>James Clapper lied
the media lied
>James Clapper lied
the media lied
>James Clapper lied
the media lied
>James Clapper lied
the media lied
>James Clapper lied
the media lied

We now know this entire conversation to be a complete lie.

>Chuck Todd: You would be told this, if there was a FISA court order on something like this

>James Clapper: I would know that.

>Chuck Todd: And at this point you can't confirm or deny that something like that exists?

>James Clapper: I can deny it.

>Chuck Todd: There is no FISA court order

>James Clapper: Not to my knowledge

>Chuck Todd: Of anything in Trump Tower

>James Clapper: No

>Chuck Todd: Well That's an important revelation

Other urls found in this thread:

Clapper needs to be hung from the front lawn of the White House. What a fucking traitor.

Clapper was never in charge of the investigation, retard.

Trump's a russian-loving nigger and you can go cry in the corner now.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth

demoshits going down for good, party will never recover after everything is laid bare!

how the fuck are they still paying you
it's been almost a year
go home


Oh hey, how did Pelosi's press conference turn out today?

James Clapper publicly and seriously talked about assassinating the President of the United States at the Aspen Institute earler this year. It sure would be a surprise to him if talking like that brought consequences.

Hmm, you're right. I don't think the director of national intelligence would be briefed on the investigation. Oh wait-

>Chuck Todd: You would be told this, if there was a FISA court order on something like this
>James Clapper: I would know that.

Wtf im with her now

Warner and Burr lied
Senate Intel committee has no confidence due to chair and co-chair prejudging the investigation back in March, negatively affecting public perception towards POTUS
They need to step away from the committee immediately


Clapper has been pretty consistent lying in front of the tv cameras to the point where he really is trying to say the lie enough times to make it true.

These guys must meet in a dark smoky room to plan out their lies. How did they not see it would come back to bite them in the ass though?

He lied? Again?
If lying to Congress didn't get him in trickle, nothing will. The rule of law is dead.

Anti-Slide Bump

Why is antifa on the board

What a lying son of a bitch.

>James Clapper publicly and seriously talked about assassinating the President of the United States at the Aspen Institute
was this recorded? Link?

look at his eyes, he is uncomfortable with lying like that.
>not to my knowledge
>looks down and to his right


These pieces of shit are traitors and should be treated as such.

>James Clapper lied
Gee, who woulda thunk a career g-man involved in national security would lie about anything and everything if he believed it protected the federal government's interests?

>he acts like a fucking moron for free.

There was a Ted Cruz edit of this pic, anyone have it?

>implying it has any significance or will have any consequences

So what, he didn't tell the truth? It wasn't even a sworn statement, just an interview. No one is giving a shit, except for a few poltards.



it should at least be some easy confirmation that Clapper nor any feds like him cannot be trusted at their word

Keep it alive

Infowars talked a lot about it and ran video. He's next to Brennan and being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. Trying to find a good isolated clip now.

This might not be it exactly but this is where he was doing it.

>my safe space is not safe!!!!!!!!!

>protected the federal government's interests
protected the democrat party's interests
ftfy homo




You mean
>protects Child sacrificing satanists?

Why do cucks watch chad fuck their wife?

this gif always makes me laugh
thanks user

>Clapper couldn't shut his trapper

whomever he serves

friendly reminder

what exactly is wrong with loving russia anyways