Here is the full part of australia

Here is the full part of australia

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Here is the empty part of australia.

Can we stop with the "so much land" meme, please? Holy shit it's infuriating. Every square inch of the country has some cunt's piss on it.





5/5 whoop I'm done.

And here's more city fun

Seriously wtf are you doing even considering this place.

>literally ten posts by the same ID

>12:55 in the afternoon

Who do you expect to be on right now cunt? I'm only up because I woke up way to early for my night shift. Fuck.

how many hours is your commute?

20 minutes because I speed and live in the country so no fucking traffic lights thank fuck.

Fuck road rules and fuck slow drivers. Slow drivers need to be taken off the fucking roads.

Whats is the name of this place looks like one of those china subways

>road rules

I live in Tasmania and trust me if someone follows ALL the laws they'd be dead in a day. Come to a complete stop at the stop sign? yeah maybe if you want a truck up the ass

southern cross station in melbourne.

probably better known as quai xiao chung buk tsing tao meng pei

Australia sounds fascinating.

if you're black
beware the jacks

bloody white cunts.

what is that?


Are they all this crowded?

I wish it was like that in NSW

>part of my commute consists of driving along one of those long windy roads up and over the ridge of the mountains
>it's long as fuck and got tons of bends so no opportunities to overtake unless you want to risk a head on collision because of the absurd amount of blindspots
>usually speed down this road and pretend I am a rally driver
>mfw stuck behind some fucking slow cunt doing the speed limit
>mfw the fucking faggot goes into a school zone and actually slows to 40 for the duration of it
>think at least I left for work earlier today
>arrive late anyways despite tailgating him the entire way and even beeping my horn occasionally the cunt never speed up

I fucking hate rulefags and slow cunts.

The average speed of every road needs to be increased to 80. 60 is way to fucking slow.

cheap wine

Go out to the country. This is where I am right now and it's lovely. Take a break from the city.

that is shitposting fuel user. 4 litres of nuclear grade box wine in a silver bladder that makes for a lovely pillow once you've consumed the contents and abandoned your soul. tbf, larping aside- that haul was just as likely confiscated from white teens on a beach at an end of school party

All train stations in Australian cities look like that because it's the only one to get around in the city.

The CBD's are a nightmare for cars to navigate and make you feel like you are a train anyways.

>come to an intersection
>no right turn
>no left turn
>gotta go forwards anyways
>I just want to turn around and go the other way
>I've been heading complete opposite direction of the one I need to be going for like 10 minutes now

So people crowd the trains systems and busses instead.

Is that the Murray?

Its wine but us Aussies call it goon.

A $630 alcohol bust of cheap wine from potentially an underage party. Honestly if they want to kill themselves by drinking that shit just let them.

>The CBD's are a nightmare for cars to navigate and make you feel like you are a train anyways.

I was thinking about how ridiculous it is to navigate some places and I suspect you'd have to be fucked up on something potent to design a city like we do. I also suspect they just slammed roads down wherever they fit because fuck planning ahead, this is 'straya! She'll be right, mate!

>one way road follow by a traffic island, speed trap, traffic light, round about and a parking zone that houses immense traffic?
>footpath on only one side of the road despite it being a metro area?
>want to build a town on the most hill strewn patch of land around?
>3KM detour to get to the other side of this block?
>build an entire fucking town inside a flood plain?
>rebuild the town every time it floods instead of moving it?
>want a $1.2M bike lane in an area nobody rides bikes?
>only have a solitary two way road to link two high pop areas?
>she'll be right, mate!

I was going to shitpost harder but I'm getting sad.

I dont have the much trouble in Melb. CBD, are you from fuck arse Sydney or something?

>I also suspect they just slammed roads down wherever they fit because fuck planning ahead

I think this everytime I have to drive anywhere

>only have a solitary two way road to link two high pop areas?

Holy fuck this. I used to live in the suburbs and there were all these new areas going up, yet still the same roads. Become a nightmare to go anywhere.

>leave for work at regular time
>arrive 45 minutes late
>leave for work 45 minutes early (making the trip 1 hour and 20 mins overall)
>arrive just on time
>say fuck it one morning and leave for work late
>25 min trip on empty road that no one one is using now arrive only 5 mins late

Literally driving me crazy. Fuck sitting in traffic for 45 mins to get to work 5 mins earlier.

I've literally been over to third world countries before that have been road rules and infrastructure than Australia. This country is a joke at times.


>that have been* road rules and infrastructure than Australia


Sydney is worse
>peak hour Cunts everywhere
>yeah nah Cunts trains every ten minutes
>Asians don't know how to walk or stand
>usually have to push Asians out of the way when getting off the train as they stand in the way
>usually have to wait ages to get onto a train because Asians are trying to squeeze into the train whilst people are getting out

oh hey, that's my town, alice springs.

