
So since stupid Mexicans are incapable of creating a stable society or state and they all want to live in the USA why doesnt America just annex Mexico and make it a state?

i like burritos

There are plenty of oil fields down there when you think about it...

What does America get out of this, meme flag?

Because then they are all citizens idiot. We want the scum down there not here

>hey guys lets rekt their economy with NAFTA
>oh no dirty wetbacks need jobs to eat too!

are you guys literally retarded or something?
just stop messing up mexican economy and you will stop having mexican illegals

then you can focus on all the other ones

this is why we voted for trump

>giving voting rights to a population the third the size of your country's total pop

I thought Bernouts were retarded but Jesus Christ.

im glad he got elected, oddly enough the peso is starting to gain value again since he is president

Even though your Naition was shit even before Europeans showed up...


White population still rules the country

Trump just makes everything better somehow.

you mean the aztec empire that didn't had roads or wheels and still managed to communicate all of central mexico

with their capital having around 1 million people, in the middle of a fucking lake?and an early functional drainage system?


Don't worry sweet prince the white man will save you beaners from yourselves...

There is no government in Mexico. Hell, there's no God in Mexico. Never has been. What happens to a people manifestly incapable of governing themselves? That's right, someone else steps in to do it for them.

amerishits actually ruined mexico stay out fatfucks

I proposed this in my campaign.

its your fucking a white male
stupid beaners cant even meme right

So then if we're so bad why are your people risking life and limb boiling themselves in the backs of 18 wheelers to get here??if we wrecked your country shouldn't you guys want the wall more than us????

No, no, no, don't you see? Mexico most thank Europeans for bringing war and diseases to the continent, and for destroying Tenochtitlaj and the genocide of the Aztecs.

>annexing mexico
why not cuba? that's the closest commie country on this hemisphere, we can get rid of that threat asap

Should i say it again? Amerishits ruined mexico, mexico was doing great in the 60's then your shithole of a country appeared doing interventions

A much simpler security perimeter since we'd annex your Leaf asses at the same time.
>Norf Merica Stronk

so why did mexico allow the intervention? are you guys stupid or something?

this is the problem of all latino subhumans. it is never their fault.

Mexico never had the military muscle that the Spanish Empire possessed.

Because they country was going thru a lot of changes. There was a war between conservatives and liberals going on, literally there were times where we had 2 presidents at the same time. US saw the opportunity to get some land.

BTW you allowed yourself to be attacked in our border to start the war so.. it's not like you didn't wanted a war

It's full of mexicans. It would be a good idea if genocide was still an option but muh human rights and all that

the mayans genocided plenty of aztecs and vice versa. take a valium and calm down, bertha.

Illegal immigration is a convenient pressure release valve for the Mexican oligarchy. If you don't like eating dirt they tell you to go north and give you a guidebook on how to do it. Real border control might actually fix Mexico by forcing them to deal with their population.

The ironic part is most modern-day Mexicans are at least partially descended from the Spanish colonists who committed said genocide, so they can't even feel morally superior.

I dont know whats worse mexicunts or nignoggers

You're having your own genocide in your own land idiot, white genocide is a thing

>all half chink half injun plebs from mexino

All the beaners crossing over are 4'5" dark skinned round trolls like george lopez. Disgusting little shits dont look like they have any European blood left

And its a good thing according to all media

Fucking duh, they're the ones even Mexico doesn't want.

Those are fucking beaners I'll give you that. But the ones that stay here and have no need to go to Calishitland are way better than those uneducated beaners.

im actually huichol so good try half breed

I think the correct spelling is "chilango."

Mainstream media is fuck up, most of the Media. Those facist so called Google, CNN or even Facebook are promoting an agenda so twisted, so sick,and the people are ok with it, fuck liberals and their reggresive ideas.

Chilangos think they're white but they're not. We see them as niggers in the north.

correct would be wixárikas so ye

Well, true. Though I wasn't talking this faggot low birth rate type genocide. I'm talking real manifest destiny kind. I'm not even sayi g I advocate it but I'm just saying there is no point in taking more land if you are going to try and integrate the population rather than dispose of them. Generally it doesn't work.