
ok guys, is it time for USA to turn monarchy, with Trump as the emperor? He's a good guy, cares about the country and the people. And his children are terrific too. America is great again, why not keep doing the same thing, and let Trump family run the country for a few generations? We all see democracy is shit and done. Now we finally get a good leader, just let him rule.

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Fuck no. This is retarded. Seriously kill yourself. Back to monarchy hah. Most unamerican shit I heard all day on Sup Forums. On Sup Forums!

why not, democracy has failed. we had a micracle and Trump won. but it won't happen again.

>when drumpftards are so colon annihilated their brains asphyxiate from blood loss and they revert to the original form of treason, being pro monarchy

Because monarchy is more of a failure you dumb cunt. Haven't you even taking a basic world history class. Fucking dumbass.

We're going to have a ruler either in the form of a King or a Communist Dictator.

Who would you rather have as ruler?
Don Jr. or Chelsea Clinton?

Are you the son of recent European immigrants? This is America. We don't have kings here.

How about neither. Wew, thank God for democracy.

Yeah, let's make Trumpstein the emperor. Genius.

nonsense. the British Empire literally created the modern civilization. I'm not saying a monarchy works forever. But it will work for a while with Trump.

democracy my ass. Mexico has democracy. Canada has democracy. Look what happened.

And USA is not a democracy anyway. It's a republic.

Fine, wew thank God for Republic democracy.

Do you want more Mexicans? Only Trump can stop more Mexicans. Any next democratically elected president will bring more Mexicans.

The US has never been a democracy retard.

Let's go back to the middle ages where the rich had absolute power. Drink bleach please.

American ideal is no more. The Left is attacking even the first amendment. It's over guys. Time for a new system.

Trump is not even that rich. Hillary spent 10 times more money.

Monarchy isn't the sole alternative to democracy, ffs. An aristocratic republic is the best form of government.

With enough rioting we'll be a junta, with Trump as Glorious Leader.

I like Trump, but you, on the other hand, can go suck a dead nigger's dick.
Awful, un-American idea.

Europe was great when they had kings. Now they don't, and they suck.

A king is motivated to better his country. A politician is motivated by only his own interest.

You really want Trump to be king. You would've been one of the ones back then cleaning and licking King Henry's latrine just to be near him. Just noose yourself.

There will be no longer an America when it's flooded with Mexicans. This is existential crisis, and time calls for a dramatic measure. Free your mind, man, don't be an establishment.

You know it, a Trump Dynasty will be the greatest thing for this country. You just can't admit it.

Philosopher Kings are the best form of government

Is Trump a philosopher king?

Thank God it won't happen. Feels good.

> The term "philosopher" comes from the Ancient Greek φιλόσοφος (philosophos) meaning "lover of wisdom".

What do you think? Doesn't Trump possess more wisdom than any Dem and GOP?

Don't be so sure. When a form of government no longer serves the people, it will be overthrown.

The best part, it is the Left that does not accept the result of democracy. So let the system collapse.

>king does not have to be elected so does not sell out to special interest
>king can do long-term planning since he must rule long term
>king is raised from birth to be the embodiment of the ideal of his people
>king grows up knowing that he must do everything for his people, lest they revolt or suffer
>king does not hold all the power since that would be impossible, Instead he has barons and other nobility to manage (those could be Republicanly elected or whatever).
Hamilton was right. Washington should have been a king.

Sureeee it will user. I'll be waiting hah.

exactly. and if it's a bad king, people can dethrone him.

LOL jews in this thread are scared shitless of losing their (((democracies))). Hail our God-Emperor!

Youu aalll caan suck Drumf's cum. Zuck 2020!

I'm not a trumpfag but monarchy is infinitely better than (((democracy))).

A benevolent monarchy is the best form of government.

I'm now rationalizing voting for him because at least he's not Hillary. I don't want the man any longer than 4 years, thanks.

How did leaving Her Majesty's Empire work out for America?

Since your religion is already based on a Monarchical system, it doesn't seem so bizzare thay your politics might be the same.