberals use climate change for some progressive science autism. Shifting of ecosystems is the largest issue we face due to the possibility of massive species die off and destruction of ecosystem services.
Hurricanes have been a thing in that part of the World since forever.
Huston Texas was built after a hurricane destroyed a neighboring city back in 1909.
in all honesty.......yes.
that doesn't mean that it's caused by mankind. but it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that the climate is changing.
In ONE ERUPTION Mt Saint Helens put out as much Carbon dioxide as the world does in 10 years
That's ONE Volcano
Point being?
That mount St Helen's eruption we have every other year really adds up
Mother Nature churns out 99+ percent of the Carbon they claim is causing global warming. Probably 99.9%
Were in an extreme carbon low as evidenced by multiple ice cores from both poles
Hurricanes have been around for tens of thousands of years. OP is just a Liberal plant.
You just assume all the data is fake anyways so why bother trying to prove shit to you? You'll just call it fake.
At this point we are just going to work around people like you.
No, it's not. There have been hurricanes for pretty much as long as the earth existed. If anything the earth is getting cooler, I predict that in about 3 months the temperature will be much lower than it is today
Shes coming
God's judgement, sodomite.
So you tell god who to punish
Hurricanes? In hurricane season? Why I never! Next you'll tell me there's tornadoes in tornado alley!
p.s. What temperature do you think the earth should be? Go on, name a number. Tell me what the "correct" temperature is supposed to be.