>Transylvania University
>exiled from Tranny University
We all gotta start a donation campaign to help him get back into school.
Looks Jewish. Probably trying to smear whites.
>xenophobia should NOT be tolerated EVER.
Now please tell me more about how evil Russians are
Good. He's probably happy to be out .
are you kidding this kid is making us look good
Liberty U should offer him a scholarship.
I'm pretty sure that could be a successful lawsuit, even though Transy is a private school
>removed from school for trying to make sure the law is enforced
The spic will receive much more gibs on her way to be a c.n.a.
>Transylvania University
I wonder if it's anything like this.
>retard is retarded
Protecting a criminal net detriment to the United States why?
Quite similar actually
Where is Nordbot? I want to read this article
>colorhaired freaks living in fantasy world
yep thats american university alright
Hopefully b&
Shit, he's awful... sources confirm. Wat do?
go back with some guns.
Lol get fucked scrub
>Transylvania U
>Home of Henry Clay
This country needs to collapse soon. Whites are basically second class citizens.
ICE will take anonymous tips. how stupid do you have to be to broadcast your activities?
oh right, he goes to a no-name school for illegals, nigs, and white kids with bottom quintile test scores.
>Because some random clickbait website obviously isn't making things up
Sad kek. It's sucks user
it hurts because it lands true
Im sorry but what the fuck
A non citizen can get into burger universities
god fucken damn it the flashback are hitting
>kid gets kicked out for wanting to make sure law is properly enforced
Haha oh wow
I'm pretty sure I'm dead and in a purgatory or hell, because it seems the world ran out of common sense years ago and this is my punishment
>kicked out of school for following the law
the absolute state of Murica
Punished for thought crime.
Lazy cunt.
Those comments are fucking cancer
the absolute state of this country smdh
>not reporting illegals anonymously
Russians are white and orthodox Christians
Good idea! Liberty University will take him, except he's a faggot.
Such stupidly...
But it won't collapse. What do you propose to do?
The manga for this turned really fucking weird in the end...
>Trapsylvania U.
I feel the same way
It's wonderful to see blowback hit the pieces of shit who try to do evil unto people and are shameless about it
Good for the university and its administration.
i love nordbot
>those comments
>fuck all of your rules!!!!
>you need to accept all of us, we totally care about America and its values
Liberty is amazing. Rich school history and impeccable courage.
>if you uphold our laws, we'll ruin your lives with our mobs of beta communists
The entire left just needs to die.
How could you be punished for helping your country?
I fucking hate liberals.
virtue-signalling faggots, it's not all a moral battle you dumb fucking assholes.
illegals hurt our nation badly, and you'd fucking know that if you ever even contributed to it in the first place.
when's sammy gunz going to turn his sights on muck-raking "journalists"? he can't keep getting away with it!
Should we finish what this young hero started? Does 4cucks allow the doxing of criminals?
>due to university policy and federal laws, we can no longer comment on this matter
translation: the university kicked him out illegally and doesn't want to admit it in print
no. they're legally not allowed to comment
How is enforcing the law bigotry ? I dont follow this logic
She needs to be reported to ICE as many times as possible.
>calls others pieces of shit
>comes from ISIS tier country
Universities comment on incidents all the time.
They only shut up because they're legally trying to cover their asses.
They absolutely did something wrong.
And they also showed themselves to have treasonous inclinations.
Poor Drumpfapotamus, should have thought twice before breaking the laws of this country!
This is in Kentucky of all place. We should be outraged by this bullshit.
>Russians are white and orthodox Christians
So that means their super evil? Gotcha.
>tfw you accidentally cuck your girlfriend's father
>Compares cartels to ISIS
Lmao what a retard
That dude is a piece of shit who deserved it
>illegals hurt our nation badly, and you'd fucking know that if you ever even contributed to it in the first place.
They know it. Leftists just hate working class people, that is why they always kill so many of them. They see themselves as aristocracy who speaks for the unwashed masses, and god protect the peasant who tries to raise his voice.
read this to cheer yourself up. look at the lawyer's name
"They used to laugh about it.
They used to think it was a joke.
But they are not laughing now." ~ Adolf Hitler
Eat shit non-white, we're gonna come for you.
You want us to be the devil that badly, perfectly fine with me.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is unbelievable lads
Common sense is a patriarchal construct used to oppress PoC
He basically got expelled for "snitching." This is the type of nigger country we live in, you actually get in trouble for exposing law breakers.
If we were jews one of us would actually do this lol
If he was kicked out, hopefully he can sue. Probably more likey the university paid him to leave.
Oh fuck off you weak fat cunt. You're lucky you're in dumbfuckistan.
Yeah a shame you dislike bigots more than you dislike criminals, but I'm assuming you have no father.
>yfw the world actually did end in 2012
Almost enough to make go 14/88 just to gas that smug look off their faces.
Serves him right, snitchy little bitch boi
>this is quality journalism
why the fuck do American panties get wet when people illegally enter your borders? They're breaking the law, the fundamental documents that make the state an actual entity.
>"But the law is too stringent we have to let the HNNNNNG~ undocumented folks in..."
Then fucking change the law you retard. Campaign, get elected, and alter the law. But no, apparently we have to do all this shit subversively which tells me either A. this isn't a democracy and the parties act outside the will of the people or B. the parties are so fucking incompetent that they cannot get elected.
>"This country's history is evil and its a white supremacist country and should burn!"
>"If you hate this white supremacist country than why do you stay here?"
>"Well it's idiotic to leave a country because of a poor history"
these fucking idiots need to grow some brain cells, holy fuck
>mfw reading that liberal shit
So, was she deported? All illegals have to go back.
>tries to enforce the law by kicking out illegal spic
Shill go away
i wonder how many face tattoos are fully consensual
What a qt twink
Someone is trying to dox him taylorragg.com
Is this a publicly funded college? If so he should sue.
How is this not doxxing and harassment? If a Trump supporter did this to an illegal immigrant the site would be down instantly.
Brown privilege
If he starts a "go fund me" then I will donate €1,- (which is like $56 nowadays)
Is she actually illegal though? Also, he probably knew pretty well she'd face some shit if he openly calls for it.
Not that I oppose deporting illegals but he could have gone about it a bit more intelligently.