
Start at 1 minute in and watch till 2 mins in.

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holy fuck lmao we're outjewing the jew

The AI is all seeing. It can't be defeated.

My kids watch this shit all day.

They fucking love it.

only has 2000 views tho there must be a trick to this

We the subversives now.

It's some guy that downloaded one of these videos and made an edit.

>5-10 year olds watching tbis
>play le lion music

What are you guys fucking doing? There wasn't even any informstion beyond making Germany look ebul. Great idea, poor execution.

>"My wife's son loves this series!"

Damn, I really like that song choice. Is that a separate video of it's own on youtube somewhere?

We need to have some guys and gals to work on some OC for this.
Follow the same pattern as the Spider/Elsa channel with different characters and do what this user said

Yeah. I think so. Except we only have 3K views. Spread this shit around jewtube like the plague though

This is amazing, using jew tactics against them, if we were to do this make sure to replace the DEGENERATE parts of the show and replace them with redpills, that way it will replace the jew brainwash with redpills AND it will make it so if the parent catches the child watching the red pill they will check the REAL version of the show at the same time stamp and notice the degenerate shit the show has which will cause parents to flip out at the network... fuck this is amazing

What's the redpill replacing? Curious. How bad is it?

Also, who the fuck creates this degeneracy? Like do these people have autism!? I can see doing this as a kid, but never as an adult.

Cringey af

This entire video, wtf.


Let's not forget about the degeneracy that appears in the suggested

Faith goldy did a story on his when she was working with the rebel, let me see if i can find it, ah here it is : youtube.com/watch?v=U5cowWPmO5Q

Thanks my nigga.

stormfag get out

this reminds me of these ones

I may just be tired, but that sudden transition had me laughing my ass off.
This is pure fucking gold

[ ] Not Gassed
[x] Gassed

this is strong work, praise be

This Spiderman/Elsa shit never ceases to amaze me with its weirdness. Glad we're filling it with redpills though.

Oy vey goyim!! It's perfectly natural for kids to be exposed to sex at a young age! Don't be ageist!!

This user is right.

ty ty, I want to rip up some liberals now and eat their hearts

This we should really fill it with clips of hitler playing with animals and things children will appreciate

Truuuuuuu. I have no video editing skills, can someone get on this?


Just imagine, an entire generation of children who have been trained to think Hitler was a good dude.

They will sing songs about this trolling effort

5:52 scary jew monster

I liked it too. More than hitler part. Elsa a cute.

Hitler or the kike propaganda?

I did an interview with a newspaper about these videos because I investigated some of the statistics about these videos and the jounalists told me that she was concerned that these videos "were reinforcing gender roles". I told her that there are videos where they put syringes into pregnant bellies so gender roles are the least of the concerns.

Peter Chirnin
>Chernin, whose father was Jewish
every fucking time

Good idea but it should be aimed at being spliced into COD and other fps videos.


do u guiz have any similar vids?
I made this one.



can someone provide clips of hitler playing with animals etc

Holy shit!
Holy shit, why have I never thought of this?
This is godlike! This is absolutely insane!
Why the fuck aren't we doing this?

I'm gonna start using this tactic and making content.
I bet there's more ways to send a message than just through video too.

Let's get creative, Sup Forums.
Extra points for quality, style and innovation.

What became of this shit? I remember seeing this """"conspiracy""" on Sup Forums for 1 day, then i heard about it on (((NPR))) the next day, then nothing at all. Well?

the best part about this is if you are careful you can actually get paid by google to do this


>done right
You're doing god's work user

Maximum Jew jewing

>but but how much more computer power will it take to censor this shit


>5-10yr olds
I believe your a retard man

This is extremely well made. Do you have moar?

>161 subscribers

Oh yeah. We're totally red pilling the masses here.

Victory is at our doorstep

Fucking genius. More secret redpills in kids youtube videos.



lurk moar

You sound a little too into it SHLOMO. Serious shill potential.

>hehe yeah im VERY into this guys. fabulous! why haven't i thought of this. get creative goys. I NEED INNOVATION. post your ideas here

Original version link please


These are my favorite Pepe's



Oh man. That's just great.

Solid idea, very impressive. The footage they use is shite though. Simple messages. Simple, positive ideas about volikisch things.

Yeah like THIS isn't going to completely backfire once people realize your inserting subliminal messages for the kids. Like this isn't going to backfire and fuck up internet privacy and more control over the internet.

You'll see ISIS videos with this sort of thing in it.

I'm a NatSoc but seriously. Have to be more tasteful.

Fucking genius.

no the idea is to cause a moral panic since "muh nazi" is all the rage these days, then people can actually see this degenerate shit they are forcing on kids.

that's a good way to terrify children

I could just steal the video content and put Mike Enoch/TDS speeches underneath...

At the very least it may stop parents putting their kids in front of the screen and walking away. They will have to watch themselves to make sure they are safe for the kids to watch. Maybe help red pill some parents into what's going on in these vids.

i wish there were alot more of these.
thanks user