Australia honestly is pretty shit. I'll be moving to torrance california next year. I've lived in the outback all my life and i've visited the big cities a few times, but I've never been to the smaller cities. Maybe the ideal Australia town is somewhere in between the outback and the city.

And yes, Sydney is an asian shithole.

Todd tav brus


Goon bags

do you guys have refund/return value?

Welcome to California!


Christ, Shanghai was rarely if ever this bad.

Wow...prepare to be overcome with regret

t. socalifornian

Out of the fire and into the frying pan desu.

can a normal person (non-abo) just roll up and live like a pig in those areas or will he get btfo by the abbos?

At least its Asians user.
I'd prefer them.


>moving out of australia to south central

uhhhhhh... so this is the power of aussie bants... right?

>busting people for drinking wine
thats a bit rough, dont those coppers have real crime to fight?

>first world

Tasmania is great, I went down there last year on my motorbike and it was heaven once you get outside of the cities and towns, 110km/h speed limit everywhere, couldn't even do 110km/h cause some of the roads were so twisty.

How fast is 110 kph in non meme measurements?

Nah mate you say that because we don't have many asians. As a group they are incredibly ethnocentric and xenophobic, second only to Jews. You don't want them outnumbering you.


about 220mph. 1km is 2.2miles

why didn't you guys kill em all off while you still could fucks sake

I'm thinking about moving to Melbourne for the last couple of years it will be livable and then to QLD (best state).

I'm just such a sucker for cheap food and cold weather.

Cask wine also known as goon bags.

Some aboriginal communities are "dry communities" meaning it is illegal to possess or consume alcohol.

Was in Tassie recently on holidays, beautiful place the driving was great fun.

>Asians are trying to squeeze into the train whilst people are getting out
must be a lot of fresh off the boat Asians there

>those 2 dots in the middle

The fuck are those 2 people doing there?
And how the fuck do you get from one side to the other? Is there a road or something?

My thoughts too or they are mainlanders.

>wtf is goon
>its fucking box wine
>all of that is worth the same as a single bottle of some walmart shit
dumbest thing i ever spent ten seconds learning about

Yeah I'm going to go down again after new year for holidays, it truly is beautiful and the locals are quite friendly.

thats backwards you dumb cunt

Orange county dun goofed moving here.

what's so bad about it?

>American education

I went to sydney for the first time last year and holy shit what a lot of chingy chong changs

there was a whole korea district


Amazing how one with the land they are.

lmao, you burgers are a good laugh.

>chinatowns are bad
who started this meme, chinatowns are great imo

In some parts of Australia you can literally just give people hairspray and get your way.

1 mile is 1.6 kilometers. So 68 miles. You're confusing pounds and kilograms I think which is 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds.

Nah they just don't understand how anything works
I've lived in Sydney for 6 years and not only do they suck at driving but they manage to fuck up walking as well
So many times Asians have walked into me or I've seen them walk into people
People whinge about mudslimes and apex gangs the scariest shit to me is an old Chinese lady driving a car

Ah fuck. I just thought Aussies drove so fast so they could get away from those devils that spin around and destroy everything down there.

>the raid 3

I thought that bar scene was crazy. This is gonna be nuts.

Looks comfy, if you actually sorted out your wildlife I would move.

Yes but only in SA/NT (Abo states)

one of these villages needs to set up 24 hour Noonga Cams so people can watch their antics they would probably be popular

I thought that was just an annoying Aussie term for McD's but it looks like it actually says Macca's instead of McDonalds.

but how is life for a Chinese immigrant in a country like Australia in the 21st century?

I mean large clusters of immigrants always tend to cause a lot of crime, even the Chinese in America

Basically what I'm asking is, what shit are the Chinese causing in Australia other than just forcing Australia to accommodate for a lot of Chinese speakers

>I wonder too

They eat everything that moves and control a lot of the drugs in Australia
Our navy has done some of the biggest drug busts in history off the coast off Australia and it's always a Chinese crew
Vid related Chinese eating everything at our beaches

I always heard the stereotype of the Chinese eating anything that moves
but I'd expect that from a country with 1 billion people, food has to be scarce.
but even when they come to a 1st world country?
i suppose that'll change in a generation or 2
t. 2nd generation viet who got completely disgusting as a child when they told me what balut was

>ethnocentric and xenophobic
I'd take that any day over the rape, murder and crime rates that other groups bring to the table here.

Thats not a photo of your mums cunt

This really fucking angers me.


Because they are a bunch of communist Cunts they don't understand what public property is and they have zero regards for animals just read about the four pest policy where the bastards killed heaps of sparrows
Mate this shit boils my blood they are going to fuck up the balance of the ecosystem

what the fuck? you guys are on a literal island, why are you allowing this?

>10% habitable land
>90% spiders